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Everything posted by Dandy

  1. Give the man a cigar :) Između ostalog, da. I celog računara... U principu, now that u mention it, stvarno i nisam skoro ni
  2. S obzirom da me mlađe generacije na ovom forumu uop
  3. Koliko od tih efekata zavisi od SM 3.0? Nisam jo
  4. Ljudi, niste bili u vojsci. Tamo se SVI deru, tako da je to sasvim ok :)
  5. Blah... nije trebalo da čitam ovaj topic. Ubili ste mi sada
  6. U koliko sati počinje 'cert? Na karti ne pi
  7. Aha, vidi se obrazovanje ovde DYD FTW
  8. Ček ček... (trk do ogledala)... jes' vala, i dalje sam ja ja :) Btw, ja nick nisam menjao nikada. Od mog početka postojanja u cyberspace-u, što beše pre nekih 15 godina.
  9. Ja ću biti tamo, a ima za inat da obučem RUR majicu
  10. Dandy

    DotA 6.41

    6.41 Changelog =============== * Heavily optimized and reduced map size (2.56 MB -> 1.88 MB) * -showdeny now shows denies from any player, using the denying player as the color of the "!" * Purchasing bottle now automatically gets filled up (meaning chicken can buy it for you and have it filled the first time) * Improved Lion's Mana Drain level 4 a little * Added a minor cooldown to detonate to prevent some abuses * Restored boots of speed non-stacking text * Added extra visual effects to some scepter upgrades as suggested by sagoboi and RilleL (KOTL, Lina, Lion, Ogre Magi, Pugna, QOP, Rhasta, Zeus) * Restored Headshot's old functionality of triggering on allied creeps * Fixed a small issue with witchcraft and silence aoe * Lowered Doom Scepter Upgrade damage * Fixed Fatal Bonds + Marksmanship bug * Found a workaround for the old water color engine bug when reloading from saved game * Fixed bug with the scoreboard when reloading an observer mode game * -DenyInfo (-di) now sets -cson and -showdeny to true * Lowered Twin Head Dragon's base damage * Watchers and Remote Mines no longer prevent neutral spawns * First towers are invulnerable until first wave comes out (to prevent some abuses in -rd) * Fixed misc typos * Fixed a bug with burrow strike * Lowered mana cost on Amplify Damage * Lowered Darkness cooldown from 240/210/180 to 240/210/150 * Wrath of Zeus no longer hits all meepos * Fixed a bug with Stormseeker causing the damage to not increase when leveled until he dies or is hexed * Scoreboard and Obsboard now show total sent/scourge kills in multiboard Notes: Some new content i was working on will be held off for the next version, too many people are abusing the spirit breaker bug to wait.
  11. Moj ćale je ladno nabavio ovakve naočare pre nekog vremena, pa sam uzeo da ih isprobam. Osnovni problem je to što smanjuju količinu svetlosti koja dopire do oka i to primetno. Samim tim stalno ti se čini da si u nekom polumraku, tako da sam popalio sva moguća svetla u kući i opet nije bilo to to. Možda na dnevnom svetlu van zatvorene prostorije to ima više smisla, ali mislim da bi me ljudi čudno gledali da se pojavim sa ovim saćastim čudom napolju :) (nisu ovako fancy kao ove sa prvog linka) E da, nisam baš primetio da bolje vidim sa njima.
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