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ja sam ovde uvek chekrejz.Jedino se na potbet ne bih prosuo,na svaki bet do 19e sam chekrejz.


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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evo nekoliko zanimljivih ruku iz poslednje sesije:



8/23/2013 3:59:01 PM - Round 410702904 starts

pippo 87 is seated with €85.24
LauraRossi is seated with €56.15
haligali is seated with €55.48
DelBete is seated with €59.75
tonyangy is seated with €31.00
pippo 87 Posts small blind of €0.25
LauraRossi Posts big blind of €0.50
Dealing cards
haligali: Kc Jc 
DelBete Folds
tonyangy Calls €0.50
haligali Raises to €2.00
pippo 87 Calls €1.75
LauraRossi Folds
tonyangy Folds
Flop: 3s 9s Tc 
pippo 87 Checks
haligali Bets €3.00
pippo 87 Calls €3.00
Turn: 3s 9s Tc 2c 
pippo 87 Checks
haligali Bets €5.75
pippo 87 Calls €5.75
River: 3s 9s Tc 2c Th 
pippo 87 Bets €10.00
haligali Raises to €25.00
pippo 87 Folds
haligali wins €55.38
haligali mucks


8/23/2013 4:02:26 PM - Round 410704669 starts
tonyangy is seated with €30.00
haligali is seated with €75.11
DelBete is seated with €59.00
pippo 87 is seated with €59.49
LauraRossi is seated with €54.40
IpushYfold19 is seated with €60.00
tonyangy Posts small blind of €0.25
haligali Posts big blind of €0.50
Dealing cards
haligali: 4c 4d 
pippo 87 Raises to €2.50
LauraRossi Folds
IpushYfold19 Folds
DelBete Folds
tonyangy Folds
haligali Calls €2.00
Flop: 3d Ah 3s 
haligali Checks
pippo 87 Bets €2.50
haligali Calls €2.50
Turn: 3d Ah 3s 5h 
haligali Checks
pippo 87 Checks
River: 3d Ah 3s 5h 9c 
haligali Checks
pippo 87 Bets €10.25
haligali Calls €10.25
pippo 87 shows 6h 8c  (Pair of Threes)
haligali shows 4c 4d  (Two pair, Fours and Threes)
haligali wins the main pot of €29.22 with Two pair, Fours and Threes




8/23/2013 4:06:59 PM - Round 410707096 starts

haligali is seated with €89.58
DelBete is seated with €98.56
IpushYfold19 is seated with €59.25
haligali Posts big blind of €0.50
DelBete Posts small blind of €0.25
Dealing cards
haligali: 6c 7c 
IpushYfold19 Raises to €1.50
DelBete Folds
haligali Calls €1.00
Flop: 6d 5h 6s 
haligali Checks
IpushYfold19 Bets €2.00
haligali Raises to €6.00
IpushYfold19 Raises to €15.00
haligali Raises to €88.08 (all-in)
IpushYfold19 Calls €42.75 (all-in)
haligali gets refund of €30.33
haligali shows 6c 7c  (Three of a kind, Sixes)
IpushYfold19 shows Ks Kd  (Two pair, Kings and Sixes)
Turn: 6d 5h 6s Jh 
River: 6d 5h 6s Jh 3h 
haligali wins the main pot of €113.75 with Three of a kind, Sixes


8/23/2013 4:12:27 PM - Round 410710034 starts
2sick2Br34l is seated with €58.38
ago66 is seated with €50.07
haligali is seated with €51.50
ICanDoIt is seated with €52.40
2sick2Br34l Posts big blind of €0.50
ago66 Posts small blind of €0.25
Dealing cards
haligali: Th Tc 
ICanDoIt Folds
haligali Raises to €1.50
ago66 Raises to €2.50
2sick2Br34l Folds
haligali Calls €1.00
Flop: Td 4d 6c 
ago66 Checks
haligali Checks
Turn: Td 4d 6c 9s 
ago66 Checks
haligali Bets €3.00
ago66 Calls €3.00
River: Td 4d 6c 9s Qc 
ago66 Bets €2.50
haligali Raises to €7.50
ago66 Raises to €12.50
haligali Calls €5.00
ago66 shows 9h 9d  (Three of a kind, Nines)
haligali shows Th Tc  (Three of a kind, Tens)
haligali wins the main pot of €34.68 with Three of a kind, Tens


