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Ja sam negde napisao da blizzard jedino moze samo da sjebe WoW :)
Jel mozes i da jebes u AoC ? Cisto me interesuje da moze da se meri pisa sa ostalima :)
Ah ta sljiva sta mi uradi.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gJHqELd9HY
Brate nemoj da pitas nego uradi probaj, neces nista izgubiti, cak ne moras ni da brises nego rename folder, ako bas hoces da ga sacuvas, ili backup WTF / WDB / Interfacez folders ;) Good Luck.
Neo 'mri ! :) Evo bicu originalan !!! :P http://www.vivendi.com/corp/en/press_2008/...4_PR_Q12008.pdf
Imate jos 4-5 meseca za razmisljanje, a mozda i manje.
Normalan odgovor jedini na ovoj temi :))))) Mada opet i ne mora na forum da salje kod njih, dovoljno je da klikne na send report. Sigurno oni to ispravljaju. Elem Obrisi sve u WTF i WDB folderu bese i sve addon interfacez, al pre toga ih backupuj, moze da pomogne.
Stigao je i 2.4.2 Patch za WoW, možda i jedan od poslednjih pre Wrath of the Lich King nastavka. Kako smo saznali 2.5.0 patch neće nikad izaći, a mogući su samo hotfix-evi. Patch je veoma mali (15mb), tako da lako možete da ga skinete preko Blizzard Downloader-a. Kao što znate Season 4 predmeti su bili prikazani i aktivni na PTR, ali početak Season 4 još nije objavljen, Blizzard će nam dati 2 nedelje obaveštenje pre nego što Season 4 startuje. Linkovi ka vise informacija i download ofc: Download: WoW 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 enGB patch (Direktan download ne otvara sajt) Bezbedni Patch Mirror (preko wowwiki) Zvanicne Patch 2.4.2 izmene: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/ Arena Season 4 (sve S4 nagrade i cene) World of Raids Infoz: Arena Season 4 Nagrade Potreban Rating i Arena izmene
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Dzaba storm :) onda ce da warriori da nose 2x 2h weaponz i ne mogu da se setim kako im se zove spell da se okrecu i lete po celoj mapi :) A zamisli tek da skacu ko kenguri :P ololol sad razmisljam kako ce koj kurac da se igra naxx. 60 lvl isli smo 40 man tesko bilo samo tako, kako ce sad oni to da naprave da bude 10 man na 80 lvl ja stvarno ne mogu da razumem, al znam da ce dosta njih zbog toga imati tier7 i kad krene 25 man Naxx, samo iz principa posto mislim da Blizzard nece da se cima da menja nihove abillitiez. -
WoW zajebancije, klipovi, slike, wow articles,.. etc.
Silencer replied to Sajro's topic in World of Warcraft
OMG Ima dobru sisu ! -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
pao sam sa stolice :) 40 ljudi je potrebno bilo da ubije ragnarosa i Kel'thuzada 25 ljudi da ubije Kael'thasa, Illidana i Kil'Jadena 10 ljudi da ubije Arthasa Dobro to je neki balans 60 lvl 70 lvl 80 lvl ? :) Na kraju osecam evo prividjam da cemo 2010 godine u nekom expensionu imati dungeon istance 1-2 man i 5 man raid :) Bah mozda je ovo samo jedan kraj WoW-a, i pocetak Diablo3 kao naslednika Blizzard MMO-a. -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
:O ajde sad me zbog jednog spella :P drndajte :) Pa ja u igri ne znam nijedan spell bilo koje klase sem paladina :) doduse daj boze i njemu da znam sve... Uglavnom koj cemi kurac da im znam imena ;) Sad je bitno da imas Season 3 gear i da si ubio illidana i ti si pro xD A to sto sam rekao spellbook ? :) sta je tu loshe ja znam da warrior ima Spellbook & Abilities :) -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Ruin -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Jebiga kobajo valjda se tako zove spell :P ne ulazim ja u ostale klase sem paladina ;) Evo ovde cu se ispravim :) Sad sam se log na warriora WhirlWind :) Znam da je bio neki Wind :P a onaj drugi deo ne znam napamet ;) meni pise da sam ga ja slain sa holy shock ! -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Treba biti skilled a pullujes 10 moba sa sobom :) da dojuris do ta dva warriora retardirana i da ih udaras... posto vidim kako bude rage, lepo dignem bubble i glupaci odrade world wind i onda ih pustim da umru. :) Treba biti pametan za tako