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HoN's Launch Party!


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Attention Residents of the San Fransisco Bay Area!!!

Interested in attending S2 Games' Launch Party for Heroes of Newerth!? iGames has exclusive tickets allowing members of the general public to come celebrate with us. If you?re interested, please let iGames know as we'd love to have you there with us!


The Launch Party will be held on April 1, 2010 starting at 5:00 PM PDT. And no, this isn't an April Fool's joke!

We want you there for part of HoN history! The entire S2 Staff will be out to celebrate, the finals of the North American Cup will be held, there will be free food and drink, and there will be a drawing for an Alienware M11x system!




YOU MUST BE A HON FAN. (But hey, who isn't tongue.gif)



Send an email with a little bit about yourself to [promotions at igames dot org]. Include why you're a fan of HoN and why you'd like to come. Also include your date of birth and where you live. (Please note that even if you make it past the screening, they aren't going to let you in if you've lied about your age or where you live.)

iGames will be going through each and every submission, so please only send one for yourself. If you send more than one, they won't be contacting you. And please limit your submission to one paragraph.

They do have a limited number of tickets, so even if you're a great candidate and live close to the party, you may not be able to make it in.

Good luck! Contact iGames today!

I josh jednom, jer su mnogi pretpostavili da je "April Fool Joke".

To Everyone: No, this really isn't an April Fool's joke. It would be epically lame to announce a "Not April Fool's Joke" 2 weeks ahead of time and then try to pull of some sort of prank. So no, this really isn't a joke and we will be having a launch party. Contact iGames to come!!

To Michigan-Based Fans: Sorry, the whole Michigan team is flying out a few days before so we won't be doing a skate party or anything with you. We <3 you guys, though...Michigan FTW!

Questions on Date/Location: Location is not going to be announced, simply because we can't have a riot on our hands. (Though that would probably make for good HoNcast footage...). It officially starts at 5PM, so you don't have to take a whole day off!

Mada nigde, direktno, ne spominju da li je ovo HoN's OPEN BETA Launch Party, ali svi pretpostavljaju da jeste.

To onda znachi da uskoro, veoma uskoro, mozemo da ochekujem patch sa sledetjim (vetj najavljenim) promenama za Open Betu:

1.) Automated Match Making

2.) New Interface (We call it Front End 2.0 or FE2)

3.) Art Polish

4.) In-game Tutorial

5.) Gameplay Balance

Zanimljivo, zanimljivo. [:D]

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Znam shta hotjesh da kazesh. Ali da, HoN je do sada i josh uvek u closed beta + friend invites fazi. ;)

Enivej, jebesh to da li je closed/open, mene zanima da li tje stvarno ubaciti gore navedene promene koje su najavili za Open Betu. Bilo bi lepo!

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A jel ima nekog infoa kad kreće u prodaju?

Ovo je, koliko ja kapiram, Launch Party za Open betu.

Igru vetj sada mozesh da kupish preko pre-ordera. Pre-order ti garantuje zadrzavanje trenutnog nicka (ako to hotjesh), in-game chat/lobby gold name/golden shield, in-game taunt etc. A kada igra zvanichno kretje u prodaju kao full, mislim da to ni sam dev. team ne zna. :)

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To onda znachi da uskoro, veoma uskoro, mozemo da ochekujem patch sa sledetjim (vetj najavljenim) promenama za Open Betu:

Sa Dedwoodvim ultijem 350/650/950 sa fiksnih 20% str reduciont i bez conea?

Sa Legionarom koji ima charge ko kraken?

Sa chronosom kod koga opet mashe OPness i skidaju damage sa leap-a (ko da je to ikad predstavlja problem, a ne perma stun nad perma stunovima)

Sa Zephyrom koji sad ne dobije 8 cyclona u ultiju nego cyclon/s dokle traje ulti i manji DPS ultija? (ko da je to ikad predstalvjalo problem, a ne max slow)

i tako josh nekim nebulozama

Edited by Dreadlord

poz voz 2011

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Na to sam baš mislio, tj. kad će svi koji pikaju sada za džabe morati da se otvore za full :)

Kada su pocheli sa mass closed invajtovima ljudi su chesto pitali na njihovom forumu da li imaju neku ideju koliko bi closed beta mogla da traje, da li tje biti open bete, da li imaju uopshte neki plan kada bi mogli da izbace igru u full, jelte plati-da-se-igrash, verziji. Uglavnom su im tada odgovori bili nedefinisani, sada sam bacio pogled na forum, u poslednjih mesec dana nisu se ni trudili da odgovaraju na takve postove, jednostavno su najavili Open Betu totalno neochekivano. Ne bi me chudilo da Open Beta traje i do 6 meseci.

Jesu oni mala kompanija, ali nisu glupi. Imaju super produkt, igru baziranu na neverovatno popularnoj ideji Dote koju su josh dodatno ulepshali sa opcijama kao shto je "Reconnect" (ja sam samo zbog toga i krenuo da igram HoN jer nisam mogao vishe da se frustriram sa Bnetom, Garenom i 90% partija u kojima se neko DCuje u prvih 10 minuta). A zbog nedostatka ljudi i para nisu ni mogli da zavrshe projekat u nekom rekordnom vremenu i da ga pored toga izreklamiraju. Ostavili su igru da sama sebe reklamira, putem bete i free pristupa. Kada je hype bio na vrhuncu najavili su pre-order, setjam se da su bili iskreno odushevljeni i iznenadjeni kada im je u prvih par sati igru kupilo preko 2k ljudi - shto je zapravo nishta, ali za tako malu kompaniju, verujem, veliki uspeh.

I tako... evo shto kaze Dred, samo da sada kada igra udje u Open Betu prestanu sa pomalo retardiranim "balans" promenama.

Takve promene i generalni redesigne heroja koji su chesto radili kapiram u closed beti, testiraju razne pristupe herojima i njihovim ulogama u higher level partijama. Neka, meni to nije smetalo, ali bi bio red da se malo uozbilje. :)

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