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Power Balance take two

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Vidim da nam je prošli topic otišao tamo gde idu loši topici, nisam ni imao pojma, ali nekako osećam potrebu da okačim ovo, imajući u vidu da mi se čini da se Power Balance kod nas tek "prima", pa da uštedimo ljudima pare.

Ukratko, PowerBalance je, na teritoriji Australije samo (za sada) priznao da ne postoji nikakva naučna potpora tvrdnjama da su njihove narukvice "čudotvorne". Sve to stoji na sajtu:


i kaže:

In our advertising we stated that Power Balance wristbands improved your strength, balance and flexibility.

We admit that there is no credible scientific evidence that supports our claims and therefore we engaged in misleading conduct in breach of s52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

If you feel you have been misled by our promotions, we wish to unreservedly apologise and offer a full refund.

To obtain a refund please visit our website www.powerbalance.com.au or contact us toll-free on 1800 733 436

This offer will be available until 30th June 2011. To be eligible for a refund, together with return postage, you will need to return a genuine Power Balance product along with proof of purchase (including credit card records, store barcodes and receipts) from an authorised reseller in Australia.

This Corrective Notice has been paid for by Power Balance Australia Pty Ltd and placed pursuant to an undertaking to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission given under section 87B of the Trade Practices Act, 1974.

Pa eto, da malo pomognemo onima koji razmišljaju o kupovini.

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Ja mogu da posvedočim, iz ličnog iskustva, da podjednako dobro funkcioniše sa bilo kojom narukvicom ako se ubediš da je to Power Balance narukvica ili čak bez ikakve narukvice ako se ubediš da si brži, jači i spretniji! :tf:

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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