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Beskućnik sa glasom pobedio, dok je kojot vidim krenuo njegovim putem :D Tužno mi je to zaista, pre svega jer imam utisak da mu se ovo nije "slučajno" desililo, da se drogira više nego ranije (ovo je moja pretpostavka, voleo bih da se javi neko ko je upućeniji u celu priču). Uostalom bio sam pre nekih 7-8 meseci na nekom njegovom "nastupu", neki debeli lik puštao muziku dok je kojot išao unaokolo i drogirao se, bukvalno. Možda je na početku rekao nešto tipa "dobro veče" i to je to :D Nadam se da mu nisu svi nastupi u poslednjih par godina takvi...

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1) Tron Jeremy je odličan :))

2) Da, i meni je krivo zbog Kojota, pravili su oni dobru muziku, ali koliko čujem sa svih strana, sad se svakako više drogira nego pre, kada je mogao i da napravi kakvu mjuzu, sad ne mož' ništa. Ne znam kako je prošla ta novogodišnja proslava. Nekako imam utisak da je raspad njihov počeo nakon onih turneja sa Soulfly-em, kapiram da je tad "kvrcnulo".

3) Jel postoje negde ikakvi podaci oko toga kako se Yugo prodavao u SAD tj. koliko je komada otišlo?

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Houmles gaj, čisto ako nekoga zanima i "zvanično":

The homeless man with the "golden radio voice" wanted a second chance -- and did he ever get it.

As soon as Ted Williams, a panhandler who became an online hit after video of him begging on an Ohio roadside was posted to the Internet, appeared on a local radio show this morning the offers began pouring in -- including a dream job with the Cleveland Cavaliers and a free house.

"The Cleveland Cavaliers just offered me a full-time job and a house! A house! A house!," repeated a stunned Williams, 53, on local radio station WNCI.

A caller to the show who said she represented the Cavs offered Williams, who shot to stardom after local newspaper the Columbus Dispatch on Monday posted video of his perfectly-pitched panhandling, a full-time job doing voiceover work for the team and parent company and a free home in Cleveland.

The Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, native trained to be a radio announcer before drugs and alcohol ruined his chances at a career, and he was reduced to begging on the side of a road in Columbus, Ohio, before the newspaper found him.

Local police would refer to Williams as "Radio man," when chasing him from his usual begging spots, Williams said.

"I've been out there about a year; I just didn't know anything like this would ever happen," an overwhelmed Williams said earlier in the show. "There's so many words. I've already been characterized to [scottish singing sensation] Susan Boyle ... I'm just so happy."

Before the Cavs made their bid, the station said a group of credit unions offered Williams a contract worth up to $10,000; a caller claiming to rep MTV expressed interest in having him guest-announce a show; and callers who said they were the voiceover actors behind plugs for "The Simpsons" and "Entertainment Tonight" said they wanted him to compete on their upcoming "America's Next Voice" -- where the prize includes a home studio.

For a man suddenly thrust from an Ohio roadside into the hearts of the world, Williams set his sights low.

"Just to get back to some normalcy and responsibility -- If I can a job, whether it's a twenty-five or even $18,000, I'd be happy," he said. "At least I know God has me where he wants me."

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Iskren da budem ja nisam znao ni da postoje 1 i 2 (pri čemu mi je 2 smešniji nego 1) a na treći sam slučajno naleteo kada ga je YT ponudio. Pa ako je "so december 2010" izvinite :)

Meni je ovo hilerijus!

edit: Treći mi je najbolji, videh da nisam napisao :)

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Shaquille O'Neal u srednjoj skoli. Ne mogu da verujem da je tako izgledao i da je bio toliko agilan i nije mi jasno kako su (i zasto) posle napravili takvu zivotinju od njega.

pa secas se kad je dosao, bio je triput veci, ali isto tako agilan i sa velikim odrazom. nije se za dzabe usvinjio, to je sad spor i grozan jer ima sto godina.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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