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'joo vidi veliki ciiika, moram i ja ovo jednom da jasem'

eh kad se setim ovoga pre 5 godina... uplatio u igraonici 2h da probam igricu. Napravio iorca warra i ista scena ko Dooliu. U mom naselju adsl ni na vidiku , kuci komp 1.2 gigaherca 256 rama, accounta bez a ja bi ubio nekog da igram wow :( Tek posle 11 meseci sam dingovao 60. u igraonici

A sada padne ti na pamet da rerolas nesto , izlevelujes do 80 za 10 irl dana , 20tog dana imas isti gear i jases istog mounta ko gore pomenuti cikica (osim ako nije neki non-obtainable mount , za medved i ostalo)

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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zato sam ja drugacije pristupio donekle...uzeo sam u obzir da bih igrao nesto mmo-asto, ali lako svarljivo, lepo i upeglano i izbor je pao na wow. nije skupo kad se pogleda, tako da nemam sta da zurim, ko zna kad cu se levelovati u sustini, a tek kad cu da se socijalizujem i pvpiram, to neam pojma...2-3 sata gotive dnevno i meni je super:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Kad spec zavisi od 1 itema koji poseduje 20 ljudi na svakom realmu znaci da je development failovo. Ko da kazes ferrari radi na srpskim autoputevima samo sto nemamo puteve koji dozvoljavaju 250 km/h :)

Edited by Zver

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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Oni Ulduar mountovi se neće više moći dobiti posle 3.2 patch-a


Ako nisi primetila ta poruka je bajata 14 meseci i trenutno je patch 3.3.5 i jos uvek su u igri :) Pretpostavljam da ce ih skloniti pre 4.0.

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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Evo ga ovde jedan sveziji blue od Ghostcrawlera pre 2 meseca, mada ne navode bas direktno za ulduar protoe:


What about achievement rewards like Glory of the Hero's red proto drake? As players get stronger in Cataclysm, achievements like that one will become very easy. Would it make sense to retire the reward to honor those who completed the achievement in its glory days?

This is all tentative and could change, but we don't really have a problem with protodrake farming. What we will probably do with really unusual mounts like Mimiron's Head and Invincible is make them a rare drop. The 100% drop rate won't make sense when you can overpower the content.

If you want to overpower the content for a drake though, go for it. Players who did it "legit" had the benefit of having the achievement and mount earlier than anyone else. The most prestigious mounts will change in Cataclysm.

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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