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The X
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Everything posted by millanče

  1. Imam i ja jedno malo pitanjce, nadam se da ne smeta... u folderu C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson imam tekstualni fajl (ili je samo takva ikonica) drwtsn32 veličine 1.04 GB!, i pored njega user.dmp, veličine 0kb. Dakle, šta je ovo? Niti mogu da ga otvorim, niti da ga obrišem, niti da ga unlockujem, ništa, a takođe mislim da pre nije bio tu...
  2. Koristio sam bitdefender, i mogu ti reći da je ostavio jako loš utisak na mene - dakle, blaga prepouka: zameni ga za nešto bolje, tipa Nod, ili KAV, ili možda Avast (to su ovde negde hvalili, ne znam koliko je pouzdano... Ja sam sa Nodom prezadovoljan...) Windows Defender mi baš nije nešto poznato, ali znam iz ličnog iskustva da AdAware SE već odavno ne predstavlja pouzdano rešenje (izvrtim ga, ne nađe ništa, a posle neak druga dva programa nađu spyware komponente na mašini). Otprilike da je najbolje rešenje Spyware Doctor, a ja uz njega korostim još i Spybot S&D, i rade posao. (Ljudi još hvale i, čini mi se, Spyware Sweeper) Probaj sa ovim stvarima... A za to drugo moraš reći konfiguraciju, i šta radiš na kompu - Generalno, trebalo bi da izabereš fiksnu veličinu page file-a, recimo 2048-2048MB (obavezno prvo obezbedi dovoljno prostora na particiji gde će pf biti smešten...). Mada, ako imaš premalo rama za ono što radiš na kompu, teško da će šta pomoći. Možda da malo pročešljaš sajtove koji se bave tweakovanjem windowsa, i pogledaš koje bi servise mogao da pogasiš, i time oslobodiš malo sistemske resurse...
  3. Pa ako si stvarno FATSO, siguno znas o cemu pricam...
  4. Tesko tebi:-) Jedino sto me agonizazivira je ovaj jebeni rur, i njegov server, koji cas nece, a cas ne radi...
  5. Ali tek 400x100 nece nikako, kaze da je presiroka/predugacka. Velicina slike je 16kb
  6. A zasto ja ne mogu da stavim JEDNU sliku velicine 200x50 i jedan red tekxta i signu???Dole je trenutno slika, u 180 x45, i ona sama moze, ali ne smem nista teksta da dodam!!!
  7. Damn, a ja vec npravio dodatak:-( Addition to Human: - You
  8. Jebiga, jeste dobro za penal, jos i imam povecu glavu:-) elem,ja sam taj koji je pokrao samog sebe,tj mene...Uhhh...To sam isto ja lol
  9. @Dule_smor. and SeT.ZeRoX niste ukapirali, ovo sam danas napisao iz glave, ali rekoh da verovatno da postoji gomila slicnih stvari vec na netu... a to za SC nema sanse da nadjem, ali mora biti najverovatnije ovaj forum, ili svet kompjutera...ima stfvari tipa chuck norris is perfectly ballanced you cant ling rush (or spool, jelda?) CN, youll allready be dead by then... mozda ti ovo pomogne da nadjes...
  10. bar cu na ovom forumu lako naci od koga da pozajmim vazelin...
