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Prodaja gamecardova za gold!


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a zasto ti ne kupis GC-ove pa prodajes?isti ti je kurac dal uplacujes preko rafa ili gc,samo sto je raf-bannable ,a gc nije...

pa bih te pitao sto ne prodajes preko GC?

Prodao sam preko 50 meseci game-time-a razlicitim ljudima i do sada niko nije dobio ni upozorenje, a ne ban.


brate ti si dao 50x1500dinara to ti je 75 000, i ti si dao 750eura za golde sta? scamm je 100%,hakowana kartica ili sta wec,ti da oces to da radis ti bi kupowao kartice pa bi prodawao kodove....

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a zasto ti ne kupis GC-ove pa prodajes?isti ti je kurac dal uplacujes preko rafa ili gc,samo sto je raf-bannable ,a gc nije...

pa bih te pitao sto ne prodajes preko GC?

brate ti si dao 50x1500dinara to ti je 75 000, i ti si dao 750eura za golde sta? scamm je 100%,hakowana kartica ili sta wec,ti da oces to da radis ti bi kupowao kartice pa bi prodawao kodove....

Isti mi je kurac odgovorio ja tebi ili ne... Nemoj biti tako bezobrazan.

a zasto ti ne kupis GC-ove pa prodajes?isti ti je kurac dal uplacujes preko rafa ili gc,samo sto je raf-bannable ,a gc nije...

pa bih te pitao sto ne prodajes preko GC?

brate ti si dao 50x1500dinara to ti je 75 000, i ti si dao 750eura za golde sta? scamm je 100%,hakowana kartica ili sta wec,ti da oces to da radis ti bi kupowao kartice pa bi prodawao kodove....

Prva stvar, ja taj raf gamecard placam 4.3 evra, tako da nemoj da seres mnogo sa scam-om i tim sranjima posto si popizdeo jer nemas 15k za 2 meseca, a kao sto vidis ima jako puno ljudi koji uzimaju od mene i NIKO se nije pozalio, a ne prijavio scam, tako da odjebi.

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nisam ja mislio nista lose samo mi nekako cudno 50+meseci,nadam se da me razumes?

Ja od svakog prodatog meseca imam 4e zaradu tako da nemoj da flejmujes i lupas da je scam. Svako ko hoce da kupi trazi minimalno 2 meseca, neki i po 4-6 a likovi sa 10+ acc-ova da ti ne pricam... Ako ne zelis da kupis gametime molim te da vise ne spamujes ovde.


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Kome se ne svidja ne mora da uzme , nema potrebe za prozivanjem ... ako 15 ljudi ovde napise da je sve ok a i sam sam se uverio ( plus dechka poznajem irl ) znaci da je to to ... dobili su svi priliku da bukvalno bez para igraju igricu .. zasto se buniti !!! uzivajte ;)


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Kome se ne svidja ne mora da uzme , nema potrebe za prozivanjem ... ako 15 ljudi ovde napise da je sve ok a i sam sam se uverio ( plus dechka poznajem irl ) znaci da je to to ... dobili su svi priliku da bukvalno bez para igraju igricu .. zasto se buniti !!! uzivajte ;)

Bas tako.. ^^

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druze definitivno postoji neki problem sa skype-om, pokusavam da te dodam, ali ili ti nisi video zahtev pa nisi prihvatio ili nesto drugo nije u redu.... ako mozes dodaj Neverminds17

U poslednjih pet dana mnogo ljudi pokusava da me doda na skajp, verujem da je zbog toga...

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Pre ili posle se desi ovo, nekad i nakon 5-6 meseci, ima na netu 1000+ primera.


Battle.net Account: /

World of Warcraft License: /

After a thorough investigation, we have found the above account to have participated in the fraudulent sale or purchasing of Recruit-A-Friend accounts and/or benefits.

These actions violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use. Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of any virtual property outside of World of Warcraft. You may not sell accounts, items, gold or characters for "real" money or exchange these items for value outside of the game. Any payments made to Blizzard Entertainment found to be fraudulent are subject to removal of the purchased goods, including those used to pay for game time or new accounts.

As a result of the fraudulent and exploitive nature of this exchange, the below actions have been taken:

Game-time Removed: 30 Days

This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (Blizzard Support). Please note that we will not be able to provide any additional information regarding the recruited account, due to privacy concerns.


Game Master x

Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Support



Battle.net Account: /

World of Warcraft License: /

After a thorough investigation, we have found the above account to have participated in the fraudulent sale or purchasing of Recruit-A-Friend accounts and/or benefits.

These actions violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/wow_tou.html. Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of any virtual property outside of World of Warcraft. You may not sell accounts, items, gold or characters for "real" money or exchange these items for value outside of the game. Any payments made to Blizzard Entertainment found to be fraudulent are subject to removal of the purchased goods, including those used to pay for game time or new accounts.

As a result of the fraudulent and exploitive nature of this exchange, the below actions have been taken:

Character Name: /

Items/Spells Removed: X-53 Touring Rocket

Game-time Removed: 30 Days

This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309). Please note that we will not be able to provide any additional information regarding the recruited account, due to privacy concerns.


Game Master x

Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment


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