8/23/2013 4:22:38 PM - Round 410715531 starts
DelBete is seated with €70.17
DUEPOKER is seated with €38.67
haligali is seated with €63.09
ICanDoIt is seated with €62.24
Ntodiscu is seated with €15.51
Tixule is seated with €68.78
DelBete Posts small blind of €0.25
DUEPOKER Posts big blind of €0.50
Dealing cards
haligali: 6d 6s 
ICanDoIt Folds
Ntodiscu Folds
Tixule Folds
haligali Raises to €1.50
DelBete Calls €1.25
Flop: 4s 5d 3s 
DelBete Checks
haligali Bets €2.50
DelBete Calls €2.50
Turn: 4s 5d 3s 3d 
DelBete Checks
haligali Bets €5.65
DelBete Raises to €17.00
haligali Calls €11.35
River: 4s 5d 3s 3d 4d 
DelBete Bets €24.00
haligali Calls €24.00
DelBete shows Ah Kc  (Two pair, Fours and Threes)
haligali shows 6d 6s  (Two pair, Sixes and Fours)
haligali wins the main pot of €85.98 with Two pair, Sixes and Fours




@4: na riveru pre nego sto kolujem 3bet psujem ovog debila ako me je 'trapovao' sa 99 na turnu sto mi nije dao stack, ocekujem KJ uglavnom

@5: malo je falilo da bacim, i onda uvidim da jedino sto moze da ima je 67, i da c/r flop sa setom u 100% slucajeva, svaki draw je promasio. AK zaista nisam ocekivao :)


dok sam tankovao sa 66, desi mi se prvi put da mi pobegne ruka, otvorio sam QQ, zaboo set na Q82r bordu. sitout sam bio 3 milisekunde pre akcije, ali ispostavilo se da mi je promaklo ~10e pa mi je bilo malo lakse



pa da, kazem mehanicki sam odigrao river i nisam obratio paznju na tu jako bitnu stvar, jbg, my bad

Edited by vlada_
  • Upvote (+1) 1

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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patman changes seat to Ilari's instant left. Ilari disliking it.



citam na 2+2 temu o ilarijevim chat blowupovima po hiljaditi put i placem jebeno, lik je bog


'blabla i don't know why i didn't stop after losing 500k, i really don't know...now my girlfriend needs to use glasses for few days'



'u r cornflake'


pa jebote [roflmao]

Edited by vlada_

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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8/24/2013 4:29:59 PM - Round 411127028 starts
MILITO200000 is seated with €4.78
POKERDD is seated with €5.89
giganteda is seated with €1.48
Anguria is seated with €4.69
azzanna is seated with €10.22
forza savona is seated with €1.28
MILITO200000 Posts small blind of €0.02
POKERDD Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Ac Qs 
giganteda Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.14
azzanna Folds
forza savona Folds
MILITO200000 Calls €0.12
POKERDD Calls €0.10
Flop: Qh 4c 3s 
MILITO200000 Bets €0.12
POKERDD Raises to €0.48
Anguria Raises to €1.35
MILITO200000 Calls €1.23
POKERDD Raises to €5.75 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €3.20 (all-in)
MILITO200000 Calls €3.29 (all-in)
POKERDD gets refund of €1.11
MILITO200000 shows 6c Qd  (Pair of Queens)
POKERDD shows Qc Ah  (Pair of Queens)
Anguria shows Ac Qs  (Pair of Queens)
Turn: Qh 4c 3s Th 
River: Qh 4c 3s Th 6s 
MILITO200000 wins the side pot of €0.18 with Two pair, Queens and Sixes
MILITO200000 wins the main pot of €13.37 with Two pair, Queens and Sixes

Znam da igram sa dva  debila ali ne mozes idiota da izbacis. U sesiji koju sam morao da prekinem od pola sata ja izgubim 5BI na ovo i na 4 flipa. Najgora stvar kada igras niske limite je to sto sada treba da istrosim ceo dan da bih bio breakeven na kraju. 

