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  1. |/|BAHOB

    WGT DOTA turnir

    A, jel zna neko dali mogu da se ponesu programi:War keys ili bar Hp view helper? Stvarno bi mi bio problem bez ovog 2.
  2. |/|BAHOB

    WGT DOTA turnir

    Prijavljujem Clan clan,(fazon team taem) xD Nista nismo vezbali za tur ali cemo barem da se upoznamo posto se znamo sa Bnet-a 4-5meseci, a nismo iz istog grada,tako da nam je ovo bas leglo.Koliko treba basu od trga do Vilinih voda..? Da znam kada da krenem.
  3. |/|BAHOB


    Da skines server... 100% si mislio na ovo: http://eurobattle.net/showthread.php?t=38647
  4. Evo gde mozete da pogledate spot: Pesma je stvarno ektra,a spot jos bolji.
  5. U ovoj verziji mi mnogo smrde one zabe i oni krugovi: (jedan u gornjem levom uglu,drugi u donjem desnom i treci malo iznad drugog) Ice Frog nam je pored onog sneska spremio jos neko iznenadjenje u ovoj "Novogodisnjoj verziji dote" Ovo potseca na staru verziju kada je bio fazon sa prstenovima ili jos vise na onu kada se posle Rosana pojavljuju jos 2 lika pa onaj item.... Svi imamo zadatak da izvalimo sta je fazon ovde,a ko prvi nadje resenje neka nebude sebican da podeli sa ostalima na forumu
  6. Zar pvpgn server radi? Juce sam bio na njihovom sajtu a oni i dalje imaju samo crack za 19b Sad cu da vidim dali se nesto promenilo>>>
  7. Kako to mislish? Ma pech sam instalovao...Imam verziju 1.20 samo nece da pokrene net.. A kada pousam da se konektujem na BNet europe sve je dobro jedino mi fali cd key.. Ma njega cu kupiti samo dok to ne uradim hteo bi da igram n SBB/RUR-u. Ali kako?
  8. I instalirao sam warcraft III ROC II instalirao sam warcraft III TFT III skinuo sam war CRACK NO IV pokrenuo sam BNetGetawayEditor,upisao sve potrebno i save-uvao V kada pokusam da udjem normalno u war TFT pa SBB/rur server ili PVPGN server a ono PAJA.Nece da prihvati servere VI sad da li je w3l.exe normalan pristup waru kao onaj preko ikonice,ili je to neki drugi?Sad ako je neki drugi da li treda nesto opet da skinem sa neta ili sta? VII normalno pre svega ovog instalovao sam pech 1.20 Dakle sta bi mogao da bude problem?
  9. Dakle sto se niko ne hvali za ishod turnira? Zar je bilo toliko loshe?!
  10. |/|BAHOB

    Sve o Doti!