  11. Znači, sorry ako ovako nešto već negde postoji (znam da postoje facts o Starcraftu), a ako ne postoji, nadam se da će vam se svideti. Imajte u vidu da prvi put pišem o Chucku Norrisu, a ne o Kojotu:-) pa budite blagi:-) Chuck Norris in Warcraft 1. Wisps will auto-detonate themselves if they see Chuck Norris, AND they will further increase his infinite amount of experience. Note that they won’t remove any of his infinite manna. 2. Chuck Norris can slam an uprooted Ancient back to the ground, so it can never uproot, walk, or give birth to units again. 3. The huntress’ glaive won’t hit Chuck Norris and a few nearby units, and vanish; instead, it will dodge Chuck Norris, fail to hit anything else, and, in fear, it will even forget to vanish. 4. Chuck Norris can remove huntress’ sentinel from a tree with a roundhouse kick, or remove it along with a tree, also using his trademark roundhouse kick. 5. When Chuck Norris roars, Druids of the Claw turn to teddy bears. 6. Mountain Giant never managed to Taunt Chuck Norris; he would usually get attacked, roundhouse kick&killed long before even being able to make a taunting gesture and sound. Note that Hardened Skin wont reduce Chuck Norris’ infinite damge by 12. 7. Faerie Fire won’t work on Chuck Norris; in fact, HE will see YOUR Druid of Talon, find him and roundhouse kick&kill him. Note that Faerie Fire won’t lower Chuck Norris’ infinite armor. 8. It used to take a lot of taunting clicks to make a Hippogryph byte off archers’ bow-arm; now it only takes a little time to see that Chuck Norris is approaching. 9. Chuck Norris can ride Hippogryph straight away, but he doesn’t, because he already runs and flies faster alone. 10. If Chuck Norris even just THINKS about using one of his infinitely numerous and powerful spells, it is YOUR Faerie Dragon that will get seriously injured. Actually, dead. 11. Only Chuck Norris can kill Priestess of the Moons’ scouting owl. 12. Entangling Roots also don’t work on Chuck Norris – he can simply roundhouse kick roots away. 13. When attacking an Orc base, Chuck Norris first drags peons out of their burrows, roundhouse kicks&kills them, THEN destroys the burrows. He will leave one peon alive, though, so that he can tell everybody about what he saw. 14. Chuck Norris actually deals four times more damage to berserking Headhunters, which is four times the infinite in overall. 15. Chuck Norris cleans his teeth with Stasis Traps. 16. Chuck Norris can make Kodo Beast throw up a unit it just devoured, before actually killing it. He will then probably kill both beast and unit, with a roundhouse kick, because he doesn’t really need them to win, and especially not to spend his infinite upkeep money. 17. Bat-Riders will probably explode and kill each other before even engaging in combat with Chuck Norris, because peon told them that being roundhouse kicked hurts like Chuck! 18. Every strike that Chuck Norris deals is a critical strike; furthermore, there’s a 15% chance that Chuck Norris will deal a special critical-critical strike, dealing infinite amount of damage multiplied by infinity+1. This is also known as Chuck Strike. 19. Chuck Norris plays cricket with Serpent Wards. 20. Chuck Norris can swallow Tauren Chieftains’ Shockwave, and fart it back at TC, killing him on a spot. Note that TC can’t reincarnate after being killed by Chuck Norris. 21. Chuck Norris can remove blight from ground, using nothing else but his spit; if, however, there’s an Undead building nearby, the spit will first destroy the building, and then remove blight. 22. If they see Chuck Norris approaching their base, Acolytes will grab some axes, and start chopping wood, or walking between a Gold Mine and Necropolis, hoping that Chuck Norris will replace them for peons, and let at least one survive. 23. Ghouls usually choke themselves on corpses they are eating, if they see Chuck Norris. 24. Crypt Fiends’ ranged ‘bug’ attack will make a wide circle around Chuck Norris, and flee away in panic, leaving a Crypt Fiend (even more) helpless against Chuck Norris. 25. If Gargoyles hear that they are about to encounter Chuck Norris, they’ll get stoned, and never snap out of it, even though if that bug is fixed long time ago. 26. Spirit and Nerubian towers turn back to Ziggurats when Chuck Norris approaches them. 27. Chuck Norris can raise not two, but infinite number of skeletons, and he doesn’t even need corpses for that. 28. Chuck Norris needs only one look to posses a Banshee, and two looks to Charm a Dark Ranger; he’ll probably roundhouse kick&kill them later, ‘cause he doesn’t really need them... 29. Chuck Norris uses Curse to mark himself available for a good touchdown pass. 30. If Abominations find out that they’ll fight Chuck Norris soon, they’ll first try to evade it by telling that they’ve caught some sort of disease, then they’ll try to sweetalk their way out, saying they come in peace(s), but nothing can really save them. A+ for trying, though. 