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 Najgora stvar kada igras niske limite je to sto sada treba da istrosim ceo dan da bih bio breakeven na kraju. 

hmmmm? posto ti treba ne znam kakav heater i setup da bi ti likovi poklanjali stekove na nl4? :)

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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meni likovi ne zovu ai pf sa 28, ali zato u 3b potu na moj set Q kupi neki imbecilni bubreg i stekuje me naravno i dobijam KK na AA za full stack 3 jebena puta u tipa 500 ruku, sto mu dodje -5bi uz ostale potove koje nisam mogao da odnesem nikako.

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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8/24/2013 9:04:17 PM - Round 411255480 starts
McDermott87 is seated with €3.97
spigl is seated with €3.72
Anguria is seated with €4.00
fannybag is seated with €5.07
brighton1 is seated with €1.52
brighton1 Posts small blind of €0.02
McDermott87 Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Kh As 
spigl Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.12
fannybag Calls €0.12
brighton1 Folds
McDermott87 Folds
Flop: Js 8c 9s 
Anguria Checks
fannybag Checks
Turn: Js 8c 9s 5s 
Anguria Checks
fannybag Bets €0.24
Anguria Raises to €0.75
fannybag Calls €0.51
River: Js 8c 9s 5s 8s 
Anguria Bets €0.16
fannybag Raises to €4.20 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €2.97 (all-in)
fannybag gets refund of €1.07
Anguria shows Kh As  (Flush, Ace high)
fannybag shows 5d 5c  (Full house, Fives full of Eights)
fannybag wins the main pot of €7.66 with Full house, Fives full of Eights

Bice ovo duga noc jos betujem 16c na riveru kao najgori fish da bi me rage reraisovao , i sav srecan stiskam call button kad ono :D 
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Ubagovao se 2000e gtd na zabarima. Nisu pustili late reg :D 5 ljudi dalo po 10e i bore se za prvo mesto od 2000e rofl. Mada vec vidim da ce ga ponistiti i pobednik nece dobiti nista

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Ovim likovima niko ne moze da stane na put, dvojici odredjenih posebno. Na 3 od sest stolova imam 5bi plus a ukupno sam u minusu 10 :) 

Postavicu posle neke cudesne ruke , igracu jos posto mi se igra a i ne vidim da nesto radim pogresno ili drugacije nego inace 

Edit :  Nista se nije promenilo ni posle 2 sata od onog minusa posle prvih sat i nesto igre posle je sve teklo tako sto odem 3bi iznad pa 3 dole, nadam se da se ova cudnovata noc nece ponavljati makar jos mesec i po 

8/24/2013 9:04:17 PM - Round 411255480 starts

McDermott87 is seated with €3.97
spigl is seated with €3.72
Anguria is seated with €4.00
fannybag is seated with €5.07
brighton1 is seated with €1.52
brighton1 Posts small blind of €0.02
McDermott87 Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Kh As
spigl Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.12
fannybag Calls €0.12
brighton1 Folds
McDermott87 Folds
Flop: Js 8c 9s
Anguria Checks
fannybag Checks
Turn: Js 8c 9s 5s
Anguria Checks
fannybag Bets €0.24
Anguria Raises to €0.75
fannybag Calls €0.51
River: Js 8c 9s 5s 8s
Anguria Bets €0.16
fannybag Raises to €4.20 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €2.97 (all-in)
fannybag gets refund of €1.07
Anguria shows Kh As (Flush, Ace high)
fannybag shows 5d 5c (Full house, Fives full of Eights)
fannybag wins the main pot of €7.66 with Full house, Fives full of Eights

8/24/2013 9:25:31 PM - Round 411261936 starts
ciruttedda is seated with €0.66
Anguria is seated with €4.06
fannybag is seated with €4.00
sahata11 is seated with €4.03
Gianturifmo is seated with €2.35
carmelo1958 is seated with €1.79
Anguria Posts small blind of €0.02
fannybag Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Ad Kh
sahata11 Folds
Gianturifmo Raises to €0.14
carmelo1958 Calls €0.14
ciruttedda Calls €0.14
Anguria Raises to €1.10
fannybag Folds
Gianturifmo Folds
carmelo1958 Folds
ciruttedda Calls €0.52 (all-in)
Anguria gets refund of €0.44
ciruttedda shows 5d Qd (High card, Queen)
Anguria shows Ad Kh (High card, Ace)
Flop: 7s 2h 6d
Turn: 7s 2h 6d Qs
River: 7s 2h 6d Qs 4d
ciruttedda wins the main pot of €1.56 with Pair of Queens

