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Jedna veoma tuzna prica

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Ako je iole istinita ova pricha, lika treba isprebijati bash a majici dati nobelovu nagradu i onda je isprebijati shto ga ovako loshe vaspitala. Majmuncina jedna izretardirana a i ona josh vetj retard shto ga tako vaspitala. Bar ovo do pola shto sam slushaso, i to sa polovichnom pazhnjom sobzirom da jako loshe pricha i da je muzika prepatetichna.

Evo sad se zavrshio ceo klip. I svatio sam da je fejk. Da je propali pokushaj onog kineskog video spota sa transplatacijom ochiju.

Sad je josh vishe lame.

Jao moram josh jednom da napishem da je jadno kolko je jadno ovo. Ajde shto je pokushao da iskopira to, nego shto je failova da iskopira. Jer ovde izaziva hejt po akteru shto je toliki nezahvalnik da ti dodje da mu polupash sve kosti dok u kineskom spot ona ne uradi nishta loshe nego chak vishe se skenja kad skapira da joj on dao transplataciju ochiju i sve vreme je dobra prema njemu.

poz voz 2011

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evo vam navlazhite svoje vagine ovom tuzhnom prichom

Bila djevojka koja je samu sebe mrzila zbog toga sto je bila slijepa. Ona

je mrzila svakog osim svog voljenog momka. On je uvijek bio tu za nju. Rekla mu je:"Kad bih samo mogla da vidim svijet udala bih se za tebe."

Jednog dana,

neko donira par ociju za nju. Kada su joj odstranili zavoje mogla je da vidi sve, ukljucujuci i svog momka.

On je upita:

"Sada kad vidis svijet hoces li se

udati za mene?"

Ona ga pogleda i uoci da je on slijep.

Prizor njegovih zatvorenih ocnih kapaka je sokira. Nije to ocekivala.

Sama pomisao da ih mora gledati citav svoj zivot povede je da odbije da se uda za njeg.

Njen momak ode u suzama

i nekoliko dana kasnije napisa joj pismo:

" Dobro cuvaj svoje oci, draga moja,

jer prije nego sto su bile tvoje,

te oci su bile moje."

shta sve ljudi shalju mailom -_-

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koje boje koje su boje oci bile tvojee

progone me progone me tvoje oci tvoje oooci

oko moje sanjivo davno se razdanilo

sta je meni ostalo oko moje oko moje

jebiga, stade mi mozak upravo:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Ko voli ima na jutjubu korejski filmic o tipu koji poklanja ribi oba oka. Kacio je vec neko to ovde ima godina ili dve.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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Tuzhna pricha o choveku koji je pratio svoje snove

(5 February 2009, India) For lottery agent Pravin Kuse, his number was up when he followed his dream and decided to dig for a pot of gold. A bachelor, Kuse, 32, lived with his brother's family in Vasai, India. According to his aged mother, Kuse had learned in a dream that an ancient pot of gold was buried beneath his abandoned 100-year-old house, located a few meters from his current residence. He warned his mother not to tell anyone about the dream, fearing that it would result in a fight over the fortune.

Some legends hold that a pot of gold lies at the end of the rainbow. But Kuse's dream told him to dig beneath the staircase of the old house. After lunch, every day without fail, Kuse would take his spade and dig a few meters further beneath the stairs.. This innovative gold-digger had even purchased a toy car and attached a flashlight to it to assist him while digging in the dark. The neighbors had no idea that days and nights of digging had resulted in a 15-foot deep tunnel.

One day Kuse did not return home. His worried relatives lodged a missing persons complaint and police were dispatched to the old house. Within a few hours, an earthmover had excavated Kuse's body from the debris. At a depth of 15 feet, the soil becomes moist due to its proximity to the sea. and it was determined that the floor of the house had caved in over Kuse. Authorities registered a case of accidental death and recovered the spade and the innovative mobile flashlight from the site.

In searching for a pot of gold, Kuse may not have had the luck of the Irish, but he does have the distinction of winning a Darwin Award.

- - -

NOTE: If you're going to search for a pot of gold, 'tis better to follow a legend than a dream. Irish folklore holds that a leprechaun keeps his fortune in a pot of gold and must give it anyone who follows the correct procedure. If you are feeling lucky, here's how to get it:

** Listen for the sound of a hammer. Leprechauns often keep busy by making a shoe for an elf.

** Sneak up on the leprechaun. He will be absorbed in his work and will not hear you.

** Hold on to the leprechaun, hold tight and don't let go.

** Keep your eyes on the leprechaun. He will do anything to get you to look away for a second, and if you do, he will disappear into the mist.

** Threaten him if he resists telling you where his pot of gold is hiding.

** Make the leprechaun take you to his pot of gold. You will find it at the end of the rainbow.

Reference: Mumbai Mirror


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