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Everything posted by nesco

  1. Paznja: nije WOW nalog, nego LOTRo nalog. Server je Snowburn, al lik nije 50 level, tako da i nema veze. Cena: 3500 din tel.: 063 80 37 609
  2. OMG.. neee... jos jedan manje na nasem serveru... Zao mi je sto odlazis, i jedan hunter manje u nasem gildu. Btw. MagicoVento here
  3. Paladin: (ovo pricam iz ugla Horde). To je klasa stvorena da druge nervira. Klasa koja ne moze nikog da ubije. Ali zato i ne moze niko da je ubije. Hibridana klasa koja po meni nema neku svrhu (niti dobro leci niti se dobro bije). Jako sporo lvluje jer pravi uzasno mali dmg. Paladine toliko mrzimo da ako ga vidim da livadi ubijam ga obavezno maka bio i lvl2. Horda/Alijansa: (iz uskustva na mom serveru Burning Legion) . Potvdilo se nepisano pravilo da Alijansu igraju deca, a Hordu stariji likovi ==> mnogo lakse nalazenje normalne grupe na strani horde. Takodje Horde ima manje i meni je licno bolje igrati ulogu "indijanaca" a ne "kaubojaca""
  4. - na modemu mozes da igras bez problema, sve 5 man instance rade normalno wsg i ab takodje mogu da prodju, av je nemoguce igrati sa modemom. (wsg,ab,av su pvp arene) - na modemu ne mozes da igras MC (40 ppl instanca) i ostale stvari koje dolaze posle 60 lvl - na ISDN moze, al ako mozes probaj da uzmes ADSL ili kabl mnogo se vise isplati -placanje se vise isplati preko kartice nego preko bonova, 1-2 eura manje svakog meseca. Al ne zaboravi depozit koji moras da ostavis na kartici 20eura - nemoj da gras sa paladinom -nemoj da igras sa alijansom - nemoj da igras na serveru gde ima mnogo nashih
  5. Ja spremam neki ispit za sutra, i naravno u stisci sam sa vremenom... Budim se jutros i kontam da ce mi dati neko buff za intelect i uspecu brzo da naucim....
  6. 10 signs to that you are addicted to WoW. 1:You are asking people you meet for buffs. 2:You are not affraid of death because it's only to run to your corpse from the graveyard if you dies. 3:You are asking every one with glasses what thier engineering skill are. 4:You gets really mad beacuse it didnt work to tame that bear... 5:You want to duel your friend beacuse you can't die in a duel. 6:You gets really mad at your dead friend(that died in the duel) beacuse he don't wants to ressurect. 7:You are calling everyone thats older than 60 for hackers. 8:You kills an animal in the forest and waits for it to respawn. 9:You think that you can't ride horses untill you are 40. 10:You are yelling "LFG" for alot of instances. You say "lol" instead of laughing.. When driving home from work, you are looking for the "space-key" to get your mount... ehm, car to jump... And when driving behind some slow car, you are pressing the backstab-key to get the car away from the road... Finally: When you are at work, and you hear the boss coming, you try to enter stealth... - You sit down in the middle of the streat to eat your lunch pack. - You try to whisper someone on the other side of the room. - You desperately serach through your bag for the HS when your day at work is over. You stop taking milk in your tea because it is ridiculously expensive When stuck in traffic you reach for your trinket only to find it is not there You approach the shop assistant in next and say 'WTB cloth legs' When shown some nice black formal trousers you ask what are their stats When told 34'32' you ask if that applies to int and stam You are thrown out of next for wasting their time You lurk around dissused colliery's looking for nodes You visit Manchester and refuse to pay to use the tram since it is free The wife see's you skipping work and going to the pub instead of going shopping, you immediatly throw yourself to the ground in an effort to convince her you are dead. When she approaches and begins to abuse and kick you you complain about her stupidly high resist. You think a big slow computer is better to work on that a small fast laptop since it will make your MS more valuable. You finish a piece of work and shout 'Ding' A number of your colleagues actually understand you and say 'gratz' Organising a night out with the lads you phone up and say 'LFG pub' I keep mixing up age and level, which leads to awkward moments. "I knew this level 13 kid" etc. when your riding in your car, see someone has a deadly accident, you jump out car, get jumper cables and try to ress the corpse.... you bind a dog cookie in front of your bike cause you dogg will pull it faster.... Quit your dayjob and start a tailoring cause you think that will make you rich.... When you c cows you instantly think "Tauren!" When you have to go to a funeral but you revuse to go becouse you planned a instance on that day. When you go 2 the rocky mountains 2 search Thunder Bluff. When you ask your boss i you could b paid in gold coins. when you dont leave your house without your WoW cd's. When you start talking like a troll(or tauren, gnome, wathever). when you try to make your pet dissapear. when you train your spider to attack on your command. when you buy a heat visor so rouges cant sneak up 2 u anymore. when your worst fear is Blizzard shutting down. when the world around you is invaded by aliens and the only thing on your mind is that nasty lvl ?? elite. When terrorists attack and you think they r raiding and you r afraid they might be bodycampers. When you try riding a raptor in the museum. when you ask everyone smaller then 1,5 meter the way to ironforge. when you ask everyone what class they r. 1. You ask the waiter how much? And get in a tantrum as u remmber you left you pounds back on the computer. 2. Is it a plane, IS it a Bird, No its A tauren. 3. You start doing chicken imadations at a 10 year old. 4. You go to the bank to deposit your recipy. 5.You go to an auction only trying to shout out how much u want to bid. 6. You think a football is a Gnomes head.
  7. sa visa elektron karticom ne mozes da vrsis placanja preko Internta. Za to ti treba Visa Virtuon
  8. Samo da dodam da nas na Burning legion ima oko 30 u Hordi... Tako da mozete da razmisljate i o ovom serveru. Takodje imamo veliki balkanski gild sa preko 100 clanova.
  9. Izgleda da je opet pao server za autentifikaciju... ako ste on line nemojte da izlazite nikako [:(!] [:(!] + 2 min edit ipak je proradilo, ali je server down (burning legion)
  10. U slucaju da nemas drugove postupi tako... Razmisli dal ti znaci 10 dana kad ces WOW verovatno placati najmanje godinu dana (12x30 = 360) Da nije bilo tih 10 dana ja nikad ne bih video WOW, takodje posle toga moja ortakinja ne bi videla igru i nikad je ne bi igrala i tako dalje
  11. Tih 10 dana sluze da bi ih poklonio nekom, ako imas kome, a ne da ih sam iskoristis. Bolje je da nekome das da proba WOW i verovatno da kupi( jer ce se verovatno na vuci), jer tebi ovih 10 free dana u principu nista ne znaci.
  12. i meni se to desilo...ali sam resio problem Sve sto treba da uradis je da obrises WDB i WTF foldere i tako ces sva podesavanja postaviti na default.
  13. Posto dobijam Adsl za par dana, napisacu programcis za simuliranje nekog tastera da bi izbegli izbacivanje sa servera. Za par dana ocekujte link programa.
  14. na Burning Legion nema sanse vec par sati
  15. IME LIKA: MagicoVento STRANA: < Horde > RASA: < Orc > CLASS: < Hunter > PROFESSION: < travarenje/alhemija > GUILD: < ... > PLAYTIME: < posle roka 3h dnevno Server: burning legion
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