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About DirectCUII


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  1. pff za 35e mogu novi da uzmem :D onako nije mnogo vredan http://postimage.org/image/ypw8heabz/ Gde tacno treba da idem ?
  2. super a to je ? Mislim .. sta tacno ? Evo sta sam ja dobio.. Greetings, Thank you for your webform report of your Battle.net account being compromised. If you received a warning about 'Suspicious Activity', this means someone else had tried to log onto your account, but the system stopped them. This can also happen if you log in from somewhere different from usual. --- What have we done? --- - Investigated this and can find no new evidence of 3rd party access at this time. - Checked your characters and found no item or gold loss. --- What do you need to do? --- - Ensure your account is secure, by following the advice on our security site - http://eu.battle.net/security/ - Check for any other recent emails from us and follow the instructions they contain. If you are still having problems logging in or can find no other email from us, please follow the advice below. We hope you can now continue to enjoy playing the game! Regards, Game Master Team Blizzard Entertainment -- Further Information -- - Password seems to be changed? - If you cannot locate an email with a password reset link, please make sure to add noreply@battle.net to your contact list to ensure future mails will be accepted and put in your inbox. This can easily be done by sending a blank email to that address. You can then use the Password Retrieval feature found at: https://eu.battle.net/recover - to reset your password, if the email address registered to your account is correct and you can provide your secret question and answer. - Logged in and Found Characters, Items or Gold missing? - If you think that something is missing please create a ticket in game, detailing the characters affected, which realm they are on and, if possible, the name of the items that were lost or the amount of gold missing. - Use a Mobile Authenticator? - If you find that you are repeatedly not able to log into a Battle.net account using a Mobile Authenticator, then your Authenticator may be out of sync. To resynchronize, press the button (a circle formed by 2 arrows) in the lower left corner of the "View Code" screen, wait for confirmation that the syncing process is complete, and try again. Please be patient, as the syncing process may take a minute. Please also ensure the time on your Mobile device is correct, as this can also cause syncing problems. If you have lost access to your Authenticator for any reason and need to remove it, then please complete the form found here: https://eu.battle.net/account/support/remove-authenticator.html - I Need More Help but Can't Log In, How Do I use The Support Site? - If you can no longer access your email address to recover your password then you can either: 1. Recover your email address, your email provider should be able to help with this. 2. Create a new Battle.net account so that you can contact us using our Support Site: Account Creation - https://eu.battle.net/account/creation/tos.html Support Site Ticket - https://eu.battle.net/support/en/ticket/submit Once you have access to your account again, or access to a new account to contact us with please follow the advice above. a email je promenjen..
  3. Nisam se logovao 2-3 dana na acc .. probam da se logujem ono kaze wrong password or email .. odem na mail i mail hakovan , pogledam pise da je promenjen email na acc.. kako sad da povratim .. imam sav info , acc je na moje ime , hvala unapred?
  4. Kupujem gc nocas Beograd hitno 064/472-3542
  5. wtb 300k + golda na Frostwhisper Prednost Bgd licno preuzimanje 064/472-3542
  6. wtb 300k golda na silvanasu a ili h ili Stormsale a ili h pm za ponude i dogovor
  7. wtb game card samo nocas vazi 064/472-35-42
  8. Probaj na stranim forumu .. nasi ljudi nemaju pare
  9. wts warrior 80lvl na cataclizma nalogu , moguce je raf , nalog registorvan za UK . Nalog je na moje ime i prezime , dajem kopiju licne karte , cd keyeve , s. q warrior se nalazi na Frostwhisper pm za dogovor Prednost Beograd
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