nesto jelda. Eleme nebra je objasnio sta sam hteo da kazem. Nije poenta skill. poenta je da ja udjem sa PvE warriorom i ja kao paladin u 2v2 arenu sa 1500 ratina, i padne nam S3 Warlock i S3 Mag. Mag koji priprema pajro, a warrior uradi spell reflect i ubije mag samog sebe 2/3, doduse :) ja se nalozim pa warrior pogine, i onda ja sam sabijem warlocka i maga koji su Season 3 Full gear ? Krivo mi sto takve situacije ne snimam al su smesne mnogo... Dzaba njima S3 Kad nemaju skill.... Season 4 ce pokazati svoje vec. -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Killy :) ja sad imam full season 3 healing gear i sabijam 2x Warriora S3 gear :) Sta mene boli kurac ko koji gear ima. Al opet PvE gear BT / SWP ne moze da ima svako, mada evo videli su svoje napravljene greske u areni, i sad ispravljaju to.... Da vidim ko ce da ima Season 4 gear i ko ce da ima Tier 6.5 iteme. Nije bas tolko SWP slab a Arena Season 4 nece da bude laka da se uzmu svi itemi i da sabija svako... Inace si upravu ovo sto kazes, ja sam bogami nedelju dana grindao taj trinket 12 sati dnevno... Smorilo stvarno... Mislim samo reputacija do exalted ubija u pojam, summonovanja i skupljanja one opreme .... Bah sretna vremena provedena u silithusu. Kad bi takvu zemlju napravili u WotLK mislim da bi bio srecan. -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Jesam jos igram :) doduse samo se logujem da raidujem. Igrao sam ja i pre TBC, a jel zna neko od vas onaj trinket sto daje 300 AP od CC reputacije exalted i sto moras ona sranja da grindas da bi dobio neke marike i to ako te usere? :) E to sam ja grindao sa kinezima, i meni je grind igra odavno... Ja bi pre rekao killy ti ko da si prvi put upalio uopste MMO igricu ili RPG neki :) jos gore FRP. (nemoj da se nadjes uvredjenim, posto ne vredjam) Pa meni je svaka FRP avantura koja je jos izasla 90 godina grind. Samo je razlika posto u savremenijim uvek imas neke vise stvari i novine koje opet moras da grindas. Nece niko da me ubedi da takav AoC nece da bude npr i Warhammer online... -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Meni su bas simpaticni sa idejama :) Killy u svakom MMO moras da grindas kako god okrenes :) Nigde epixi / predmeti / gold se ne dobijaju na lepe oci :) Gledao sam video zapise, screenshots, mogu reci da vidim poboljsanja u grafici, sto me iskreno i brine malo da cu imati manje fps-a :( -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Potpuno netacno. Mada ni ja ne mogu da tvrdim, ali to je isto kao da si usao u 5 man istancu Dungeon Dif ili Heroic dif. Bolji predmeti / epix / bossevi kolko ja znam u Heroic modu imaju veci dmg, veci life, i special attack / abilities ? -
Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation
Silencer replied to Silencer's topic in World of Warcraft
Sta ? :) Napokon mozemo da se sastavimo i napravio srBski guild od 10 coveka :) -
Earlier in the week, we were invited to attend a Wrath of the Lich King presentation at Blizzard's offices in Irvine, California. Once there, we were shown Northrend in its current state of development, a Death Knight in action, given several hours to play the expansion for ourselves, and were also permitted interview sessions with three of Blizzard's top developers - J. Allen Brack, Jeff Kaplan and Tom Chilton. Blizzard dished the dirt on a whole range of things about Wrath, and you can read all about the trip in our Wrath Presentation Article, as well as articles covering all we learned about Death Knights, filmed interviews with the game producer and designers, a tour of the Blizzard campus and museum and much much more. We've gone into great detail on all of this, but for now, here are the most exciting things we learned from Blizzard about the coming expansion: General * All 25 man raids in Wrath will also be available to complete with 10 players. This is so that more players will get to see end game content (Even the Arthas encounter will be available as a 10 man raid). * There will be completely different loot tables for the