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Everything posted by Kemp.

  1. Prebacio sam shamana i sad evo igrao rogua i aq i trebao nam healer za huhurana. Do jaja fight za healera :D
  2. imam ja lego kocke ako oce neko da kupi...
  3. Ranije se pricalo o tome na nekom topiku dejane, kolko se secam.
  4. Moj komsija profa dobio cerku.... WTFLOL?!
  5. Pa da, a onda je bilo : " A KAKO DA PREBACIM MOJ US NA EU NALOG KK???!!1" :D omg poceo sam da spamujem....oh noes..
  6. Igram od pocetka, dobio sam jedan od prvih 20 diskova koji su stigli u plato, sa 2 nedelje zakasnjenjem recimo, samo sto sam gurao hantera do 50+ pa rerollovao shamana, tako da sam izgubio nekih mesec dana tu.
  7. Public Enemy sa Ravencasta je to uradio pre nove godine, pa ti vidi :)
  8. Al kazu da ce od 1.12 combat dagger biti bez premca ;( ja taman zgotivio sword/claw combat build ;( Nije US ekipa, "Ivana" je igrao u Nihilumu ;)
  9. De bre kad sam ja tamo igrao MC pola likova je pocinjalo da igra tipa Figl, Myth itd :D, al opet ima veterana koji su ubijali ragnarosa a ja levelovao :D Prepoznace se ^^
  10. Kul Tiras, moj guild. Lik je iz BG-a, juce napunio 40godina :D
  11. Naravno, swords za pve. Rade vise dpsa na bossovima(osim Vael figh), generalno treba biti umetnik da bi pulovao agro sa swordom.
  12. Enchant FAQ by Slant Rogue enchant priorities Combat rogue mainhand PvE: crusader >= lifesteal > fiery > +15agil >> +5dam >= +15str >>> unholy = icy Combat rogue mainhand PvP: lifesteal >= crusader > fiery > +15agil >> +5dam >= +15str >>> unholy = icy Dagger rogue mainhand PvE: +15 agil = crusader >= lifesteal = +5dam >= fiery > 15 str >>> unholy = icy Dagger rogue mainhand PvP: +5dam = +15 agil = lifesteal >= crusader = fiery > 15 str >>> unholy = icy Offhand (all): +15 agil >= lifesteal >= crusader > fiery > 15 str >>>>> +5dam > unholy = icy > better than >> much better than >> much much better than >= better than or equal to (very close) = equal to Rogues, Instant Attacks and Procs - Rogues have a real advantage when it comes to mainhand weapon procs. Procs are calculated as procs per minute, however this is internally expressed as a percentage value per attack. This means that when you spam 3 sinister strikes in the beginning of a fight your fiery enchant has a 84% chance to proc with a 2.80 speed weapon. - Mainhand weapon procs tend to go off roughly 2X as often as their procs per minute would infer for combat rogues. - Mainhand weapon procs tend to go off roughly 1.5X as often as their procs per minute would infer for dagger rogues. Crusader - 75-125 point heal and +100 strength for 15 seconds - crusader on both weapons dualwielding does stack. Only one icon shows up but you get both heals and your strength goes up by 200. - crusader is by far the best weapon buff for non-rogues and hunters as they get 2 attack per strength - rogues get 1 attack per strength, so 100 attack or 7.14dps - 7.14dps = +7.14dps on mainhand and +3.6 offhand (or +5.36dps offhand with imp dualwielding) - the 7.14dps also adds to instant attacks. This is calculated by (weaponspeed * 7.14)= damage added to instants - crusader is a buff so it isn't resistable, thus it is the best mainhand enchant for PvE raids - crusader has a low procrate and a duration, so it is much less useful in PvP and soloing where it seems to always proc at the end of a fight - crusader procs at a rate of 1 proc per minute. Thus a 2.80 speed weapon would proc 1/(60/2.80)= 4.67% chance per proc Lifesteal - 30 point heal and 30 point fire (NOT shadow) damage per proc - lifesteal procs at a rate of 6 procs per minute. Thus a 2.80 speed weapon would proc 6/(60/2.80)= 28.00% chance per proc - lifesteal is better than crusader for PvP and soloing as it is atomic damage and healing - lifesteal does 3dps and heals 3hps per hand with autoattack alone Fiery - 40 point fire damage per proc - fiery does 4dps with autoattack alone - fiery procs at a rate of 6 procs per minute. Thus a 2.80 speed weapon would proc 6/(60/2.80)= 28.00% chance per proc 15 agil - 15 agil = 15 attack = +1.07dps to mainhand and 0.54dps to offhand (0.80dps to offhand with imp dualwield) - 15 agil = 0.52% crit = 1.03% dodge 15 str - 15 str = 15 attack = +1.07dps to mainhand and 0.54dps to offhand (0.80dps to offhand with imp dualwield) 5 damage - adds a flat 5 damage to every attack - dps added is 5 / (speed of weapon), so on a 2.00 speed weapon like the barman shanker it would add 2.5dps to mainhand only - useful for mainhand dagger rogues only Demonslaying - 75-125 holy damage against demons and a 5 second stun - don't know procrate - useful if you're grinding on satyrs, basically Unholy/Icy - unholy is worthless and icy has a very low procrate, don't bother Maelstrom/Heroism Cards - No real tests have been performed yet for these procs. Hearsay says they are 1 proc per minute per hand. If this is true, they are worthy of being purple.
  13. Ja sam furao 2xcrusader na daggerima, dobra fora za pve, non stop upaljen na boss fightu.
  14. Ortak se smorio pre neki dan i nabavofo se skoro maximalno(fali ony i zg buff) i stvarno je mnogo 2700 ap-a na predhodnom screenu bez bafova. Doduse orc+untamed blade pwn nref
  15. Kad bre ranije? Ono tipa to je staro 2 godine lolo... Ovo meni deluje tako nestvarno, ostvarenje snova; Evo vec zamisljam da igram wow, samo kazem "GRIND" i odem da spavam, kad ujutru 1k golda me ceka lolo!1
  16. A mozda je covek samo teo da prestane da igra :) Ne postoji bolji nacin ^^
  17. Stit iz questa sa elementium ore-om iz aq-a(ispred c'thuna), mozda cak i bolji od bulwarka...
  18. Ko jednom proba combat sa dobrim gearom nikad se ne vraca na dagere :) Jebes 2k ambush, ovaj build cini cuda :) http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jheMoxZGxV00Vzxfo
  19. Kung paw :D Odgledaj film!1
  20. Kemp.


    Da, mislim da je to prelomilo utakmicu, ovi su psiholoski pali u tom momentu, i to je bilo to...
  21. Kemp.


    Jedna velika karijera onako da se zavrsi, nepromisljen potez(opravdan ili ne) mozda je kostao Francusku zlata u finalu. Po meni, onaj momenat je bacio senku na celu utakmicu, ostao mi je los utisak i definitivno je pokvarilo mec. Bas me zanima sta mu je rekao da bi ga isprovocirao(vec sam zaboravio kako se zove italijan). Vase reakcije na sve to?
  22. Meni par puta al samo u Naxxu...Propustio sam prvi boss kill zbog disconecta ffs...
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