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Everything posted by FearSC

  1. Dota Pit / Gamersbook has announced LAN Finals in Croatia, Spaladium Arena European Union, March 31 - April 1, 2016 More Information - https://www.facebook.com/events/524224471074884/ Takodje, na vise mesta ce se odrzavati giveaway za karte, tako da ce biti sanse za free tickets :D Uzivajte.
  2. Tradovao bih Dota 2 iteme, za CSGO nozeve/skinove. Imam oko 90% svih mogucih itema u doti, pa ako je neko voljan ili ako se neko smorio sa CS-om, da se traduje samnom. Imam preko 2,500 itema u doti, tako da izvolite :D http://i.imgur.com/CpDpQjB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Mwhkbm5.jpg I naravno, Steam Offer Link ukoliko zelite da odradite fast trade ( ofc no lowball plz ) Ty <3
  3. Radim Giveaways from time to time, tako da ukoliko zelite da gledate, bacite pogled na FearSC-Stream . Thx for support and subs <3
  4. Evo da i ja postavim slike, from my POV FearSC Instagram . Poz za Leska i Bax-a :D
  5. Da ima, i ochekuje se jedno veliko iznenadjenje za par dana, samo da se zavrshi kompletan code i pochinje sa radom. Poshto nas je otkupila jedna velika firma, radimo kako oni kazu i misle da je ok. Bice jedan veliki update ovog' .
  6. Danas ( nocas ) je izashao Patch 0.5 sa kojim je ubachen Duo-Join i balansiran dosta. Da ne bih sada preprichavao, shta, gde i kako, mozete slobodno pogledati patch notes i videti velike izmene i poboljshanja.
  7. Hvala na supportu, samo bih vas molio da na forum reportujete flamere i "GG" spammere... Tnx
  8. Dozvoljen je samo English i nishta vishe, inache da sajt radi?
  9. Hocu da kazem, da tvojih 2500 partija nema veze sa www.n-gage.tv ( potreban ti je minimum 300 win-s, samo da bi se zaobishli oni totalni pochetnici Dote ) zatim, ti kada krenesh da igrash na n-gage, ti imash svoju zasebnu statistiku i rank, gde cesh dobijati poene, achievmente itd itd, SVOJOM zaslugod i samim tim, prelaziti iz jedne divizije u drugu, gde ce ti svakim danom igre biti sve bolje i bolje... E to je poenta lige ( i ako ste vi imali problema sa Rusima na obichnom MM, to ne mora da znachi da ne postoje highskill Rusi, koji bez problema prelaze iz jedne divizije u drugu ) gde ce igre biti maximum balansirane, sa nedeljnim/mesechnim nagradama.
  10. Ne shvatash da ovo nema veze sa MM.. Tebi je glavni cilj, da izadjesh iz Bronzanog skilla i prebacish se na Platinum i Diamond, gde nema veze da li su rusi ili ne, jer je to totalno druga igra kada si odvojen od debila i igrash sa ljudima koji zele da igraju pravu dotu ... To je poenta Inhouse lige.
  11. Gore je kada se josh nisi separatisao od pojedinih debila, koji su doshli da unishte sve... Zato postoje divizije pa kada se razradi i kada svako bude predodredjen za svoju vrstu skill-a, onda ce samim tim i igre biti mnogo bolje. Inache sve se radi na forumu n-gage. http://www.n-gage.tv/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=12
  12. Napravljen je sada i warning za cancel kada se nadje game, tako da ce biti bolje nadam se. Ima tu josh mnogo toga da se radi, sada kada nailazite na bugove, molim vas da prijavite na forum, da bih otklonili shto je brze moguce. Hvala
  13. Sve je josh u beta fazi, tako da svaki bug koji primetite ( naravno prvo pravila morate prochitati ) reportujete na forum http://www.n-gage.tv/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=16 i to se brzo ispravi.
  14. Samo napred momci i shirite ves shto je vishe moguce... Kada budem video da je system barem 70-80% balanced, tada se ubacuje win prize na kraju svakog meseca. Nakon toga dolaze nedeljni online turniri sa money pool-om. Takodje radim na Matchmaking system za : CS:GO HoN WoT LoL Smite Dawngate i ostale poznate naslove... Share i samo share ... Tnx za support.
  15. U ovoj kombinaciji su trenutno ako se secate dota-league.com (11.11.11) i dotalicious-gaming.com, tako da sam spojio 2in1 i da napravim balanced system za Dota 2 MM...Opshirnije imate na n-gage forumu. Hvala na supportu.
