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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Čovek živi mladost punim plućima! A ne ko neki :(
  2. Nek gleda Sunđer Boba, od njega nema negativnih posledica. Ne zezam se.
  3. Hm, možda i odem na ovaj događaj...
  4. voodoo_

    Crvena zvezda

    '85 godište... GOOGLE SEES EVERYTHING!
  5. Koliko znam samo jedan tekst je na ćirilici, i to zato što lik bukvalno piše pod parolom "piši kao što govoriš", pa ćirilica doprinosi opštem lol utisku. Vidi ovo: i vidi ovo: Izvali koliko je "prevod" izgubio u duhu prostom konverzijom.
  6. Dropovao si markicu za prevoz i MP3 plejer iz davnina. Pure vendor trash, mada ne iznenađuje.
  7. Skidaj ono što seeduje "loder".
  8. Bole, nemoj se ljutiš, al ovo je najslabiji broj u poslednjih godinu dana.
  9. 650 MB, kucaj Colonization Reloaded na piratebayu.
  10. Pa ne piše nigde da neće raditi, a i u originalnom Stalkeru samo valjda 1.001 nije radio sa 1.0, ostali su bili međusobno kompatibilni.
  11. voodoo_

    Crvena zvezda

    He accidentaly a whole torch.
  12. http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=52274
  13. voodoo_

    Kings Bounty

    Pa jel ti radio Heroes 5? Ovo bi trebalo da je isti endžin.
  14. Novi patch u najavi (prevedeno sa google translate): The new patch. Corrections. Updated 18.09.08 Please be informed that currently are being actively work on the patch 1.5.05. Even rectified the following errors: - Fix crush (smart_terrain.script: 227: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value)) - Fix crush (smart_terrain.script: 1003: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value)) - Fix crush (sim_combat.script: 950: attempt to index a nil value) - Fix crush (sim_board.script: 688: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value)) - Fix crush (smart_terrain.script: 288: attempt to call method 'clear_smart_terrain' (a nil value)) - Fix crush (bind_monster.script: 72: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value)) - Fix crush (xr_effects.script: 1607: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value)) - Fix crush (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: There is no task with entity_id) - Fix crush (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: error. Val_smart_terrain_5_0_freedom_antenna) - Small rebalans trade and Lutali - Corrected the situation when a player leaves the zone tutoriala (first sortie on Wetlands) - Fixed for the issuance of awards for entry into factions - Corrected awards for the destruction of bases factions - Fix crush during the dialogue with hostile technician - The possibility to upgrade GP37 technicians from Liberty and bandits - Fixed bug in the system of stalkers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! - Fixed bug where the conductor did not want to keep the player at the Cordon. (This is because avtoseyv sometimes does not retain all the data, but the downloading of such Saves game becomes impassable) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! The expected release date patch - 26.09.08 We will continue to inform you of further work on the patch.
  15. Prodam ti ja ispravan wow acc budzašto :)
  16. voodoo_

    Kings Bounty

    Nisi u pravu! Elem, izašao rivju, 4.5/5 http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/battle-lord/912879p1.html
  17. Half-Life: Decay is an add-on included in the PlayStation 2 port of the first-person shooter computer game Half-Life, developed by Gearbox Software and published in October of 2001, now being remade by independend Ukrainian developers for PC with the help of other european developers/fans. Our team is working on straight port of this game to PC! "Decay PC"'s active development began in mid-October of 2005, we are are not telling you strict release date, but we assure you - soon! And opening of this site should be proof. Like Gearbox's other expansion packs Opposing Force and Blue Shift, Decay returns to the setting and timeline of the original story, but with different player characters: two female colleagues of Gordon Freeman, Dr. Gina Cross and Dr. Colette Green, who both take part in the Anomalous Materials laboratory experiment - they make preparations for the experiment under the Test Chamber such as monitoring Anti-Mass spectrometer and delivering anomalous materials to Dr. Freeman. When disaster happens both women together with their collegues Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. Keller try to save personell of the facility and reverse the resonance cascade to seal the dimensional rift. Unlike other games in the series Decay is a cooperative game and it's storyline is divided into "chapters". You must play through the whole game with both Gina and Colette, you can switch between them when in SP mode, though AI controlled bot won't follow you and will only shoot the enemies. However various puzzles and combat situations throughout the game require the co-operation of the two characters. Also Decay has a ranking system for all of its nine missions, ranging from F (worst) to A (best), based on accuracy, number of enemies killed, and damage taken. If all nine missions are achieved with an A level, a bonus mission, Xen Attacks, can be played as a pair of Vortigaunts. Decay opens both new and old areas of Black Mesa research facility (such as Gamma labs or Training Facility), as well as opens some mysteries about the Resonance Cascade. If you are true fan of Half-Life universe, you definitely must play through it! As for quality of our port - be calm, we are re-creating all missions based on decompiled bsp's of original Decay with minimal improvements. PC version will also feature all the upgraded models and will be available for both WON and Steam versions of Half-Life.
  18. lol krule, imaš 26 dina, nije valjda da još uvek sam pereš pantalone? :(
  19. Nesrbine, slušaš grupu iz Holandije!1
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