31. If a Death Coil is cast at Chuck Norris, it will go around him, and then get back to a Death Knight who casted it, and kill him. 32. Chuck Norris always sees Death Shade; Death Shade, however, finds it pretty hard to see Chuck Norris. 33. Only Chuck Norris can kill defending Footman with one ranged shot; there’s even a chance that his shot will bounce back at dead Footman, and kill him even more. 34. When fighting a Knight, Chuck Norris first knocks him down from his horse with a roundhouse kick, effectively making him a Footman, then kills him with a single shot from a far, then the shot bounces back at a dead Knight, and kills him even more. 35. A Sorceress uses following tactics to survive Chuck Norris: first she turns herself into a sheep, then makes herself invisible, and tries to pretend that she’s an invisible sheep (by acting cool!). Never actually worked, either. 36. Chuck Norris’ spit can also douse Inner fire. And a Volcano. 37. Chuck Norris can catch a Storm bolt hammer with his teeth. 38. Chuck Norris once turned Goblin Alchemist into gold coins and bought him that little branch that gives +1 to all stats. 39. Chuck Norris can make Pit Lord kill himself and spawn a Doom Guard, which will then dispel, cripple, warstomp and rainoffire himseld to death. 40. The most powerful spell in the game is owned by Chuck Norris, and it’s called Chuckfall – in consists of a large (infinite) number of roundhouse kicks, which fall down from the sky, or emerge from the ground, and from all four corners of the map, destroying or killing all the units, heroes, neutrals, critters, trees, gold mines and buildings (even neutral ones!) in an area of a variable size. The area of this spell depends on a size of the map-for very big ones is very big, for small ones is small, and so on… Chuck never really uses this spell, because it would probably make an imbalance in the game.
  12. Znači, ja koji ne igram dotu znam da je grančica +1, nabovi! ali status, STATUS!!! Tu sam umro...nema me... :-)))))
  13. Poenta svega ovoga je da topici sa ovakvom temom niču veoma resto i u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima, te da ovaj forum ima nesagledivo veliki ali potisnut gay potencijal... HEY, zar ja nisam davno predvideo da će kojot da pokrene ovakav topic? Jesam...
  14. Sharon den Adel / Within Temptation Morena / Macbeth Tarja Turunen / :-( Dolores O'Riordan / Cranberries amy lee...
  15. Pise ti ispod Ajka:-) MIslim da ce ti trebati malo vise kablova, ili neke lude antene... ali isplatice se ololol!
  16. Kad se setim koliko ima likova u mojoj okolini koji se kao izdaju da su strejt, a malo-malo pa me prime za sisu ili bulju, naje
  17. Znači, treba mi slika Pere Kojota iz genijalne scene u kojoj planira da uhvati pticu tako što će se spustiti niz žicu pomoću kacige na koju je namontiran točkić:-) . Ako neko ima ove crtaće, molio bih da mi okači sliku sa ovom kacigom, ili nekoliko slika ako nije problem, kada isprobava točkić, ili samo pozira sa tim genijalnim izumom:-) Ne znam zašto, ali meni je ovo najjača scena u istoriji animiranog filma (Koja ideja JBTE!!!)
  18. Opet, NE MOZE biti takva graficka, nvidia pete serije na expresu!!!! Ili sam ja lud... Mozda je to neka uvrnuta oznaka proizvodjaca-koji je porizvodjac te graficke, majke ti (gainward, leadtek, asus, MSI, ko?) Uglavnom, ne bih ja to dao ispod 400e-a sad koliko ti mozes izvuci iz toga, zavisi od mnogih faktora. jel li-i normalizuj malo pricu oko te graficke!!! I tu ti ne treba znalac hardvera, vec sneaky trgovac polovnom opremom:-) ,jer, to ti je vrlo ljigavo polje, a svakakve varijante su moguce...
  19. KOJA nf4 ploca Koji amd64 3000+ (sempronili athlon) ta graficka ne moze:-) koja marka rama kolko vati napajanje ovo su sve extra bitne stvari, koje POLOVNOJ masini mogu napraviti oko 150-200e cenovne razlike... to sve moze biti 300, a moze i 500e...
  20. Tastatura koju trazis je genius kb 16-e,kosta oko 10 e,sad sam je video u septembarskom SK,na strani 29.Nema na cemu:-)
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