Reasons to see WAR
WAR kicks ass, and you should see it a lot of times, for these reasons:
- Jason Statham yelling at people, and then kicking ass. In other words, being himself.
- Jet Li killing a guy by kicking him in the face....and that's not his best kill.
- Random girls getting nude for no reason.
- Ninjas. Just when you think this movie couldn't rock any harder, they put Ninjas in the movie.
- A twist ending that would make M. Night Shawhocares *beep* himself.
- A car chase every 10 minutes. There's even one with motorcycles.
- Violence. Lots of it. Guns, blades, blood, kungfu, decapitations, the bases are covered.
-Jet Li and Jason Statham fighting each other. It's as epic as you might think.
So, in conclusion, if you, 1. Like things that are awesome. 2. Have a pair of testicles. 3. Need to see a movie that rocks for a change. 4. Are a human being.
...than WAR is for you.
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