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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Uzmi 2x2 GB Geil Value memorije (cena je ista ko za 2x1 GB Black Dragon) i uzmi 9600 GSO umesto 8600 GT obavezno, daleko je brža. Samo otvori četvore oči, ako je 9600 GSO sa 512 MB, to je ona sporija sa 128-bitnom magistralom, to ne uzimaj. Ako je sa 384 ili 768 MB, to je sa 192-bitnom, to je "prava" 9600 GSO. Ako je tesno s parama, umesto E7200 uzmi E5200. U igrama su skoro isti, a E5200 se jako dobro overklokuje.
  2. Maybe the videocard overheats. Install and run latest RivaTuner, activate it's monitoring module and keep it running while playing WoW for several minutes. If your card has the default, single-slot cooler, it can get pretty hot. U stvari što ja pišem ovako kad je podnaslov na Srpskom lol
  3. Kakvih 40 evra raspikućo, ima da sediš kući (a kakve su ti ocene, bogme i da učiš).
  4. Rambo Amadeus RTS interviu 1994 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JarVmCZd_o4
  5. Aca Lukas i Šako Polumenta na sajmu! Blok brate bruklin!
  6. Onda moraš češće da izlaziš sad po zimi.
  7. Čoveče, a nekad je trebalo da se dogura makar do dvadesete za ovakav nivo hejta :)
  8. Moguće. http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?s...p;#entry1288173
  9. Damn, hteo sam sad da okačim onu tvoju u roze majici kad si išao u Novi Sad, al puko link :\
  10. Notepad i cmdline ftw x2 Ova diže 60 kila najmanje.
  11. Kad otprilike ta deca prestaju da plaču i počinju da pričaju? :)
  12. Ja se sećam da sam, iako u osnovnoj, uveliko radio rolajzove na Moćne rendžere, koliko su bili nekul u odnosu na Transformerse i Nindža Kornjače od dve-tri godine ranije
  13. Opet si se napio, sve si pare popio toribraks?
  14. Is that a shitcake or wat? Kili, ljulja ti se avatar.
  15. http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showuser=898
  16. Jesi ti siguran da ti to nije rekla pre jedno 8 godina kada si otvorio forum i bio jedini admin, i onda kao "vidi baba, ja sam admin", a ona će tebi, "ajde sine, sad ćemo da nahranimo admine"?
  17. S druge strane moja keva kuva sve gore i gore...
  18. Pa ako čovek ima TFT i smeta mu refresh, verovatno slika nije lepo centrirana, što se dešava kada se menja rezolucija a izlaz ide preko analognog. Tako da tu svako ponekad treba da pritisne "auto" da sredi sliku.
  19. voodoo_


    Stavio sam ovaj novi patch, grafika malo manje baguje i radi blago bolje. Launcher nije menjan u patchu tako da koristite Razorov LaunchGTAIV.exe.
  20. wall of text does crit Biohazard - Punishment Come on God, answer Me. For years I'm asking you Why? Why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive? Where is Justice? Where is Punishment? Or have you already answered? Have you already said to the world: "Here is Justice! Here is Punishment! Here, in Me?" I question not me, it only happens to others I can't deny reality as life gets smothered If the lines can be read between Maybe you can tell me then what it all means Cause he who paints the big picture runs the whole scene Locked down, I gotta get it out Impending doom, a cloud above my head Why me? My faith has been devout Blasphemous? Am I better off dead? Pusishment, for all my sins A burning thought inside my mind Has me full of pity for all of human kind As we move forth, we fall further behind Fear of death, will my life go on? Controlled fate? On the corner rolling dice Punishment, but I've done nothing wrong In my eyes, who really pays the price My lament, for the human race Guilty, punishment for all my sins, yeah, yeah Dread the day that brings the truth Punishment for what I've done Sentence me for all my sins Bound in fear for what I've got Though not much it seems a lot Life is death and no one wins Bustin' my ass, another day another dollar, as I kneel down and I Confress to the father that I'm suffering a burning question of The truth, wether or not to pull the trigger or to jump right Off the roof, 'cause I did things normal and just like all my friends But now I'm positive and life it all ends Punishment, for all my sins, I repent In reality, we all must face the facts that the majority Of the people are out there smoking crack, getting doped up, Shooting that shit into their veins, the question must be asked if We have any brains left, or right or wrong in this son, a Question we all ask and must answer before long, 'cause no one Is safe in this world, what's the deal, the sentence is death and to What court do I appeal? Punishment, for all my sins, I repent Punishment
  21. Nisu mu pesme sranje, al da je licemer, licemer je. Ok, njegov je legitimni stav da se ulizuje svakoj publici pred kojom nastupa u cilju što većeg navlačenja na sledeće koncerte, ali je i moj legitivni stav da zbog toga mislim da je smrad, jer izvođač koji ne sme da kaže svojoj publici da su pičke ako mu tako dune nije tru, a ni hardkor. Also he's a niger.
  22. http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/ "cs" je stotinka.
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