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The X
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Everything posted by jasamnepismen

  1. Ha, Vudu burzuj ima telefon sa kojim moze da ide na ineternete!!
  2. Jutro carevi! Opet za Beograd danas, mora se uchiti. Da se spakujem i u 10 krecem.
  3. Jeste How to train your dragon. Nisam bash siguran shta se tachno desilo in the mean time. o.O Postavljajte.
  4. "When we crack this mountain, all hell is going to break loose." "And my undies. Good thing I brought extras."
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QspQfdhkBrg&feature=related
  6. "Unlimited technology from the whole universe, and we cruise 'round in a Ford P.O.S."
  7. Stalone, Bulock i Snipes glume. Jao kako se zvashe film... EDIT Demolition Man?
  8. "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."
  9. 9/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiPEVdG1e_I
  10. Kole je na forumu, Kole je na forumu!! :OOO
  11. U pichku materinu! Promenenjen mi je raspored, od vec imbecilnog su napravila 2puta gori. Jebem im mater malo! /nerdrage
  12. Cabuo sam danashnji dan, ponosan sam na sebe, josh kad bih mogao da uchim jedno sat vremena sad, ih...
  13. Jel' postojao banner za glasanje za Marka ili sam se ja istripovao? Danas ga videh. o.O
  14. Zato Madball nikad nije bio na MTVu. JEL' TAKO MOHI!?!?
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