8/24/2013 9:58:55 PM - Round 411271623 starts

szopi is seated with €1.66
mirel is seated with €1.05
daniela78ca is seated with €2.03
@DAVIDINO@ is seated with €0.64
Anguria is seated with €4.00
@DAVIDINO@ Posts big blind of €0.04
daniela78ca Posts small blind of €0.02
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Kc Ks
Anguria Raises to €0.14
szopi Folds
mirel Calls €0.14
daniela78ca Calls €0.12
@DAVIDINO@ Calls €0.10
Flop: 5d 8d 9c
daniela78ca Checks
@DAVIDINO@ Bets €0.50 (all-in)
Anguria Raises to €3.86 (all-in)
mirel Folds
daniela78ca Folds
Anguria gets refund of €3.36
@DAVIDINO@ shows 4d 8s (Pair of Eights)
Anguria shows Kc Ks (Pair of Kings)
Turn: 5d 8d 9c 4s
River: 5d 8d 9c 4s 6s
@DAVIDINO@ wins the main pot of €1.49 with Two pair, Eights and Fours

8/24/2013 10:06:05 PM - Round 411273701 starts
theruiner is seated with €4.00
Anguria is seated with €4.40
ZECCOS is seated with €1.00
rosario75ct is seated with €2.93
sizio9 is seated with €3.44
sofy@ale is seated with €0.28
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
theruiner Posts small blind of €0.02
Dealing cards
Anguria: As Ah 
rosario75ct Calls €0.04
sizio9 Calls €0.04
sofy@ale Raises to €0.28 (all-in)
theruiner Folds
Anguria Calls €0.24
rosario75ct Raises to €2.93 (all-in)
sizio9 Folds
Anguria Calls €2.65
Anguria shows As Ah  (Pair of Aces)
rosario75ct shows Qc Qd  (Pair of Queens)
sofy@ale shows Kh Ts  (High card, King)
Flop: Qh 8d Ks 
Turn: Qh 8d Ks 3s 
River: Qh 8d Ks 3s 6s 
rosario75ct wins the side pot of €5.04 with Three of a kind, Queens
rosario75ct wins the main pot of €0.86 with Three of a kind, Queens

8/25/2013 12:28:43 AM - Round 411315669 starts
Giovincooo is seated with €1.27
ujka Vasa is seated with €5.53
lucif is seated with €0.72
stewartpa is seated with €4.01
de17ge59 is seated with €1.40
Anguria is seated with €5.46
stewartpa Posts small blind of €0.02
de17ge59 Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Ah Jh 
Anguria Raises to €0.14
Giovincooo Folds
ujka Vasa Folds
lucif Folds
stewartpa Raises to €0.46
de17ge59 Folds
Anguria Calls €0.32
Flop: Th 4d 8s 
stewartpa Checks
Anguria Checks
Turn: Th 4d 8s Jc 
stewartpa Bets €0.96
Anguria Calls €0.96
River: Th 4d 8s Jc Js 
stewartpa Bets €2.59 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €2.59
stewartpa shows 8d 8c  (Full house, Eights full of Jacks)
Anguria shows Ah Jh  (Three of a kind, Jacks)
stewartpa wins the main pot of €7.66 with Full house, Eights full of Jacks

8/25/2013 1:15:56 AM - Round 411327540 starts

Anguria is seated with €9.14
fannybag is seated with €4.75
ujka Vasa is seated with €3.76
sahata11 is seated with €4.00
sahata11 Posts small blind of €0.02
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Ad Td 
fannybag Folds
ujka Vasa Folds
sahata11 Raises to €0.16
Anguria Calls €0.12
Flop: Tc 5c 3h 
sahata11 Checks
Anguria Checks
Turn: Tc 5c 3h 9s 
sahata11 Bets €0.16
Anguria Raises to €0.40
sahata11 Calls €0.24
River: Tc 5c 3h 9s Jc 
sahata11 Checks
Anguria Checks
sahata11 shows Jh Kh  (Pair of Jacks)
sahata11 wins the main pot of €1.07 with Pair of Jacks
Anguria mucks Ad Td  (Pair of Tens)

