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Homeworld 2 FX

Dark Voice

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Koliko sam ja skontao to je samo nekakav patch?

U odnosu na Homeworld 2 FX mod, to je solidan patch. U odnosu na Homeworld 2, to je nova igra.

Mod, skinuo sam HW2, probao da instaliram na win 7 64 bit, nece da pokrene. Mozda je losa instalacija... :/

Treba ti German NoCD crack. Dakle, patch-uj u verziju 1.1 i crack-uj ga German NoCD-om za verziju 1.1.

Edited by Death Egg
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kada kazes nova igra , ima novih misija i to ?

Ispravka: nova multiplayer igra.

Homeworld 2 ima samo dve rase. FX mod dodaje jos 4 potpuno unikatne rase, tj. sadrzinski bonus od 200%, pa me je to navelo ga okarakterisem kao novu igru. Misije su bile u planu, ali do danas od njih nije bilo nista. Bentusi kao jos jedna rasa su takodje u planu.

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Hoce mi ovaj patch sjebati neshto u kampanji ako probam da sa njim instaliranim/

Kampanju je moguce poterati i iz Hw2 i iz Hw2 FX-a. Save napravljen u Hw2 bi se trebao uvek ucitati iz Hw2, a isto vazi i za Hw2 FX. Nisam siguran, a verovatno je share-uju listu predjenih misija.

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Jebesh mi mater ako je meni jasan ovaj Homeworld. Igrao sam ga i pre, i stalnom imam osecaj "wtf?". A nisam operisan od Strategija a pogotovo ne od RTS-a gde sam prilicno dobar...

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Ok, mislim da sam poneshto skontao. Sabijam 3 kompa na easy u MP [:D]. Ako ih sabijem na ekspert jel to znaci da mogu da igram protiv ljudi?

Dodushe, ovaj Hyperspace jump mi i dalje nije jasan...zashto nekada nece da radi bez razloga goddamnit!

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Aaaa, a gde mogu da vidim koliko mu treba da se napuni? Kontao sam da je tako neshto ali nigde nema neki indikator? Ili sam samo navikao da se stvari u RTS vrlo lako vide? :P

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Istripovao sam se, mora da je bio neki mod. Vanila HW2 samo kosta RUs da skoci a cena zavisi od daljine i kolicine brodova. Mora da si bio svorc ili sa nedovoljno para za takav skok.

Be aware that a Hyperspace jump costs you RU's, and the distance travelled and the number of ships included in the jump can seriously push the price up. Select the ships you want to jump and press J. The ship(s) with the Hyperspace Modules will show their purple operating radius: any selected Frigates or Capital ships inside these rings without Hyperspace Modules will also be included in the Jump. Strikecraft are ignored, unless you've stashed them away inside one of the Jumping ships' docking bays.

Jumps have the added perk of sorting all your ships into default holding formation; so a tangled jumble of ships will appear out of hypersapce in neat orderly rows.

Any Guarding Strikecraft or parts of a Strike-Force that missed the jump will try to catch up with the Jumped ships on snail drive.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Mislim da ne mora da se puni. Jedini ogranicavajuci faktori su RUs i hyperspace inhibitor-i. Iako brodovi hoce nekada da jave "entering hyperspace inhibitor field", to ne mora uvek da se desi. Ako je brod u hyperspace inhibitor field-u i pokusa hyperspace jump, nece se nista desiti, a player verovatno nece dobiti nikakav feedback.

Edited by Death Egg
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