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The X
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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Bah i paladin je solovo isto :0
  2. Silencer


    Brutal Gladiator's Blade of Alacrity (Spell Hast, nema spelldmg) http://www.wowhead.com/?item=37739 Spell Hit + Spelldmg 266 = http://www.wow-serbia.com/images/stories/n..._spellblade.jpg
  3. Silencer


    Topic sa cenama / izgledima / stats etc ... http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?s...amp;hl=season+4 Rolam DPS u Areni kao paladin, bice jebano samo tako doci do oruzija i shouldera. Season 4 pokazace prave pvp / skill-ovane igrace.
  4. http://ftp.greyfyre.info/ani/raidassistant.swf Sretna vremena :)
  5. Thanks for tips and tricks ! Jebiga nepismen sam :( Elem, tako sam napisao jer me mrzelo da pisem normalan post. A sta ako planiraju magovima da daju Holy talente ! :( Ne znam i dalje ne kapiram kakav ce im biti to novi sistem. Zvuci doduse interesantno, ja sam holy danas sutra idem na spelldmg ;) i pawneujem sa let me see, 2200 Spelldmg atm ? Sem ako ne urade da 100 heala bude 50 spell dmg... Nista dok ne vidimo kako funka taj novi sistem.
  6. Uzas da procitam ovako nesto .... Dakle bio sam se u raidu za neke healing predmete sa jebanim popivima i vidarima, sad cu morati sa šamanima, veštacima i magovima.... OMG Taj predmet je ql za mene daje healing + 10 MP5 extra za DIPIES!!! Koj krap. Ili daj boze da ovo znaci samo za popove, vidare i paladine :/
  7. Aelli - Unstoppable! 2200+ Multiboxing If you've heard about multi boxing, but never seen how much damage and havoc can be created by it, then be sure to check out this latest movie by Aelli and his four other Shamans. Well worth a watch! http://www.worldofwar.net/wowtv/media/269/...0+_Multiboxing/
  8. Xavius ili Hakkar, mada za hakkar ti treba italijanski jezik :) E sad ja sam iskreno nub za pvp i na lak nacin sam dosao do 1850, pa sam onda varao do 1920 :) posto me je smorilo da igram za 1 poen svaku partiju, onda sam krenuo ozbiljan pvp :P i stigao do 2021, ubijajuci retarde, sa easy setup Hunter, Warrior, Paladin Holy, Priest (Disc), Shaman (Restro). Iskreno ima retarda dosta koje ces da vidis u Season 3 geru... ma mrzi me da objasnjavam prosto se iznerviram kad vidim ko ima season 3 na ruin bgroup. Jednostavno ako hoces Ruin bgroup je mesto gde mozes uzeti i titulu. Samo smorices se jako jer je server stvanro prazan...
  9. I realno u 90% slucajeva to mama i tata placaju :)
  10. bolje da je rekao kolko link ima server outgoing i ingoing za internet :) kontam ja lokal da je 1gb
  11. Sa1Nt imam i ja kuci 1000mbit mrezu u racunaru :) samo steknuta u 1gb mbit switch pa ide posle na 100 mbitne switcheve :) Tako ti i ovo gore :P
  12. Taj diablo2 sam igrao 5 godine :) i nisam uspeo da za to vreme dingujem 99 lvl sa lpaladinom, mislim da mi je i dalje 84 lvl. Al jebote sad neko da mi plati i da igram tu igru ne bi mogo :)
  13. Arthas By himself. http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/7299/ar...lichkingjk2.png
  14. Dodatan Info :) General * No character creation is available for this portion of testing. * The level cap has been set to 74. Professions * Inscription is available for testing for skill levels 1-200. * Enchanting is available for testing for skill levels 375-450. Dungeons * Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep * Borean Tundra: The Nexus - What look to be a few Inscription skills? (Emboss, Embroider Tin, Refill, Inscribe Pet - Moth) - Goblin and Gnomish binary languages. I don't think they translate to anything real. - Pirate holiday; there are a bunch of new NPC textures of various races wearing pirate clothes as well. - It looks like you'll get mail notifications to inform you that you're able to purchase your riding skill and mount. - Some item suffixes that I think are new (of the Grove, of the Sun, etc.), but I could be mistaken. - Achievments and a bunch of other random things. Necropolis: Frostmourne Altar: Edit: Rename maca :P
