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The X
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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Jebem ga, zadnji put kad sam igrao vertikalne shootere radilo je u vertikalnom modu... probaj neki stariji mame (pre .100) dok je bio stari engine...
  2. Do jaja, ovaj stil su furali Bitmap Brothers i na PC-u kasnije.
  3. Bila je vest na tech industriju pre neki dan nego ne čitate ;)
  4. Slab je 6600. 6600GT već mo
  5. Ta tvoja tek qrcu ne valja :) Za 90-100 evra ima 7300GT DDR3 koja je isto super (za te pare).
  6. Ćuti darijane i skini taj WinPong, taman malo da ve
  7. Realno, VMware je bolji, u ovom Virtual PC-u nema pola opcija. Ali radi posao, makar za Windowse. A kod VMwarea me nervira
  8. lol, ja sam ga prvi put igrao na nekom 386 laptopu, znači sad kad čujem kako kenjaju za duhove na monitorima od 16ms, a tad kad princ potrči, ostane 10cm beo trag iza njega :))
  9. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc...nloads/sp1.mspx Besplatan je jo
  10. lol, drugar je obrtao kadilaks end dajnosorz sa jednim
  11. voodoo_

    o5 ja :/

    Brate uzimaj kad ti nudi, nema leba da proda
  12. Metallica - Metal Militia Thunder and lightning the gods take revenge Senseless destruction Victims of fury are cowardly now Running for safety Stabbing the harlot to pay for her sins Leaving the virgin Suicide running as if it were free Ripping and tearing On through the mist and the madness We are trying to get the message to you Metal Militia Metal Militia Metal Militia Chained and shadowed to be left behind nine and one thousand Metal militia for your sacrifice iron clad soldiers Join or be conquered the law of the land What will befall you The metallization of your inner soul twisting and turning On through the mist and the madness We are trying to get the message to you Metal Militia Metal Militia Metal Militia We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause Leather and metal are our uniforms protecting what we are Joining together to take on the world with our heavy metal Spreading the message to everyone here Come let yourself go On through the mist and the madness We are trying to get the message to you Metal Militia Metal Militia Metal Militia
  13. Jes boli ga dupe, on samo gleda pare. edit: Tijanić
  14. lol jel ste videli s kakvim se predznanjem ide u kafanu?
  15. Jel zna neko koja je tačno razlika između stonog i suvog vina, po
  16. voodoo_

    Jedi Academy

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