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Everything posted by LESkOpoz

  1. LESkOpoz


    trse nasi !!! idemooooOOooOOooO :)
  2. onako,mega smor...gledao tv,ovo ono,sad Noleta malo...i tako...
  3. LESkOpoz

    SD Partizan 2007/08

    to je bilo veoma kurcevito,ali obicno se takvi potezi isplate... svaka mu cast!
  4. ustao...sad idem na fax na konsultacije,nadam se da nece dugo trajati...pa posle na sisanje,i ostatak dana bleja... :)
  5. LESkOpoz


    eto,ja odigrao 3. tiket u zivotu,i glupi Nadal je morao da izgubi set...magarac !!! eeee,da je doslo tih 4k,gde bih ja sad bio... :D
  6. LESkOpoz


    bravo Nole! evo sad gledam Gasquet vs Blake...lep tenis na pocetku...
  7. idem da jedem,pa da spavam...tai rad!
  8. LESkOpoz

    SD Partizan 2007/08

    a koju si ti utakmicu gledao? LOL !!! @eyel .!. :D
  9. One of the biggest legends in eSports resigns from the top, to free a spot for a young star. sALE, properly one of the biggest within eSport has chosen to step back from professional gaming and will take a new role, within sMekeri. SsALE has had quite some career. Playing for KBS several times, with a period in sMk too, sALE has been playing with the best, while being the best. He has won TURNIR U SVOM KVARTU with the amazing sMk 2005, several ZZM titles and a bunch of awards. Taking over where sALE let go, will be sMk’s sixth man DYLE. Also with a history in FOSILI LOL, DYLE has the material needed, when filling the free spot sALE left. DYLE is a wonder, the aimass some even name him. He’s amazing and really young, giving him lots of potential. Maxennsen "maxa" Maxiansen states following about DYLE: "Debeli DYLE COBRA has been on everyone's watch list for some time now, just like Saki in the beginning. He has the same will, dedication, enthusiasm and last, but not least, the skill to become one of the best players in the world. I am certain he will mature and shine in sMk together with the highly skilled and experienced players in the team. I am very happy to welcome him to the team!" It’s said that sALE will act as "ambassador" of eSport. What that exactly means, remains unknown. sMk Gaming will be attending KAGEBE LAN ZATO STO ZNAJU TRUJU ODMALENA Finals sledece godineth of March at METRO with their fifth man, how will this change the chances for SmK Gaming taking home the gold? With the changes, SmK Gaming now consist of following five: Maxennsen "maxa" Maxiansen Dushan "DYLE" CObrannsen Denis "N4p4sT" Napuhiannsen Andria "andr1a" naMnestovic Ogi "fraghunter" Vrbaslord c/p sa foruma na forum... :))) vrh je text :D
  10. LESkOpoz

    Crvena Zvezda

    hahaha,strahote jbt... ali dobro,tako se kup prolazi :))) dok je pobeda,dobro je !
  11. dao sam krv \o/ lezim,pijem sok,gledam tv,kuckam malo po ruru...milina...
  12. ^neko uci i ide u skolu,a neko daje krv :DD idem da jedem,da se posle ne bih onesvestio... :D
  13. HJAHAHAhahahAHAHahhahAHahahahaHAH OWNED BY THE BALL ! :D
  14. je se usro kad sam joj video oci... O.o
  15. opet sam kasno ustao,grrrr... sad pod tush,pa u prodavnicu,has i skola... a sutra najverovatnije dajem krv,tako da nema skolice do kraja nedeljeeeeee :DD
  16. odjavna spica filma "citulja za Eskobara"...ako neko zna,bio bih mu zahvalan da podeli to sa mnom :)
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