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The X
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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. (nije DZ V nego XV = ЏВ na ćiriličnom rasporedu)
  2. Reci mi kruko, imam Canon LPB 810 laser, toner je na izmaku, koliko para ko
  3. Stratovarius - The Hands Of Time ("Twilight Time", 1992.) The time is running It's running so fast that you don't notice Years are passing by And you're growing older What happened to all your dreams? Did they become true at all? We cannot undo the deeds of the years They leave you on your own With all your deepest fears Don't look for the future Don't live in the past Just take it day by day 'cause life goes fast The minutes, the hours The days and the years will fly so Live still when you have the time We cannot undo the deeds of the years They leave you on your own With all your deepest fears Wheel of the time Turns again tonight Eternally decides our destiny Wheel of the time Turns again tonight Without reason or rhyme The hands of time
  4. Ma daj, pa upravo je početak kritična tačka, uostalom kao i u Morrowindu. Odmakni malo i videće
  5. Biće ovo situacija naočare vs sočiva. (mo
  6. Čitam na legacyju, izgleda da će da otka
  7. Znači zdravo Mejdeni, mnogo je kume brate. Angra svira bolje a pritom je i jeftinija, ma koliko Be Quick or Be Dead i Wasted Years bile dobre pesme.
  8. GRUJA EJAKULIRA SA SEDAM METARA, NE MORA NI DA PRILAZI OMG! (ok, manje vina manje vina... )
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