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Everything posted by Astora

  1. Bolje da si dao studentima da ti mozak ispitaju mada, cisto sumnjam da tu ima ista pametno da se nadje. Svako na ovom forumu ima pravo da kaze svoje misljenje bilo to na dobar ili los nacin sad, to sto si ti dement decko je neka druga prica o kojoj ne vredi raspravljati. Pratio sam tvoja izlaganja i ovde i na fejsbuku i moram samo jedno da priznam "COVECE ALA TI SERES" . I na kraju, ko je uopste lud da trosi vreme na tebe. Nemoj traziti nesto sto ne zelis jer ti se to moze vrlo lako obiti o glavu. Dementu ;)
  2. Imaćemo svetleće drveće kao iz “Avatara”? Umesto sadašnje ulične rasvete uskoro bi ulice mogle da osvetljava drveće koje svetli, navodi preduzetnik Entoni Evans koji sarađuje sa timom biologa iz Kalifornije. Evans i njegove kolege, biolozi Omri Amirav-Drori i Kajl Tejlor, rade na kreiranju drveća koje bi tokom noći svetlelo. On i njegovi saradnici inspirisani su organizmima koji u svom DNK sastavu imaju i genetski materijal drugih vrsta. Na tom tragu, žele da usade gen bakterije “Vibrio fischeri” u vrstu drveća “Arabidopsis thaliana”. Ovo svakako nije prvi put da se na ovaj način ukrštaju vrste. Slični pokušaji javljali su se još osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, a ovakvo ukrštanje našlo je odavno svoju primenu u poljoprivredi. Primera radi, gen bakterije “Bacillus thuringiensis” rutinski se već duže vreme usađuje u kukuruz i pamuk ne bi li se usevi zaštitili od štetočina, prenosi Smitsonijan. Evans objašnjava da su odabrali “Arabidopsis thaliana” vrstu jer je ona veoma dobro poznata u naučnim krugovima, i njene osobine su do detalja izučena. Osim toga, ova vrsta poznata je i kao biljka sa najmanjim genomom. Za te potrebe ovaj tim poslužiće se softverom “Genome Compiler” koji omogućava pretragu delova gena pogodnih za modifikaciju. “Korističemo taj softver da bismo izdvojili delove gena bakterije ‘Vibrio fischeri’, koji se nakon procesa kodiranja i optimizacije, jednostavno usadi u biljku i prilagodi novoj sredini. Posle toga sledi kompjuterska sintetizacija DNK iza koje ide ‘štampanje’ tog DNK materijala. Sve to šaljemo kompaniji koja za nas prema naručenoj šemi proizvodi DNK”, objašnjava Evans. Kada sve to bude obavljeno, sledi još nekoliko stvari. “Dobijenu DNK usađujemo u posebne bakterije (agrobacterium) koje su vrlo pametne i same sprovode genetski inženjering. One se potom ugrađuju u ženske gamete biljke, nakon čeka možemo da uzgajamo seme sa genetskim materijalom koji smo kreirali uz pomoć softvera. Potom uz pomoć ‘genetičkog pištolja’ ispaljujemo DNK hice u ćelije bilje. Neke od njih će se održati i opstati u novoj sredini, nakon čega će početi da razvijaju svoje osobine”, zaključuje Evans. Kalifornijski tim je svoj projekat postavio i na sajtu “Kickstarter” kako bi sakupio novac za finansiranje projekta. Iako je trebalo da prikupe “svega” 65.000 dolara, njihova ideja dopala se mnogima pa su za kratko vreme prikupili nešto manje od pola miliona dolara. To im je dalo dodatan podstrek da ubrzano rade na svom projektu, pa najavljuju da bismo uskoro mogli da dobijemo pravo svetleće drveće, nalik onom koje smo gledali u naučnofantastičnom hitu “Avatar”.
  3. Ma nisu se zajebali, uopste.. LOL
  4. Ove jeseni bice punih 12 godina kako su posadjeni. Prvi rod je bio u trecoj godini a pun rod smo imali posle 7 i po godina. Svako nase stablo daje blizu 4 kg ne ide ispod 4 ali bude nekih i po 5 kg po stablu roda. Nije zahtevno i ne trazi puno... samo redovno djubrenje, prskanje i ciscenje..
  5. Evo me u Novom Sadu kod metroa na kartingu. Nije skupo, cak smo i pivo dobili za dz. A tu su i neke istetovirane curice i kolega ih izaziva na trku... Osecam da ce nas poniziti a od jebenih komaraca ne mozes ziveti.