two different raid types. They will also be on separate cool downs, so players could fight in both the 10 man and 25 man raid on the same day if they wish. * The mounts available to buy in Wrath will probably be able to take passengers. These mounts will also work in the old world (Provided they are land mounts), so players can give low-level characters a ride! The new mounts will also be slightly faster, around the speed of the Armored Netherdrakes. * All 5-man instances in Northrend will feature Heroic modes, and the loot tables for the 2 modes will be totally separate. Heroic dungeons will have their own "Tier" of armor completely unique to that level dungeon. Death Knights * Death Knights will be available to players who have a character level 55+ on the same realm. There is no other requirement at this time. * Players are allowed 1 Death Knight per realm that they have a level 55+ character on. * Death Knights will be "born" in a floating Necropolis over the Eastern Plaguelands, similar to Naxxramas. * Death Knights will start at level 55. * A Death Knight's starting armor will be a mixture of green and blue quality items. The first few quests that they encounter will provide upgrades to these starting items, and these upgrades will be armor specific to Death Knights. * Death Knights can dual wield. * One Death Knight spell is Raise Dead, which converts a fallen unit into a ghoul for a time to serve the Death Knight, similar to a Hunter's pet. If the spell is used on a fallen friendly player, the player will be presented with an option box similar to a resurrection message, and if they accept, they will take control of the ghoul and will be able to use its abilities for the period of time that it is active. This can work as a sort-of battle res, and Chilton stated it may be available in Arenas. Northrend * Northrend is Huge. It is larger than Outland by a couple of zones, and some of the zones in Northrend are bigger than the largest zone in Outland. This is just a small list of what we discovered. See the articles/movies below, which go into more detail on the following topics: http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/264/...Movie_May_2008/ http://www.worldofwar.net/articles/413336/...report-may-2008 http://www.worldofwar.net/articles/413348/deathknight-report http://www.worldofwar.net/gallery/showgall...date=1210299594 http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/262/...rview_May_2008/ http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/263/...rview_May_2008/ http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/261/...rview_May_2008/ http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/258/...about_May_2008/ http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/260/..._Tour_May_2008/ And the latest addition: http://www.worldofwar.net/articles/413359/...ne-of-the-fluff
Gledao sam CS: Source komentator je ROFL "Padaju saksije stipaljke", nista pametno nisam cuo da je rekao ....
Pitacu thomasa danas. Isto se i ja pitam ako je T4 za S1 (a season 1 gear ide disband), T5/T6 je Season 2. dal ce da se izbalansira da T6 bude Vengf, A t4 za S1 vendor bude despawned.
Yeste shockadin set :) al smatraju ga vecina navodno kao Protection, e sad sto je to tako ne znam :) To itemico je njesra jako za forum, plus tu mora da se radi modifikacija foruma... Sto je retardule previse, lakse kad se ubaci wowhead javascript, al neo je lepo odgovorio :)
Cim dam otkaz firmi :) i svoj Real Life konvertujem u Full WoW Life kacicu se na PTR servere i screenshotovacu ono sto je vec neko uradio pre mene :) A kao drugo screenshotovi su su worldofwar.net nisu sa ova dva (iako je kod njih bolje odradjeno nego na mom sajtu / ovde na forumu), a sa tim ljudima sam i u saradnji, i backlinkujemo jedan druge. Inace hvala sto si me podsetio na MMO Champ da od njih pokupim imaju ljudi jos i modele xD Vec truju lep topic :( A bas sam se trudio da bude u koloru !!! Btw modify cu uraditi na bolje SS posto mi se vise svidjaju ovi sa MMO Champ