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Novi unlock sistem u Team Fortressu 2 pati od grešaka


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Robin Walker iz Valvea u e-mailu koji je poslao sajtu Rock, Paper, Shotgun rekao je da novi "unlock" sistem u Team Fortressu 2 ne funkcioniše onako kako su zamislili, pošto neki igrači ne otključavaju ništa ni nakon više časova igranja, dok drugi otključavaju iste stvari više puta, pa je jasno da sistem pati od bagova. Detaljno ovde.

As in everything else we do, we want to iterate, so this is really the first step towards our desired implementation. We also think we have bugs in the system as well, since we’re seeing some players not finding any items after a few hours of play, which is not at all how it’s tuned. We want unlockable drops to be a pretty regular occurrence for players, with the cosmetic hats being the rare finds.


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