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KODE5 Grand Finale

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koliko sam primetio nisu ni vezbali za final event =D

Boli ih paja, bar ce otici u Moskvu, udarati chvrge getrajtu =(

i piti pravi votku :D

Realno, da posaljemo i Branka tamo, mislim da bi se osecao kao dete u prodavnici igracaka :D

Od kako igram sa Krekijem, moja zena vise ne hrche.

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Na gotfrag.com je upravo stigla vest da ce biti HLTVa za takmicenje.

KODE5 has announced official HLTV service for its upcoming Global Finals from Moscow Russia. May 10th-11th 2009 viewers will be able to tune into live matches through HLTV's provided by the league. Viewers are also being given a chance to win prizes from sponsors by tuning in....

Od kako igram sa Krekijem, moja zena vise ne hrche.

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pa vece sanse imaju tako nego grupe da se igraju :) mada isprasice ih realno , srecno tamo!

da ali onako igras sa TRI top top top top top ekipe sto je bolje


...i ako jos na guzi

seva tetovaza

ti shvati da si onda

prava gotivaza...

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