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Kako da jumperishem sata 2...


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Kupih hitachi 320gb sata 2 disk i sad treba da ga ubacim u komp, ali hocu prvo da ga jumperishem da bude sata 1 jer mi je ploca matora i moze samo sata 1. Kako to da uradim? Vidim na hardu pored sata konektora neshto shto je verovatno mesto za jumper, ali ja nemam ono malo govance a nisam dobio sa hardom?



shta je hitachi feature tool? i jesam li ja to dobro skontao da hitachi i nema jumpere na svojim hardovima?

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Možda kontroler u njima omogućava da automatski rade u SATA 1 modu? Probaj direktno da prikačiš pa vidi dal će da radi.


The designers of SATA aimed for backward and forward compatibility with future revisions of the SATA standard.

According to the hard drive manufacturer Maxtor, motherboard host controllers using the VIA and SIS chipsets VT8237, VT8237R, VT6420, VT6421L, SIS760, SIS964 found on the ECS 755-A2 manufactured in 2003, do not support SATA 3 Gbit/s drives. To address interoperability problems, the largest hard drive manufacturer, Seagate/Maxtor/Western Digital, has added a user-accessible jumper-switch known as the Force 150, to switch between 150 MB/s and 300 MB/s operation. Users with a SATA 1.5 Gbit/s motherboard with one of the listed chipsets should either buy an ordinary SATA 1.5 Gbit/s hard disk, buy a SATA 3 Gbit/s hard disk with the user-accessible jumper, or buy a PCI or PCI-E card to add full SATA 3 Gbit/s capability and compatibility. Western Digital uses a jumper setting called "OPT1 Enabled" to force 150 MB/s data transfer speed. OPT1 is used by putting the jumper on pins 5 & 6.

Znači ako nemaš neki od ovih čipsetova trebalo bi da radi direktno.

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Imam NForce 4-4x chipset a ploca je K8N4-SE

Ali izvalio sam shta je ovaj hitachi tool, pa cemo da vidimo sada da li radi ako ga samo ukljucim ili cu morati sa time da se zajebavam.

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Ja sam isto sata2 hard stavljao sa matorom pločom i dešavalo se da radi normalno par dana, a onda se jednostavno izgubi C particija i ne pomaže ništa drugo osim ponovne instalacije Windowsa, imaj to u vidu, možda se i tebi desi.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Imam u vidu. Evo da napishem shto rece Ivan :

Nisam nishta jumperisao jer Hitachi nema jumpere vec se softwerski nameshta. Fora je u tome shto odesh na sajt www.hitachigst.com i tamo na support imash da skinesh neshto shto se zove Hitachi Feature Tool. Ima da se nareze image za CD (ili floopy ako vishe to volite :P) i onda boot-ujesh sa CD. Tada dobijesh listu svih HD-ova na racunaru i mozesh da namestish svashta, izmedju ostalog i to da li hocesh da radi na 1.5 GB/S (sata1) ili 3.0 GB/s (sata2). Vrlo je jednostavno, cim ukljucish sve je jasno. Takodje ima i .pdf file na istom linku gde se skida Hitachi Feature Tool koji je svojevrsno uputstvo za sve shto vam treba i ne treba a vezano je za Hitachijeve HD-ove.

Za sada sam samo ubo Hard bez gore pomenutog nameshtanja a prepoznao ga je odmah i do sada nisam imao problema. Videcemo shta ce biti dalje, pa cu javiti razvoj situacije, mada mi se cini da nece biti nikakvih problema.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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