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Bethesda Sues Interplay Over Use Of Fallout License


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Fallout rights holder Bethesda Softworks has made good on its threat to sue developer Interplay for allegedly failing to hold up its end of agreements inked in April 2007.

Bethesda filed a complaint -- obtained by Gamasutra -- in the U.S. District Court of Maryland on September 9 requesting a preliminary and permanent injunction against Interplay's manufacture, sale, and distribution of Fallout Trilogy, which includes the classic PC games Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.

Bethesda accused Interplay of trademark infringement, claiming that while Interplay was permitted to sell pre-existing Fallout games, it was required to submit to Bethesda all relevant packaging, advertising, and promotional material prior to bringing the catalog titles to market.

But Bethesda claimed that Interplay never sought pre-approval for those materials. The plaintiff said because of the alleged trademark infringement, consumers have become confused between the makers of the pre-existing Fallout games and Bethesda's more recent Fallout 3 -- a situation that Bethesda wanted to avoid.

Bethesda also accused Interplay of breaching the trademark agreement by signing licensing agreements with digital distribution sites like Steam, GOG.com, and GameTap to sell older Fallout games. The company claimed Interplay's alleged actions have caused the studio "immediate, substantial, and irreparable harm."


Ono jes da je Morrowind najbolja igra ikad, ali mnogo su jadni postali.

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ipak bethesda nije toliki negativac.

Bethesda is demanding the court formally declare Interplay no longer has any rights to the Fallout name or trademark. It also wants the court to place a preliminary and permanent injunction on Interplay to stop it from selling any Fallout-branded products. It also wants Interplay to submit in writing a declaration that it no longer has any rights to the Fallout brand. No monetary damages are being sought.
ne zanima ih kesh, vec samo da uzmu interpleju licencu.
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Bethesda are taking Interplay to court over, of all things, Interplay selling the original Fallout's on Good Old Games. Courtesy of Kotaku:

That complaint alleges that Interplay did not seek approval for the sale of the Fallout Trilogy bundle, which features the original Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. Bethesda claims that the title Fallout Trilogy is "confusingly similar" to that of Fallout 3 and takes issue with Interplay's marketing, sale and distribution of other Fallout packages named Fallout Collection and Saga Fallout.

Bethesda also takes issue with Interplay's licensing of Fallout games to digital distribution services Good Old Games (GOG), GameTap and Steam, which Interplay was said never to have sought approval or permission for. Basically, Bethesda takes issue with pretty much everything Interplay seems to be doing with the pre-Fallout 3 releases, believing they cannibalize sales of Fallout 3.

bethesdu ne zanima kesh? zanima ih i te kako

sta ih zapravo drugo zanima?





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Činjenice ljudi.

In 1997 Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky and Jason D. Anderson were working on the Fallout sequel at Interplay. Finishing the initial design for Fallout 2, they were unable to come to an agreement with Interplay about the future team structure. They decide to leave Interplay to form a company that felt more like the old Interplay, producing computer role-playing games for PC in 1997. They formed their company on 1. April 1998, calling their new company Troika Games (a Russian word "Тройка" meaning "three of any kind"), since they were the three key Designers/Artists/Coders behind the critically acclaimed Fallout.


Jebeš Interplay, daj Bože da nikad više ne čujem to ime.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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Hahahhaha, u sux!! :P

A great improvement is the 'hand' icon which makes an NPC move out of your way. It was sorely needed in Fallout 1, where you would often get stuck in some narrow passage with an NPC blocking your way.

Licno ne mogu da se setim da li ima resenja, ali po ovom citatu jednog review-a, moze se zakljuciti da ces morati da load-ujes neki raniji save :)

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Meni se nešto slično desilo nekoliko puta, samo što sam ja mogao da odem sa mape. Na primer dođem na neku lokaciju a NPC stoji na vratima i ja ne mogu da uđem. Evo šta sam ja radio:

U folderu gde je pozicija imaš .sav fajl od svake mape koju si posetio, na primer ARTEMPLE.SAV. Iskopiraj .sav fajl iz neke ranije pozicije u taj folder. Ako nemaš poziciju sa tom mapom, probaj new game, idi na tu mapu, snimi i iskoristi taj novi .sav.

Ovo je upalilo kod mene, samo što ja nikad nisam bio na mapi kada sam ovo radio, nego sam iskopirao stariji .sav i onda ušao.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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