Ovo se desilo 28 hiljada puta veceras 

8/25/2013 1:20:08 AM - Round 411328599 starts

ihavewings is seated with €4.00
ujka Vasa is seated with €3.80
zannabianca4 is seated with €2.55
fannybag is seated with €4.13
mattia. is seated with €0.70
Anguria is seated with €12.08
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
mattia. Posts small blind of €0.02
Dealing cards
Anguria: Ac Ad 
ihavewings Folds
ujka Vasa Folds
zannabianca4 Raises to €0.12
fannybag Folds
mattia. Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.26
zannabianca4 Calls €0.14
Flop: 3s Th 9s 
Anguria Checks
zannabianca4 Checks
Turn: 3s Th 9s 9d 
Anguria Bets €0.16
zannabianca4 Raises to €0.44
Anguria Raises to €1.20
zannabianca4 Calls €0.76
River: 3s Th 9s 9d 8s 
Anguria Bets €1.00
zannabianca4 Raises to €1.09 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €0.09
zannabianca4 shows Qc Jc  (Straight, Queen high)
Anguria shows Ac Ad  (Two pair, Aces and Nines)
zannabianca4 wins the main pot of €4.87 with Straight, Queen high

Ne znam dal je mogla gora karta da sidje na riveru 

A sada jedna gde ja ispadam debil i glupi Hero: D

8/25/2013 2:07:02 AM - Round 411338252 starts

ihavewings is seated with €6.74
klose 69 is seated with €2.38
zannabianca4 is seated with €3.12
fannybag is seated with €4.49
Anguria is seated with €11.66
klose 69 Posts small blind of €0.02
zannabianca4 Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Qc Ad 
fannybag Raises to €0.12
Anguria Raises to €0.35
ihavewings Folds
klose 69 Folds
zannabianca4 Folds
fannybag Calls €0.23
Flop: Tc 5c 7s 
fannybag Checks
Anguria Bets €0.50
fannybag Calls €0.50
Turn: Tc 5c 7s 5s 
fannybag Checks
Anguria Bets €1.00
fannybag Raises to €3.64 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €2.64
fannybag shows Qd Qh  (Two pair, Queens and Fives)
Anguria shows Qc Ad  (Pair of Fives)
River: Tc 5c 7s 5s Th 
fannybag wins the main pot of €8.59 with Two pair, Queens and Tens

8/25/2013 2:43:05 AM - Round 411344183 starts

FORZANAPOLIF is seated with €1.70
vjdal1986 is seated with €0.76
Anguria is seated with €4.00
imbrogliare is seated with €5.05
Spirit222 is seated with €1.00
blonde-ssl is seated with €1.49
vjdal1986 Posts small blind of €0.02
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
Spirit222 Posts big blind of €0.04
blonde-ssl Posts big+small blind of €0.06
Dealing cards
Anguria: Kc Kh 
imbrogliare Folds
Spirit222 Checks
blonde-ssl Checks
vjdal1986 Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.16
Spirit222 Calls €0.12
blonde-ssl Calls €0.12
Flop: 2c 7s 6d 
Anguria Bets €0.16
Spirit222 Folds
blonde-ssl Calls €0.16
Turn: 2c 7s 6d 9h 
Anguria Checks
blonde-ssl Bets €0.12
Anguria Raises to €0.36
blonde-ssl Calls €0.24
River: 2c 7s 6d 9h 4d 
Anguria Bets €0.45
blonde-ssl Raises to €0.79 (all-in)
Anguria Calls €0.34
Anguria shows Kc Kh  (Pair of Kings)
blonde-ssl shows 9c 7h  (Two pair, Nines and Sevens)
blonde-ssl wins the main pot of €3.29 with Two pair, Nines and Sevens