  6. Nadam se ove godine blizu 35 l sljive, 15 litara orahovace i hoce komsija da napravi eksperiment sa lesnikom... Imam 15 stabala lesnika. Pricao je da hoce da proba da napravi cistu rakiju od lesnika, bio je malo pripit ali u principu, sto naumi to i uradi.
  7. MOP im je bas bio sjajan izbor kako bi povratili igrace. Zar nisu rekli da je MOP poslednja expansija u WoW-u ?
  8. Ne obazirem se ja uopste sta ce rodbina i komsije pricati. Tracevima se ne bavim niti me zanimaju. Ljudi su takvi da, sta god da ti uradis oni ce pricati da nije dobro. p.s: Indjija nije selo ali sam razumeo sta si hteo da kazes ;) :D
  9. Pa upravo me i zanima zbog tih obicaja jer, ne znam kako to ide.. Mogucnosti su limitirane ali za mamu i zadnji dinar bih dao i davao sam. Imam vec uklesanu sliku tate i brata, sad je ostalo jos samo maminu da sliku da uklesem..
  10. Dao majci 40 dana danas. Prvo otisli u crkvu pa posle i na grob gde je bio i Pop. Jako je tesko i jos uvek ne mogu da se pomirim da nemam vise ni Mamu ni Tatu ni Brata. Zivot mora dalje prvenstveno zbog dece, zene a i zbog sebe. Treba da se uklese slika njena na plocu a ne znam kada to moze da se uradi. Neko prica da moram sacekati da prodje 6 meseci a neko da sacekam da prodje godinu dana, ne znam...
  11. Pa jbt.. Do pre reinstalacije wina sam imao opciju da kada hocu neku fotku da uploadujem preko imgur-a bilo mi je dovoljno da samo desni klik na fotku i selektujem quick upload preko imgur-a i to je to umesto sto se patim tako sto prvo moram da skinem fotku s neta pa onda dok ukucam imgur.com pa dok uploadujem, smorih se.. Moze tips kako to ponovo da namestim za mozzilu ? Hvala unapred :)
  12. "Uparivanje sa uredjajem tim i tim nije uspelo zbog netacnog PIN ili pristupnog koda".. To mi iskace kad hocu da koristim bluetooth. Moze neka pomoc drugovi?
  13. Comet ISON is now fizzing with activity (Sen) - One of the most eagerly awaited comets in history is livening up as it heads for its rendezvous with the Sun later this year. Comet ISON has already been monitored by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Swift satellite as it races in between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Now another orbiting observatory, NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, has taken its own close-ups. Images newly released show the comet, officially labelled C/2012 S1, as it appeared with Spitzer’s infrared array camera on 13 June when it lay about 500 million km from the Sun. It was clearly already fizzing with activity. The picture on the left, taken at a wavelength of 3.6 microns, shows a tail of fine rocky dust being ejected from the comet’s head and being blown away by the pressure of the solar wind. We’re all crossing our fingers that this is a good sign and that ISON will become very active as it approaches and rounds the Sun The right-hand picture, at 4.5-micron wavelength, reveals a neutral gas atmosphere around the comet that is probably caused by carbon dioxide bubbling off its surface at a rate of around one million kg a day. Comet ISON is still too faint to be seen with standard amateur equipment but that will change over the next few weeks and it may be within range of backyard telescopes towards the end of August in the morning sky. Its discovery on September 21 last year by the Russian International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) excited astronomers when they had calculated its orbit through the Solar System. It showed that the cosmic visitor will pass less than two million km from the Sun when it reaches its closest point, called perihelion, on November 28 this year. Optimists hope to see the comet reach an unrivalled brightness of between magnitude -11 and -16, which means that at best it could shine brighter than the Full Moon and become the comet of a lifetime. Bear in mind that it will be in the daytime sky when this close - even so it would be visible in broad daylight if it performs at best. How the Hubble Space Telescope saw Comet ISON on April 10. Credit: NASA, ESA, J.-Y. Li (Planetary Science Institute), and the Hubble Comet ISON Imaging Science Team The comet may also already be extremely bright as it approaches the Sun and as it heads back away from it, hopefully sporting a fine tail, providing it survives its close encounter. And there lies the rub, because the behaviour of comets is notoriously difficult to predict at the best of times. UK astronomy populariser Stuart Atkinson has setup a blog, Waiting for ISON, with observing advice and star maps to help people view the comet. He told Sen: “These are fascinating observations from Spitzer. We’re all crossing our fingers that this is a good sign and that ISON will become very active as it approaches and rounds the Sun. “Hopefully it means ISON will captivate us all in early December, but of course everyone should just try and stay calm and not get too carried away. ISON might dazzle and delight us, or disappoint and depress us, it’s too early to say yet, no matter what anyone tells you. “It’s often said that comets are like cats but