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KODE5 Grand Finale

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Izasle su ekipe koje ce ucestvovati ovogodisnjem velikom finalu kode5 a to su:

cn.gif wNv.Gaming - Rita, k1r, JK, JP, qwe

se.gif SK-Gaming - allen, RobbaN, Tentpole, walle, zet

se.gif fnatic - dsn, Gux, f0rest, GeT_RighT, cArn

dk.gif mTw - zonic, ave, MJE, Sunde, Whimp

pl.gif WICKED - kuben, loord, LUq, Neo, TaZ

de.gif Alternate - approx, mooN, paN, roman, Roman R.

us.gif EG.usa - n0thing, fRoD, Warden, Storm, hanes

fr.gif emuLate - MaT, mSx, R!Go-, ioRek, HaRts

au.gif Immunity - deStiny, benoR, kram, Ferg, gazR

mk.gifENTITY - helius, KaLaN, eRRor, alm1ghty, rdn

pe.gif Artyk - warpath, xock, moko, the big durst, pock

pt.gif k1ck - coachi, QUICK, SHOUW, foxj, mUttt

ro.gif TeG - PeRRy, Darky, CreatuRe, k1d0r, TeRRoRiaNu

de.gif Mousesports - cyx, gob b, gore, Kapio, Tixo

br.gif Mibr - btt, ton, cogu, Spacca, prd

Od kako igram sa Krekijem, moja zena vise ne hrche.

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gl SK.


i ja sam se zajubio

ali sam popusio kurac :p


e jbg :/


rsmo ::)

ali nije bitnoooo



opushteno, chekaj da milki raskine sa devojkom

pa smuvaj njega





nemoj puno da razmishljash samo

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