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The X
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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Vratio se iz škole,klasika da se ne ponavljam :) hasao neku pršutu i zasladio se čokoladom sa lešnikom i suvim grožđem :D
  2. Overio sam ga još davno prosečno,+ ima dosta komandi koje su samo za sp :(
  3. Naravno,samo se zameni member titula :)
  4. [ot]da,pajs je yugo ja rur.[/ot] @topic,odgovor jednog "kolege" kada ga je profesorka pitala šta misli o tom delu "Delo je veoma originalan sklop španske serije po fabuli i telefonskog imenika po broju likova"
  5. weca se udaje :D nego što se tiče raspusta nikad gori nije bio :( poz idem da gledam Lost...
  6. Jel ikada jurite ove budale što postuju preko guesta :))
  7. Meni bi više odgovarala subota,ali prvo da vidim šta će drugi da kažu :) Malopre sam baš razmišljao kako će sledeći mesec biti extra :) prvo weca je rekla to sudbonosno DA i časti nas pićem ,desetog najboljem ortaku rođendan,burazu 14-og,meni 25-og :D sreća,sreća radost :) e da,za mene može sokić od bleskve
  8. Ja sam undercover admin...nemoj nikom da kažeš
  9. Naravno da nema kada svi okačite po 4 komada :) 2max
  10. I dali se kaješ,ovaj da li se tvoj ortak kaje što više nije iskoristio sex na ex za dž?
  11. Evo i mojih userbarova :D kako vam se sviđa što sam uradio rur?
  12. to ovo?: Start-Programs-Adobe Photoshop -> File New 350 x 19 pixels
  13. Lepo,lepo :) i daj nekom starijem da organizuje to :)
  14. Nekada sam praktikovao bilijar ali sada ništa :) moraću da se vratim starim danima.
  15. šude,ne daj bože :) kuc kuc u drvo :P vratio se iz škole,brr ništa gore nego novi početak a do sledećeg raspusta 13 nedelja :)
  16. Ljudi koji je trenutno map rotation što se igra? btw jel se planira u skorije vreme neki tur
  17. Changelog. v0.12 ~ January 22th, 2006 fix: missing teamscore bug. fix: missing warmup weapons bug. this time for sure fix: nailgun bgcolor in weaponswitch fix: (raven/id bug) q4base will crash by trying to vote a map without flags in a ctf gametype. fix: small issue with g_maxRespawnTime fixed. add: cl_simpleItems to draw 3D models as 2D icons. (requested like hell) add: referee mode to force several match stuff. see client-commands for full details. add: forced configs to allow the forcing of standard settings for leagues. use callvote option setconfig <name> <gametype> to force a standard config. name can be : Quake4, XBattle, ClanBase, Kuh3Liga. add: enhanced log support. the following server commands were added to control the log support: g_statsLog - enables statistics log output. g_statsLogEmptyGames - determines whether games with no player action will be logged or not. fs_statsPath - path to statstics log file add: cl_statsUserName <string>, cl_statsPassword <string> to identify player in server statistics. add: chattokens for teamgames: #h - player health colored by value #H - player health #A - player armor #U - lists all powerups the player is currently wearing #w - player weapon as shortext. like RG for RailGun etc. #W - player weapon as icon. #D - damaged by. the last player which attacked you. #P - last item that was picked up. #I - nearest item name. #L - your location. add: r_skipWorldFX <bitmask> to remove some world effects. 0 - Skip nothing 1 - skips the drawing of the glow effects around items. 2 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for item spawnpoints. 4 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for jumppads. 8 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for teleporter. 16 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for fog, sparks and some more. To remove an effect just add his value. i.e : A value of 31 removes all visual effects! a value of 6 only removes the item spawnpoints and jumppad effects. add: user defined map-location support for the teamoverlay and teamchat. to add a location you can use the following commands : addloc <locationname> - to add a location. It will automaticly saved to the battle/locs folder. i.e.: mapname.cfg listloc - displays all known locations for this map delloc <id> - delete an entry out of the location-file. add: cl_editMapLocations to toggle the drawing of the area number in the teamoverlay on/off (useful for creating locationfiles) add: cl_weaponConfigs to allow the usage of separate settings for each weapon. The weapons-cfgs can be set with the cvars cl_weaponConfig0 up to cl_weaponConfig9. Arguments are : g_fov, sensitivity, ui_showGun, g_crosshairCustomFile, g_crosshairSize, g_crosshairColor in rgb hex color. add: si_autoAction <bitmask> to enforce several things from server-side bitmask: 1 statsdump at the end of the match 2 take endlevel screenshot 4 records a demo So a value of 7 will do everything. add: cl_autoAction <bitmask> to enforce several things from client-side bitmask: 1 statsdump at the end of the match 2 take endlevel screenshot 4 records a demo So a value of 7 will do everything. add: players / listplayers commands to list all players with id, team, flags (ref,coach,captain) and names. add: .pakFileList serverinfo cvar which contains all loaded pk4's files a client needs to connect to the server. add: match_respawnOnSD command to control respawn for sudden death. chg: matchtimer visible in warmup and sudden death ( always counts up ) chg: teamoverlay now shows playerlocation / nearest item. chg: hud_drawTeamOverlay positioning: 1 upper right, 2 lower right and 3 lower left. chg: r_displayRefresh works now in MP. chg: chat and teamchat appears in q3 style (requested). chg: g_gibs and g_blood renamed to cl_gibs and cl_blood. chg: recolored weaponmodel textures and glowtexture added. chg: scorebot serverinfo names got a . prefix. like .Score_Marine / .Score_Time etc. to allow smart serverbrowsers to display it sorted at the top of the list. chg: g_voteFlags now work for callvote. Konačno multibind i simple items http://team-infinity.ath.cx/downloads/q4/xbm-v012a.zip http://levi.teamspeak.org/dl/redirect.php?fileid=1710 http://endboss.org/~xbm/xbm-v012a.zip
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