Level 7: Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1986 - explosion and fire in operational reactor, fallout over thousands of square kilometres, possible 4,000 cancer cases
Level 7: Fukushima, 2011 - tsunami and possibly earthquake damage from seismic activity beyond plant design. Long-term effects unknown
Level 6: Kyshtym, Russia, 1957 - explosion in waste tank leading to hundreds of cancer cases, contamination over hundreds of square kilometres
Level 5: Windscale, UK, 1957 - fire in operating reactor, release of contamination in local area, possible 240 cancer cases
Level 5: Three Mile Island, US, 1979 - instrument fault leading to large-scale meltdown, severe damage to reactor core
Level X: Iraq, 1991 - depleted uranium, unknown number of cancer cases
Level X: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1999 - depleted uranium, unknown number of cancer cases
Level X: Iraq, 2003 - depleted uranium, unknown number of cancer cases
fizički poluživot uranijuma - 4,5 milijardi godina
inkubacioni period za osiromašeni uranijum - 5-6 godina
ne zaboraviti, ali ovaj put ni ne oprostiti, jer ni osiromašeni uranijum neće oprostiti...