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DOTA 2 - slobodna diskusija


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Koliko je realan sajt http://dota2prices.com/prices/ sto se tice liste cena za iteme?


Podoigli su cene kuririma sa efektima 4x vise nego sto su ranije vredili.

uopste nije realan jer su ti koji ga sami drze ajkule.. ne veruj im nista..

a za sve one koji ne kapiraju.. izvinjavam se sto kasnim sa odgovorom.. fazon papi hoce da uzme tange od cuana, cuan kaze da je zakasnio i da nema tange vec flask i ovaj mu trazi 10g jer je tango 90g a flask 100g i ovaj mu trazi 10g za razliku i ispusi ga..

bolje? [jupi]

Edited by bulbasaur
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Izgleda da je Dota izasla iz bete





Dota 2 is officially launching. In order to ensure the best possible experience for new and existing players, there may be a short wait for you to download the game. Visit the Dota 2 Launch page for more information about how the release process works.



Edit: pretekoh cak i jd =P

Edited by `Dr. Nick Riviera`
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ovo sa rusima je previse isforsirano i smara.. :

kako mozes to da kazes? ):



stizu ^^

Izgleda da je Dota izasla iz bete





Dota 2 is officially launching. In order to ensure the best possible experience for new and existing players, there may be a short wait for you to download the game. Visit the Dota 2 Launch page for more information about how the release process works.



Edit: pretekoh cak i jd =P



ja ne znam ko ovde pije a ko placa.. sigh..

Edited by bulbasaur
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