Samo da prijavim, X3: Terran Conflict sa novim patchom skida zaštitu. Patch je trenutno dostupan samo "vip" članovima Egosoftovih foruma, ali se može skinuti odavde:
Samo ga raspakujete u folder igre pošto instalirate patch 1.0->2.1 odavde:
Moar details:
Hi Everyone,
X3: Terran Conflict 2.5, RC2 is now ready to download and test. This
should be the final version as long as we don't run into any new major
issues. The 'New Home' mission has been removed from 2.5 due to
issues. It will be in a future update instead.
The patch, bonus packs and information about them remains Level 3. If
you are Level 3 and want to know how to download, follow the
instructions in this thread:
Finally, thank you once again for great work during the Beta and RC
X3: Terran Conflict - Changelog
2.5 - September 2009
New Features and Improvements:
- Removed copy protection
- New options for marine training, including multiple skills and duration
- Several boarding aspects improved and corrected
- Rebalanced boarding Xenon ships
- Added a new menu for access to factories connected to a complex
- Production can be toggled for connected factories
- Show wing orders in the context menu for ships in a wing
- Improved Defend Station command
- Added gateless sector option to several flight commands
- Added more information to the property menu including marines
- Added option to change the sorting method for ships in the property menu
- Improved Best Buys/Best Selling Price Locator menu
- Added "Locate in Sector Map" option to context menus
- Added laser bay information to ship info menu
- Added new instructions to script editor and mission director
- Enabled mods to add news articles to the encyclopedia
- Disabled use of more than 2GB RAM again due to bugs
- Renamed Mercenary stations as Rehabilitation Facilities
- Fixed flak weapons becoming inactive after saving
- Fixed references to destroyed homebases of wings
- Fixed Jump and Fly to command for ships and wings
- Fixed wing jumpdrive energy display
- Fixed Attack Shields command
- Fixed Universal Traders flying into hostile territory
- Fixed issue when launching many marines
- Fixed missile resupply settings on boarded ships
- Minor improvements and bugfixes