I think they’re more like politicians: sometimes they promise us the world at first, to get our attention, and then let us down! But let’s hope for the best!” The comet has an orbit that is close to a parabola, which suggests it may be on its first journey into the inner Solar System from the Oort cloud of icy bodies that is thought to surround it. It has the consistency of a dirty snowball, being made up of dust and gases such as water, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide left over from the formation of the planets 4.5 billion years ago. A previous sungrazing comet, Ikeya-Seki (C/1965 S1) reached magnitude -10 in 1965 to the delight of observers. However, they were left disappointed in 1973 by another similar visitor, Comet Kohoutek, (C/1969 O1), which proved to be a bit of a damp squib. Comet ISON was discovered by Vitali Nevski, of Vitebsk, Belarus, and Artyom Novichonok, of Kondopoga, Russia, on CCD images made with a 0.4-metre reflecting telescope near Kislovodsk, Russia. That forms part of ISON, a network of observatories across ten countries that operate to detect and track objects in space. Comet ISON Spewing Gas & Dust In Huge Quantities, NASA Scientists Say A comet that could put on a dazzling show when it zooms through the inner solar system later this year is already blasting out huge amounts of gas and dust, new observations by a NASA spacecraft show. Images taken on June 13 by NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope reveal that dust and carbon dioxide gas are streaming off Comet ISON, forming a tail about 186,400 miles (300,000 kilometers) long, researchers said. "We estimate ISON is emitting about 2.2 million pounds (1 million kilograms) of what is most likely carbon dioxide gas and about 120 million pounds (54.4 million kg) of dust every day," Carey Lisse, leader of NASA's Comet ISON Observation Campaign and a senior research scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., said in a statement. [Photos of Comet ISON: A Potentially Great Comet] "Previous observations made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission and Deep Impact spacecraft gave us only upper limits for any gas emission from ISON," Lisse added. "Thanks to Spitzer, we now know for sure the comet's distant activity has been powered by gas." Comet ISON was 312 million miles (502 million km) from the sun — 3.35 times farther than the Earth-sun distance — when Spitzer made the new observations, NASA officials said. The comet, which is about 3 miles (5 km) wide, is cruising toward a close encounter with the sun on Nov. 28, when it will skim just 724,000 miles (1.16 million km) above the solar surface. ISON could blaze up dramatically around this time, perhaps shining as brightly as the full moon in the sky, researchers say. But there's no guarantee that ISON will live up to the hype. For example, it could break apart as it approaches the sun, fizzling out as some other "comet of the century" candidates have done over the years. While it's tough to predict the behavior of any comet, forecasting ISON's sky show is particularly difficult. Scientists think ISON is making its first-ever trip to the inner solar system from the distant and frigid Oort Cloud, a huge repository of comets that lies between roughly 600 billion and 6 trillion miles (965 billion and 9.65 trillion km) from the sun. Comet ISON is becoming more active as it warms up during this epic journey. Researchers expect to get an increasingly detailed look at ISON's composition over time, because different materials boil off at different distances from the sun. "Much of the carbon in the comet appears to be locked up in carbon dioxide ice," Lisse said. "We will know even more in late July and August, when the comet begins to warm up near the water-ice line outside of the orbit of Mars, and we can detect the most abundant frozen gas, which is water, as it boils away from the comet." ISON's solar flyby promises to be more than just a skywatching spectacle. Comets are primordial bodies composed of water, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide and other materials — the same fundamental building blocks that gave rise to the planets 4.5 billion years ago. "ISON is very exciting," Jim Green, NASA's director of planetary science in Washington, D.C., said in a statement. "We believe that data collected from this comet can help explain how and when the solar system first formed." The comet was discovered last September by amateur astronomers Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok. It takes its name from the equipment the duo used — the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) near Kislovodsk, Russia.
  14. Cek, jel to stvarno istina da postoje indicije da World of Warcraft postane f2p igra ?
  15. Cekaj, zasto nema Cele ovde ?! Ja bih ga rado izabrao da me brani :D Uz Celu i Vadera pokoravamo svet. A E !
  16. Jel mozete da mi preporucite neki program sa kojeg mogu da prebacujem fajlove sa kompa na telefon i obrnuto ?
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