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The X
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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. A to što prva polovina igre CELA liči na Novi Beograd, ništa :)
  2. 80% zabave je adrenalinski boost. Meni je single-player kampanja u Quakeu 2 i danas zabavna, iako su je mnogi pljuvali još onomad.
  3. I meni dok sam imao kvarne zube i dok su mi desni bridele od kamenca. Kad sam ih sredio, više nemam te najtmere.
  4. voodoo_

    Kings Bounty

    Kucaj "bounty legend skidrow" na piratebayu i skidaj onaj sa najviše sidera. Patch ne stavljajte, još nema EXE-a.
  5. Ma nije ovo bilo u petoj, nego sestra honorarno radi za Beosupport, to je valjda neka NVO. Bili su u SIV-u kod ombudsmana i sve to, classy. A i mene su startovali pre neki dan ispred Merkatora kad sam išao u teretanu, pitali me dal gledam operaciju trijumf, reko sam im da im je emisija glupa!
  6. Bila mi sad sestra u dnevniku, oko one priče protivu batinjanja dece (kojoj se ja protivim al nema veze).
  7. voodoo_

    Kings Bounty

    Dudes from ExtremeCC, jel stiže ovo kod nas u prodaju?
  8. Nije to ideologija, to je prdekanje zahvaljujući višku para. Eo ja ću da pratim tu tvoju ideologiju, idem da prčim neku od 24 dine. No wait, chicks don't dig complete averageness. Well, back to underaged teens...
  9. Dosadili ste sa tim hejtovanjem muvanja srednjoškolki.
  10. Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards Mightiest am I but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine For the black hills consists of black souls souls that already dies one thousand deaths Behind the stone walls (of centuries) they breed their black art Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold Far up in the mountains where the rain fall not far yet the Sun cannot reach The wizards, my servants summon the souls of macrocosm No age will escape my wrath I travel through time and I return to the future I gather wisdom now lost I visit again the eternally ancient caves before a mighty Emperor thereupon came Watching the mortals "discovering" my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown to me Once destroyed their souls are being summoned to my timeless prison of hate It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls that were destroyed in my future How many wizards that serve me with evil, I know not My empires has no limits From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes I am the ruler and has been for eternities long I am them From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes I am the ruler and has been for eternities long My wizards are many, but their essence is mine Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief Because I am the spirit of their existence I am them
  11. Život je super nego smo mi govna.
  12. Pa kad ga narežeš je takođe 140 MB jer se radi o Mode1 CD-u. Nego scena savetuje da se i Mode1 CD-ovi distribuiraju kao raw bin/cue iako nema poente.
  13. 140 ako prebaciš iz bin/cue u iso :P
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarion_programming_language
  15. Pa brate i u tvom potpisu je stajao neki asm/C lajn, jel ti pred ribama pričaš o programiranju?
  16. Nadam se da neće da se uvredi ali stvarno je na svakoj slici ko gej, a irl je mnogo kul.
  17. Pa ako nemaš Zenhajzer nećeš moći lepo da čuješ sve one kvalitetne 8-bit 22 kHz semplove iz Kantera.
  18. Bila nam je žena u teretani Neka devojka dvadesetih godina, onako baš simpatična, nije dronfulja. Svi su bili naročito fini, vidi se da niko ne prca.
  19. Može na medium-low. Ako ikako možeš, ubaci još giga rama. I naravno igraj enhanced verziju.
  20. Ivane, prestani da traumiraš Rejvena.
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