Velkam tu maj vrld.
Leško jebote, mislim nemoj se ljutiš, al šta se ložiš :) Ja bih se okrenuo i otišao kući ili negde da pijem onog momenta kad bi mi taj lik rekao "da je otkazana" i zdravo. Nerviraš se što nisi ušao na trećerazredni rejv u nekoj rupi u Beogradu, for faks sejk jebote.
Hahah, zove me Roman na mob i ide sledeći razgovor:
- Niko, blabla, let's watch some television in apartment, it's much better here in America than the shit back in the old country.
- But Roman, most of the shit back in the old country was from America.
Pa, nisu baš sve ružne.
Ali karakteristična ispijena faca u bledoj i rumenoj kombinaciji sa tankim nosem i ustima baš i nije pojam lepote. Govorim o native Engleskinjama, imigrantkinje im vade prosek do jaja.
Assassin's Creed / tps
Call of Duty 5: World at War / fps
Civilization 4: Colonization / tbs
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Kane's Wrath [exp] / rts
Crysis Warhead / fps
Dead Space / fps
Fallout 3 / fps
Far Cry 2 / fps
Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor / tbs
Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods / rpg
GTA 4 / tps
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock / tps
Hard to be a God / rpg
King's Bounty: The Legend / rpg
Left 4 Dead / fps
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition / tps
Mass Effect / rpg
Prince of Persia / tps
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Race Driver: GRID / trke
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 / fps
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky / fps
Sacred 2 / hack & slash
Silverfall: Earth Awakening / hack & slash
Sins of a Solar Empire / rts
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition / rpg
Tomb Raider: Underworld / tps
Trackmania United Forever / trke
Turok / fps
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm [exp3, standalone] / rts
WorldShift / rts
World of Goo / logička
Ovo bi bilo otprilike ovogodišnje što spada u kategoriju "u najmanju ruku igrivo", ne računajući avanture.