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Medal Of Honor 2010 i Call Of Duty: Black Ops


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Opusteno bratori, ne moras da mi persiras :D

Inace, ne.

Nisam imao takvih tripova, al ko sto rece vudi moz' biti da je do kreka, sto najverovatnije i jeste slucaj.

Eh da, sad se setih da promenis i

seta r_multiGpu sa 1 na 0

Sad bi trebalo da leti, onako opasno.

Edited by dante`11


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Meni igra radi odlično, ali sam se setio da mi zapravo ovaj engine uopšte ne leži, povrh toga što ovakve space invaders neprijateljimidolazeutalasima igre ne volem. Sve mi nekako deluje šuplje i lagano, ne znam kako drugačije to da opišem...

Ionako sam skidao igru zbog drugara.

Edited by Dandy

Dandy [RUR]

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Počeo sinoć malo, sve mi ide glatko i bez problema (nisam ni prčkao po cfgu), tako da je izgleda lutrija kako kome radi. Meni se lično ovo do sada ne sviđa nešto naročito, mislim, ako je MW2 rolerkoster, ovo je onaj dečiji voziću u luna parku koji ide samo u krug. Toliko je sve linearno i toliko te igra vodi od jednog do drugog waypointa, mislim da je Need 4 Speed manje linearan od ovoga. Takođe, preterali su sa akcijom i opštim haosom i pucnjavom na svakom koraku, jebote bekstvo iz rudnika/zatvora na drugom nivou se na kraju pretvori u sveopšti rat, sa mitraljiranjem, eksplozijama, helikopterima i jebenim miniganom u rukama :(

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Ahahah, retardi, zašto me uopšte ne čudi ova vest :)


I ovi carevi sa B92, nemoj slučajno da napišemo originalan naziv igre na engleskom

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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malo interesatnih stvarcica

Some interesting info from Beyond3D: a Treyarch dev claims that:

a) "before the IW fiasco Treyarch didn't have access to anything from IW - no help, no assets, no MW2 engine, nothing." so for CoD:WaW, they used "a MW1 code drop - meaning, here's bunch of code and assets, go have fun."

b) for MW2 "IW did have access to W@W, but I don't think they cared" since "by the time the other studio is out you are half way through development" because IW and Treyarch have 2 year development time only.

c) since Treyarch had no access to the MW2 engine, they enhanced their own WaW branch for Black Ops,"so when asking why is this a step back from MW2 you have to understand from Treyarch's perspective it never was MW2, it was W@W." "The engines have drifted apart, mostly because IW worked in full secrecy and isolation." and only "after the IW fiasco there was more access to MW2 source code" but it was too late because "COD:BO was basically wrapping up".

d) He also claims that textures are low res "due to lack of space on the DVD. The disc is maxed out. There's like a meg or so left. "

konfig koji je mnogima pomogao


i naravno jedan imba kill







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I kod mene fino radi na 8800 GTS 320, mada igrom nisam nešto fasciniran

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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