8/25/2013 2:44:55 AM - Round 411344512 starts

ihavewings is seated with €6.58
Anguria is seated with €5.94
assassina is seated with €1.03
dante61 is seated with €23.27
imbrogliare is seated with €4.34
dante61 Posts small blind of €0.02
imbrogliare Posts big blind of €0.04
Anguria Posts small blind of €0.02
Dealing cards
Anguria: Qc Kc 
ihavewings Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.14
assassina Calls €0.14
dante61 Calls €0.12
imbrogliare Folds
Flop: 6d Jc 8c 
dante61 Checks
Anguria Checks
assassina Bets €0.20
dante61 Calls €0.20
Anguria Raises to €0.95
assassina Calls €0.69 (all-in)
dante61 folds and shows 5s 5c  (Pair of Fives)
Anguria gets refund of €0.06
Anguria shows Qc Kc  (High card, King)
assassina shows 8s Ks  (Pair of Eights)
Turn: 6d Jc 8c 6h 
River: 6d Jc 8c 6h 2d 
assassina wins the main pot of €2.34 with Two pair, Eights and Sixes

8/25/2013 2:49:07 AM - Round 411345162 starts

FORZANAPOLIF is seated with €0.58
vjdal1986 is seated with €0.83
Anguria is seated with €4.13
imbrogliare is seated with €5.47
Spirit222 is seated with €0.70
blonde-ssl is seated with €3.56
Anguria Posts big blind of €0.04
vjdal1986 Posts small blind of €0.02
Dealing cards
Anguria: Kh Ah 
imbrogliare Calls €0.04
Spirit222 Calls €0.04
blonde-ssl Calls €0.04
vjdal1986 Calls €0.02
Anguria Raises to €0.24
imbrogliare Folds
Spirit222 Calls €0.20
blonde-ssl Calls €0.20
vjdal1986 Folds
Flop: As Th Qd 
Anguria Checks
Spirit222 Bets €0.46 (all-in)
blonde-ssl Calls €0.46
Anguria Raises to €3.89 (all-in)
blonde-ssl Folds
Anguria gets refund of €3.43
Anguria shows Kh Ah  (Pair of Aces)
Spirit222 shows 6d Ts  (Pair of Tens)
Turn: As Th Qd Jh 
River: As Th Qd Jh Ks 
Anguria wins €1.06 from the main pot with Straight, Ace high
Spirit222 wins €1.05 from the main pot with Straight, Ace high
8/25/2013 2:53:58 AM - Round 411345902 starts
Kevinvela is seated with €4.87
rosaneroooo8 is seated with €0.62
poket coffe. is seated with €1.66
iltexsano is seated with €1.74
imbrogliare is seated with €7.02
Anguria is seated with €6.25
Anguria Posts small blind of €0.02
Kevinvela Posts big blind of €0.04
Dealing cards
Anguria: Qh Kh 
rosaneroooo8 Folds
poket coffe. Calls €0.04
iltexsano Folds
imbrogliare Folds
Anguria Raises to €0.12
Kevinvela Folds
poket coffe. Calls €0.08
Flop: 4h 6d Kc 
Anguria Checks
poket coffe. Bets €0.28
Anguria Calls €0.28
Turn: 4h 6d Kc 9h 
Anguria Checks
poket coffe. Bets €0.36
Anguria Raises to €5.85 (all-in)
poket coffe. Calls €0.90 (all-in)
Anguria gets refund of €4.59
poket coffe. shows Kd 9c  (Two pair, Kings and Nines)
Anguria shows Qh Kh  (Pair of Kings)
River: 4h 6d Kc 9h 4c 
poket coffe. wins the main pot of €3.20 with Two pair, Kings and Nines

Nisu ni malo zanimljive ruke, ali morao sam sa nekim da podelim tugu :) 




Edited by ArktickaLubenica
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Ubagovao se 2000e gtd na zabarima. Nisu pustili late reg :D 5 ljudi dalo po 10e i bore se za prvo mesto od 2000e rofl. Mada vec vidim da ce ga ponistiti i pobednik nece dobiti nista


Ne mogu pare da se oduzmu od ljudi koji su ih osvojili zato što je software zakazao.