    Nije bas naj svezije ali je svakako od pomoci Wikimedia needs your help in the final days of its fund drive. See our fundraising page The Red Cross and other charities also need your help. Defense of the Ancients: Allstars From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from List of Allusions in DoTA) Defense of the Ancients: Allstars (or simply "DotA Allstars" or "Allstars") a variant of the custom map Defense of the Ancients for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne by Blizzard Entertainment. The objective is to destroy the opponent's World Tree if one is affiliated with the Undead Scourge side or to destroy the opponent's Frozen Throne if one is affiliated with the Night Elf Sentinals using one's hero along with allies and allied creeps (AI-controlled fighters). For further information about the mechanics of the game and its concepts, please refer to Defense of the Ancients. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Development 2.1 The 5.84+ Series 2.2 The 6+ Series 3 Unique features 4 Current player trends 5 Terminology 5.1 Allstars Commands and Modes 5.1.1 Common Game Mode Abbreviations 5.1.2 Commands for Players 5.2 Allstars Hero Classifications 5.3 Miscellaneous 5.4 Actions 6 Verbal Acknowledgements 6.1 For consecutive kills 6.2 For special events 7 Allusions 7.1 Items 7.2 Heroes 8 External links [edit] History Some information partially adapted from the DotA Allstars site introduction/FAQ (written by 28awg) Defense of the Ancients is based on the concept of Aeon of Strife which originated from Starcraft, by Blizzard Entertainment. One of the first AoS style maps in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos was done by a map maker named Eul. However, after the release of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Eul did not port the game into the new expansion set. In time, several spin-offs of DotA started circulating on Battle.net *TESTING* (the official multiplayer server for Warcraft III by Blizzard Entertainment). Allstars at that time was a compilation of all the "cool" heroes in each spinoff and origin alike, and it quickly became one of the most popular custom games on BNet. Nevertheless, the person who put together DotA Allstars ended its revisions after releasing a Human vs Orc variant of Allstars. Shortly after, Guinsoo stepped up and became the main programmer for DotA: Allstars spanning multiple versions. [edit] Development Currently, in most versions of Allstars, the map contains many more heroes and items than does the original DotA, and is updated frequently, which may explain its ongoing popularity. However, this popularity sparked a controversy over who ought to be credited for its fame. For instance, a number of Classic players resent Guinsoo for having 'stolen' their game, especially since he is alleged to have similarly 'borrowed' most of his triggers, spells, heroes and items from other people; Guinsoo, for his part, maintains that the map was created from scratch and based only spiritually on Eul's work. Regardless, Allstars remains widely played, and is rumored to be the most popular Warcraft 3 custom map of all time. Bugs in version 5 of AllStars prompted many to offer fixes to Guinsoo but the development of the code was opaque and release schedules were discretionary. As such, the map forked in version 5.84b with Guinsoo releasing version 6. [edit] The 5.84+ Series Guinsoo ended the version 5 series with the creation of DotA Allstars 5.84, which added new heroes and a few bug fixes. Still, several errors and imbalances were overlooked in 5.84, such as the 100+ HP regeneration rate bug of Dragon Knight's skill Dragon Blood, causing Guinsoo to release a corrected version immediately, known as 5.84b. A developer named True.Rus (from Russia) developed an unofficial fork named 5.84c. Since the map was encrypted, True.Rus had to decrypt the map. Every version of Allstars released prior to 5.84c had focused on new functionality or heroes. The version created (or rather modified) by True.Rus did not feature any new functionality. Instead: It refactored the map tokens to allow for faster loading times (reports from frequent Battle.net players indicate a reduction of almost 1-2 minutes) It also fixed some game bugs which were considered by fans to be "imbalancing" to the game. However, this fork introduced a few minor issues such as: The hero Black Arachnia (the Broodmother)'s ability Spin Web, which usually gives her extra speed and invisibility in the game, only functions to provide a speed bonus, while the invisibility is non-functional. The hero Ursa Warrior's ability Fury Swipes, which gives a stacking damage bonus on every consecutive hit, does not work at all. The heroes Vengeful Spirit and Juggernaut, whose ultimates are Nether Swap and Omnislash, respectively, had non-existant cooldown timers after a patch presented by Blizzard for Warcraft. Although claiming to have only 'fixed the bugs', True.Rus did modify several heroes which may be believed to be towards his own favor such as: Sniper highly increased movement speed Necrolite highly increased movement speed Slardar movement speed decreased Thus the game is far from balanced. Also, map defects introduced in version 5.++ were not fixed such as the path from the Sentinel team's secret shop to the river that has been blocked by trees. (Fixed in version 6.++) [edit] The 6+ Series On February 28th, a new era of Allstars began. Massive changes including new heroes, new items and a new terrain were released in version 6.0, a huge step from 5.84b. The changes were drastic and many people resisted and decided to stick with 5.84. Shortly after the release of 6.01, Guinsoo went missing. During Guinsoo's absence, IceFrog stepped up along with Neichus and the rest of the Development Team to fix the various bugs and imbalances present in the map. IceFrog is now the main programmer for the map, doing anything from implementation and balancing to debugging. The latest version is 6.14, now edited and updated by IceFrog, with suggestions and input from other developers. Note: The 5.84b/5.84c versions can be easily differentiated from the version 6 series due to the fact that the 5.84 series has a grassy terrain (similar to those of the lands of Lordaeron in Warcraft III); the version 6 series have an icy terrain (similar to the lands of Northrend in Warcraft III). [edit] Unique features Many elements in DotA Allstars are unique in the sense that they do not appear in the original DotA or any other variant. These include: Runes providing powerups to players such as giving them Haste, Double Damage, an Illusion, and Regeneration. Roshan, the most powerful NPC creep on the map awards 800 gold to each member of the team that kills him. Also the hero that lands the final blow upon Roshan will also receive roughly an extra 300 gold. An added "easter egg" of 6.10+ is the possibility of a random Roshan drop item. [edit] Current player trends The current favorite among Allstars regulars continues to be 5.84c in some places (such as LAN parties and Battle.net), mainly due to the fact that it is believed to be more stable than the later versions. It has been noted that most South-East Asian countries frequently play 5.84c. 5.84b is also played, albeit less frequently. Version 6.14, the latest official version, is also played most frequently among AllStars players. Currently, DotA Allstars is popular among players in Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Romania, Korea, the Philippines, the European Union, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, USA and many other countries, as observed on the Battle.net servers and the PvPGN network of private servers. Players of DotA Allstars, particularly in the Asian region, normally go to cybercaf
  11. 400:5 je 80 sati podeljeno na 30dana je dva ipo sata dnevno u prevodu 900 mb-a je dovoljno..Hvala na odgovoru
  12. Kada snimim riplay i pogledam koliko je tezak on obicno nije veci od 400Kb-a... Ako je to sve sto odbije od 400mb-a onda se isplati uzimati SBB prepaid paket.?U protivnom mi ostaje da izdvojim vise kesa i uzmem flat rate. Sta mislite sta je isplativije?
  13. Konacno! Zvao me je majstor i rekao da ce doci u utorak da mi instalira SBB konekciju Svakog meseca planiram da izdvojim 400 kinti za Start 400 paket koji sadrzi 400 mb-a. S'obzirom da bi megabajte trosio najvise na igranje na netu zanima me koliko je to parija Dote ili koliko je to sati igranja dote
  14. Ma to sa drvetom je samo fora... Stavi misa na item koji zahteva drvo i pojavice ti se objasnjenje. Samo kupi te iteme koji su navedeni u objasnjenju i automatski ce ti se sklopiti zeljeni item. Idi na dota-allstars.com U ostalom sigurno ce ti neko preporuciti jos sajtova.
  15. Niko se nije naucen rodijo. Sto se tice dote tu nisam anti-talenat kao za net.. U ostalom vidimo se na serveru...
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