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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Verovatno hoće. Solidan deo putnika Beovoza čine cigani koji se švercuju, i ne mogu im ništa. Ovako će bar uzimati siguran procenat od države svakog meseca.
  2. giv mi en B giv mi ej U giv mi en R giv mi en Z-U-J
  3. Leb poskupljuje od septembra na 29.5 dinara, pa vi vidite. Ja sam već krenuo da ga oštrim... ne stojka, nego nož za leba!
  4. i posle joj kućni savet kolektivno jebe mater :)
  5. A naročito ne bolje od ovog sajta http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=iphone
  6. Ne dirajte bre Igora, jebem li vam sunčicu.
  7. voodoo_

    Gothic 4

    Bilo kako bilo, 1. Pirana Bajts je najavila "duhovnog naslednika", naravno pod drugim imenom 2. bar će zakrpiti trojku, ako ne slažu
  8. Izjeden sam činjenicom što nikad neću biti lep i uspešan ko ti i što neću imati motor i dredove, alas.
  9. Zašto Takovo, sadašnji Swisslion, ne pravi varijantu Eurokrema gde ima samo crni deo? Svi ostali to rade.
  10. Pravi izbor poklona za rođendan je dakako najbitnija stvar u suživotu dvoje mladih, koja će se odraziti kako na njihove međuljudske odnose, tako i na budućnost njihovog potomstva iz tog suživota nastalog. Zatvarajte temu više u pičku materinu.
  11. Ako su dobre isto onako ko što je folaut dobar, onda mental note: izbegavati dalijeve grafike :)
  12. voodoo_

    Gothic 4

    Gothic 4 - It is official! The guessing has come to an end: The German developer Spellbound Entertainment (Desperados 2, Chicago) received the rights for the next game of the Gothic series. The title: Gothic 4 - Genesis. At the press conference producer Jochen Hamma summarized the development in five points: 1. Diagram and sound: Gothic 4 is going to tie the audiovisualls to the strengths of the predecessor. That means, the graphic style and the quality of the music as well as synchronous speakers, will be as you remember them from Gothic 3. Naturally, Gothic 4, should be at the time of its release technically top of the art and competitive. 2. Story and play world: Spellbound would like to maintain the qualities its predecesor had. Ruppige of characters, a play world in European Setting, things which are to be expected from Gothic. The story will be divided into chapters. 3. Gameplay elements: Certain aspects of the game's roles mechanics - for example the Skill system is going to look much alike Gothic 3 one - which is supposed to be considerably improved. 4. Interface: Although Gothic fans are content with the interface of the predecessors, we will fundamentally revise and will arrange the controls of Gothic 4 in a new way, particularly for new players. So that fans will not be disappointed, we will also add an “old” system, in accordance with the operation planned in the first three parts. 5. Combat system: To be completely clear: The combat system of Gothic 4 will differ clearly from the one of Gothic 3! Opponents should be at the same time, however substantially better over the whole play, more demanding and balanced. Special attention for the Community Both developers Spellbound and Publisher Jowood plan active Community support over the entire development of the game. Thus one plans to offer regular question times as well as to have a generally increased forum activity, daily. The feedback collected thereby will have a substantial influence on the development of the game. Beyond that, selected Community members will be invited in certain periods to try the game, in order to collect direct criticism and improvement suggestions. Hamma spoke about such a meeting in the middle of 2008. Motivated team Hamma is heavily convinced of its developer team: One is not only talented, but above all, motivation is a completely crucial factor for success! “I can say to you that since we know that we work on the project, the team is as motivated as never before.” Thus we expect to create a first-class product! Still, there is no release date for Gothic 4, it is however already certainly that the game will appear first on PC, later in addition, on consoles. We already have the appropriate Tools for Xbox360 and PS3. Patch plans for Gothic 3 Also Spellbound was entrusted with the care and continuation of the brand Gothic 3. One will co-operate consciously with the Community, which already provided for several Patches to the game. Hammas team will operate Bugfixing and will publish in such a way - possibly together with the Community results - further Gothic 3-Patches. Interesting detail: Hamma explained in the Inteview that the former Gothic 3 developer, Piranha Byte, is in contact with Spellbound and will help with some problems.
  13. Samo vi svirajte kurcu i dočekaćete 50 godina bez kučeta i mačeta. Za više detalja, pogledajte prvih pet minuta filma "Idiocracy". Tužno ali istinito.
  14. A sve žice u kablu moraju biti isečene od iste komadeške bakra!
  15. voodoo_

    Fallout 3

    OTKUD VAMA ZENAMA IZ FALLOUTA LAJTNING BOLT? JEL IZ LASERSKE PUSKE MOZDA OLOLO Ja dolazim u ful plejt armoru, koji će biti enchantovam my preciousss jewelovima I cannot lose!
  16. Znači kupiš onaj najgori motor što voze bajkeri, obučeš izbeljene farmerke sa cirkonima i majicu sa D&G logotipom i ti si onda rebel - fora je u samom činu vožnje motora?
  17. Mi istresamo frustracije na kanteru!!1
  18. inače đevočica izgleda ovako, što se sa lakijeve slike možda ne vidi lepo :)
  19. voodoo_

    Rekli su o nama

    Pa čekaj, kako može ruska vlada da primora nekog ko učestvuje u tom kampu da mora posle da izgura trudnoću do kraja? Zamisli da ovde otvore isto, da li bi mladi pohitali zarad rasplodnje ili bi iskoristili priliku da se jebu pijani radi zezanja? Mislim, ne ubeđujem te da grešiš ali ovo nisu šezdesete i radne akcije.
  20. voodoo_

    Rekli su o nama

    tako će jedino da se poveća broj abortusa i zaraženih spolnim oboljenjima...
  21. upravo to htedoh reći, al šta znam - možda mu je ruka onemoćala od prethodne sesije starcrafta 2 :)
  22. Oženi je i onda ne moraš da joj kupuješ ništa!
  23. Dobro, začepi prljavu gubicu, jel može tako? ;)) Mislim ako već pričamo na ovako ozbiljnu temu, onda nećemo mišljenje formirati na bazi jednog uzorka. Što kaže baba u Složnoj braći, razgovarajmo argumentima :)
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