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gubim 12bi za 2 dana, roll mi je na 1900e...sesije su toliko brutalne i smesne da sam sve vreme maksimalno koncentrisan samo na to da izgubim minimum i vizualizujem heater koji ce da naleti u narednom periodu, pa svako prosipanje zamisljam kao umanjenje plusa koji ce se tad desiti.....ovo mi je za sada najbolji nacin za samokontrolu jer bih inace verovatno prosuo ceo roll...voleo bih da imam tracker da vidim koliko ispod ev-a ranujem, iako me je brutalno namestalo pa cak ni ev nije najbolji pokazatelj...



40bi + roll je spas








grujo, iz iskustva tvoga, koliko mogu da ocekujem da traje najbrutalnije unistavanje metodom 'iz dupeta u usta' sto bi ti rekao, pegla mi se :]

Edited by vlada_

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Evo ovo ulete, rekoh daj da upalim nesto dok spremam kolokvijum za sjutra :) Dobro je leglo , plus onaj Cubit od 200$ na FT pre neki dan, mozda i preplatim faks :) 

Edit : lol na ovom sa desne strane ispadoh treci , 50$, 45 flop 458, AI call , lik okrece 83 i nabada 3 :) 

Fino vece, jos samo kada bi ovako bilo na zabarima i kolokvijumu :) 

Edited by ArktickaLubenica
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3 meseca je mene drzao downswing :)

Nije swing ako ne znas da igras HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH :DDDD

  • Upvote (+1) 1


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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prekinuo sam uzasan run, bar malo...


kopka me omaha jebena, kapiram da niko nema pojma da je igra, a i ona je takva da ce to trajati 15 puta duze nego sa holdemom, bilo bi do jaja biti ispred i zaroniti u nju dusom i tijelom...jedino me jebe to sto mi se zelja da ucim omahu javila cim sam spojio vise meseci sa konstantnim prihodima u holdemu :/

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Probaj Badugi :D Jedno vreme sam cepao heads up S&G Badugi na starsu. Cekas pacijente koji igraju po holdem pravilima i oladis ih. Dovoljno je da znas sta je nuts . Ne treba ti nikakovo drugo znanje. Trollujem sad, verovatno ima mnogo vise likova koji znaju sta rade al dojaja je kad oladis nekog ko ti okrene triling kraljeva lol

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Bio posle dugo vremena na live danas 10/20 , resih da se manem kompa na dan . 
Prvo igrao neki 1k turnir, bio treci i zatim seo na cash, jebenih 10  sati pokera a izaso sam sa 1k u plusu sa casha , bio sam 4k u plusu  do poslednje ruke, gde sam sa KK na raise i reraise shove odradio i dvojica odu AI. Izlazi neki smesan board T7226 i jedan okrece QQ a drugi 89 :) 

Kakvi likovi, zaboravio sam da postoje :D 

"89 su moje karte brate, zovem te i 5k ako treba " 

Lik donk bet 250 na riveru u pot od 4k , ostaje mu iza 600 " uhapsite ga molim vas, i sto je kupio boju za 1k  i sto je jaje nevidjeno, Ceco duso zovi miliciju " 


Najbolje je kada ceo klub misli da si NIT najgori i onda kada krenes da divljas  posle sat i po , sve zivo bacaju 

Edited by ArktickaLubenica
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jedna tragikomicna ruka koja fantasticno ilustruje kako ranujem


8/29/2013 9:50:38 PM - Round 413249174 starts
haligali is seated with €61.56
mantide mora is seated with €51.37
SimoneDnt :) is seated with €68.16
mantide mora Posts small blind of €0.30
SimoneDnt :) Posts big blind of €0.60
Dealing cards
haligali: Ac Kh 
haligali Raises to €1.80
mantide mora Folds
SimoneDnt :) Calls €1.20
Flop: 6d 6s 9s 
SimoneDnt :) Checks
haligali Bets €2.40
SimoneDnt :) Calls €2.40
Turn: 6d 6s 9s 2d 
SimoneDnt :) Checks
haligali Checks
River: 6d 6s 9s 2d Tc 
SimoneDnt :) Checks
haligali Checks
SimoneDnt :) shows 2c 4s  (Two pair, Sixes and Deuces)
SimoneDnt :) wins the main pot of €8.27 with Two pair, Sixes and Deuces
haligali mucks Ac Kh  (Pair of Sixes)

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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