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Everything posted by RaveN

  1. A few years ago, YouTube switched to a streaming protocol called Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, or DASH for short. While it's more efficient in most cases, you probably know it best as the thing that only lets you preload the video a few seconds ahead of the playhead, no matter how fast your connection is. Luckily, it's easy to disable. First, you'll need to add YouTube Center to your browser of choice, either as an extension or as a user script. Once that's done, you'll notice a gear icon in the upper right corner of YouTube. From this dropdown menu, go to YouTube Center Settings > Player, and uncheck Dash Playback. Now, YouTube videos will be able to preload in their entirety, which is awesome if you're on a slow connection, or if you're jumping around from point to point. YouTube Center obviously has a lot else going on, so be sure to poke around once you've cured this particular grievance. Update: As has been pointed out in the comments, you'll need to enable developer mode in Chrome to install the extension, since it's not coming from the Chrome Web Store. https://github.com/YePpHa/YouTubeCenter/wiki http://lifehacker.com/preload-entire-youtube-videos-by-disabling-dash-playbac-1186454034
  2. nigde ne idemo dule, smuckaj neku drogu da se ubijemo
  3. krenem da dam minus karlitu zbog prelose fore, stoji -3, kliknem prebaci se odma na -5 :D
  4. RaveN


    zvacu te veceras vlado
  5. alfa je danas isfejlovo jako ajmo? soba rurbezbulbija pass bulbameba imam 1mb up ako neko ima vise nek pravi
  6. ali lagovace nam ako ne podesis diskpart parametre bulbi otvori command prompt iz start menija kucaj sledece diskpart list disk select disk X (gde je X disk gde su ti bitni podaci) clean all create partition primary format fs=ntfs sacekaj da zavrsi assign exit posle toga bi trebalo lepo da radi
  7. jesi podesio diskpart parametre?
  8. pa nece, koja si podesavanja stavio?
  9. ako nis siguran idi na http://www.speedtest.net/ pa okaci ovde skrinshot
  10. nece nesto, koliki ti je upload?
  11. ime sobe si zaboravio da napises?
  12. hocu i ja da igram sa tobom bulbi, aj napravi sobu
  13. sa torrenta skidas? pa sto pitas onda koji kurac ako znas sta je torrent
  14. ne znam samo kako su ti smesne te fore sa isusom.
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