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Everything posted by konfuzni

  1. ma tesko da ce biti nesto od ovoga :) barem kod nas
  2. Sretjan rodjendan pampy da jebes tamo one svedjanke u talu sa kingorom kad ja vec ne mogu :DD kiss
  3. lep sam do jaja :)) sta ima spale nema te ko gaca u pornicu

  4. Presao igru , sve reci hvale , predobro uradjena !!!
  5. Koliko ste nepismeni da se zabrine covek
  6. To je za sada nemoguce :) BTW Zeki lepotice sve najbolje ti zhelim !! :** Jbg radim dosao bih :S
  7. The World Cyber Games commitee has confirmed that Los Angeles will stage the 2010 world finals. This will be the third time in the tournament's history that a WCG event will take place in North America, after San Francisco and Seattle hosted the 2004 and 2007 editions, respectively. Los Angeles, where the NBCU reality TV show WCG Ultimate Gamer was shot, will be the hosting city of the 10th edition of the famous gaming event, succeeding Chengdu. The 2010 World Finals will take place at the city's Convention Center, but the dates for the event have yet not been announced. ''After taking into careful consideration the many factors involved with selecting the host city, the World Cyber Games Committee came to a clear decision with Los Angeles,'' World Cyber Games CEO Hyoung-Seok Kim told wcg.com. ''San Francisco and Seattle were extremely successful events and we look forward to returning to the United States for our 10-year anniversary.'' Stay tuned to HLTV.org for more info regarding the 2010 WCG World Finals. Jedinstvena prilika !!!!!!!!
  8. Jedno off topic pitanje? zasto na flajerima i posterima koji su zalepljeni pise i 30 i 31? znam da je 31 koncert jel to neka greska ili sta?
  9. Haha ma i bolje sto ne dolazis samo bih se upropastio koliko vremena oduzima :D
  10. Super stvar bravo , btw Igi mogao bi da odg na poruku na fejsu , mojne me kuliras :)
  11. Ne bi niko pravio turnir da nema koristi od istog tako da stfu :)
  12. Pre svega glavati ne znas ni da napises Extreme prvi minus , za ostalo plus :) P.S sister
  13. takodje se skida 30 % mater mu :)
  14. konfuzni

    Combat Arms

    Ne znam dal je bio topic u vezi ove igre , ali svakako zasluzuje jedan svoj. U pitanju je FPS nalik kanteru koji uz lepsu grafiku donosi i dosta novina u samoj igri. Igra je besplatna , teska oko 800 mb i ima vec gomilu servera na kojima moze da se igra. Igra podseca na neke arkadne igre kada napravite neki multi kill ili killing spree izbaci vam na ekranu kao u starim 2d igrama sa automata na ekranu :) Morate da se reg na sajtu i skinete igru i uzivate Evo i officijalni trejler DL Clienta : http://combatarms.nexoneu.com/NXEU.aspx?PA...load/GameClient » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
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