  15. Text u CoT Stratholme: Arthas: Glad you could make it Uther Uther: Watch your tone with me boy, you may be the prince but i'm still your superior as a paladin Arthas: As if i could forget, listen Uther, there's something about the plague you should know Arthas: Oh no, we're too late. these people have all been infected.They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turninto the undead Uther: WHAT!? Arthas: This entire city must be purged Uther: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way Arthas: Dammit Uther, as your future king i order you to purge this city. Uther: You are not my king yet boy! Nor would i obey that command even if you were! Arthas: Then i must consider this an act of treason Uther: Treason! Have you lost your mind arthas? Arthas: Have i? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and thesovreignty of my crown, i hereby relieve you from your command andsuspend your paladins from service Jaina: Arthas... You can't just... Arthas: It's done, those of you who have the will to save this land follow me, the rest of you get out of my sight Uther: You've just crossed a terrible threshold arthas Arthas: Jaina... Jaina: I'm sorry arthas, i cant let you do this Download Audio Filez: http://rapidshare.com/files/115975104/Arthas.zip Evo modela weaponz iz WotLK :) World mapa: Northrend Mapa: Frost Lotus: Novi Model Ghola: Necropolis i Frost Lotus: Loading Screen Azjol Nerub Polar Bear i Nexuss Stuff Download: enGB (english) http://rapidshare.com/files/115675052/WoW-...loader.exe.html deDE (german) http://rapidshare.com/files/115675120/WoW-...loader.exe.html Ako mi dozvolite vise images na topicu :) metnuci ostatak.
  16. Killy ako ti je ovo bio smisao igre onda stvarno ne treba da igras wow vise ;) Elem sto se tice PreBC Rank14 i Rank10 skidam kapu, to je po meni i najveca tuga sto ne mozes vise da se pokazes sta znaci biti Rank14. Za mene nista nije specijalan igrac koji ima 2400 rating npr sada, i koji ima full Season3, sta kad on za mene i dalje nezna sta je WSG 10 na 10 koji traje 2 sata i gde smisljas taktiku, a arena ti je kurac napravi neizbalansiran tim i rokaj dokle oces. Ja samo promenim rank na Justicer / Commander i dovoljno je receno, jos kad te neko pita odakle ti to onda je smejanje :) Jebiga nema znaci toga sto ti mozes da pokazes da si iznad svih :) Vecu pisu ima onaj ko nosi Sulfurus, Thunderfury ili Aties nego > klinac sa Azinoth crapz. Jebiga sistem igra se dosta promenio iz PreTBC na TBC, nesto je iskreno bolje ispalo, a nesto je vec... no comment. Videcemo WotLK ce vec imati sve sto i AoC. Blizzard moze lako da se povadi ako napravi sistem housing, tu bi se ljudi trkali ko mi Srbi ko ima vecu kucu :P
  17. Ja samo vidim da im smeta grind, pa im onda smeta sto ne moras vise tolko da grindas, a onda im smeta sto illidana ubije sad svako, ok u WOW-u njih 1% je ubilo Kel'thuzad, a ovde 10% guilda ubija illidana, al illida nije Kil'Jaden u TBC koga jos niko nije ubio ofc jer nije ni otvorena kapija, a da napomenem da je M'uru-a za sad ubilo 2 guilda i da je content u TBC i bosevi su tolko laki da je to strasno jelda ;) Sad smeta sto su dali u WotLK 10 man i 25 man istance za sve. Kolko ja razumem dobro blizzard njihov cilj je da vidi svako content, a ne njih 1%, ko sto ja i dan danas zalim sto nisam video saphirona i kel'thuzada. TO je kao kad igras warcraft3 i da sad ne mozes da zavrsis poslednju misiju jer je mnogo teska i samo 1% ljudi moze da zavrsi. Sve sto je po meni blizzard uradio u TBC je ok, sem sto nisu lepo arenu odradili i sto se misli da skill ima onaj koji igra tu arenu :) Naravno setili se i "smilili" sistem da rese problem oko arene.
  18. Killy govorim o prvim utiscima TBC kad je izasao, da kazemo prvih mesec dana.
  19. Print skrinacu ovo :) da vidim kakvi ce utisci biti kad izadje WotLK :) Secam se TBC kad je izasao i kad su ljudi usli u Outland :P Pa svi svrsavali :)
  20. Umro Death & Taxez http://www.dtguilds.com/index.php
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