  16. Hey guys, A lot of requests had been made from the Dota 2 Community, that we need something different then the frustrating Valve MM, that we need something like what dota-league was in the old days back in Dota 1. Pushed by this wish we spent nights and days to create such a system which can be accepted by the community. But we were not just creating this on our own, no, we collected opinions through our closed beta events: We made 3 closed beta-events overall: 1 was official, where everybody could sign in, with 60 people participating, 2 were unofficial with 20 people each. Through your support and effort we could create something which will revolutionize the Dota 2 Matchmaking as we know it today. Now - when we finally launch the open beta - our work is still not finished, it is still possible that bugs you can encounter bugs. So please, when you find any bugs, don't hesitate to contact us through our forums or directly through skype. We wanted to build up a community not just with high quality games, but also with a mannered atmosphere and - what's probably the most important point - a competitive mindset. We aligned the complete league-system in that direction and now we want to present to you the next level of Dota 2 Matchmaking: The Matchmaking We have 6 leagues (Qualifying(ap), Bronze(+rd, sd, ar), Silver(+cm), Gold, Platinum, Diamond) for matchmaking, each of them has 5 sub-leagues (except Qualifying and Diamond), to provide balanced games. You can queue single or dual with a friend, stacking is not possible. Your Dotabuff-Rating determines on which league you start, but don't worry, even if you start in the qualifying-league, (once you reach bronze you can't fall back into qualifying) you just have to play some more games to get on equal status. We provide games for every region there is. And you only play with people which are in your region to prevent a bad ping. It is still a ladder system, therefore there will be a top 10 on the start-page of the current best ladder-players. Fight yourself to the top to play against the best Dota 2 players out there! The Statistics You can result right away, but you can as well upload the replay, earn extra points, store all statistics on the game scoreboard and your own profile. You will see all stats such as kills, deaths, assists, first bloods, double kills, etc. As well as graphs can be found on the profile page of every user. You will be able to track your progress on the ladder, your win/lose rating, as well as lasthits per game, kills, deaths, assists and much more. We wanted to give you a place where you can improve yourself daily. With built in graphs, you will be able to track your progress in every segment of DotA2. The Rating You receive a limited amount of up- and downvotes per week, you can give these votes to players you played with. If you receive a special amount of downvotes, you get banned for a few days the first time, the next time longer, if you are banned 7 times overall, you are banned from the league forever. However, if you think bans or even downvotes are inequitable, we always offer you to write your case in our forums and a proper member of the staff will be assigned to it. You need 300 wins in pubs (activated on your dotabuff) to play in our league, if you have less, you cannot join. That means who is banned from the league, has to play these 300 wins again... on another account. Therefore multiaccounting is almost impossible. The Events In addition to the ladder we implemented a way to compete with each other in a very organized way: Daily events and Tournaments built in our page, all you have to do is sign up and things will start rolling. You get mixed up with 4 other people in which participated in the tournament and from this point you are in one team until the tournament ends. You will get brackets and play these against teams which got shuffled together like you did. Certain prizes await you on each win of a tournament, as well as honor of glory for the winner and shame and disappointment for the losers in the face of the community. Choose what you will be! These are 3 basic features, much more will await you once you signed in through steam at our page. And this was still not it, we prepared some additional features for our launch which will be (depending on the progression of the open beta) released after the TI3. These are Races, Ladder-Prizes, Team-Queue, an Inhouse-League and much more to come! And now guys, what are you waiting for, go tohttp://n-gage.tv and sign in! Regards FearSC GL HF!
  17. Hi there guys, can i pay for ya ? :D
  18. Chisto da se zna, DAT AJM BEK IN D STRIM !!! :D
  19. Mozesh ti slobodno i srpski da prichash,ja samo postujem radi laksheg sporazumevanja na ostalim forumima.. :D Setio sam se da i kon das ima par dobrih kao shto je Klan RuR,tako da ono :D Ovo nije vid nikakve reklame ( ovo je kao da se postuje stranica ka facebooku,samo shto je za gamere) Znachi Social gaming network. Mozete da osvojite vredne nagrate,gaming gear,majice,misheve,tastature,igrice,ps3 i xbox game codes itd... Ovo je samo napravljeno da bi mogao ti da odvojish svoje prave prijatelje sa face-a na Duxter gde su samo gameri ...
  20. =========================================================== Im doing Dota 2 giveaway,Random Steam Games,Diablo 3 Guest Passes, WoW guest passes and so on... =========================================================== To participate in Daily Giveaway u need to follow next rules: Register at : Duxter gaming Follow me on Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/fearsc Subscribe on YT : http://www.youtube.com/user/FearSC1 Subscribe on MovieMaker YT : http://www.youtube.com/user/XSrki Join My SteamGroup : FearscLiveStream P.S. Duxter Register is a must,or u wont win a game . ========================================================= Aditional info : Hello there guys I'm FearSC, Some may reconize me, and some may not, anyways I'm a dota player that's Searching for a competitive clan, Everyday I'm doing a giveaway For my lovley viewers!, So feel free To follow my live stream and please subscribe to me on youtube for future Videos . Allso join my Steam Group so u'll know when im streaming. The more followers and viewers i got the more games u'll get. First giveaway is at 50 viewers Random Steam Game or Dota 2. Im allso gonna announce winners on Twitch,SteamGroup,REDDIT and on YouTube.. More followers and subscribers,more games u'll get . I got lots of Dota 2 keys/gifts, so EVERYDAY is a GIVEAWAY Tnx for support guys . Much Love FearSC My REDDIT page where im posting winners. http://redd.it/rtwl1 Dota 2 trailer for upcoming videos: From now on Working with XSrdjan check this out: ========================================================= Tnx for support guys.For more information,plz visit my twitch. Best Regards FearSC
  21. Hi there guys,i would like to share with u one site that supports gamers like u.On this site u can win gaming gear,t-shirts,games,hats and lots more. Site is right now in CLOSED BETA so dont mind them in some of the options doesnt work. They allso support PS3/Xbox gamers and their networks. When they come official,u can link all your accounts with them and when u play games u open achievements.If u dont want anything of above,u can simply cash your prize via PayPal or any other method. U r tired to have personal friends and gamer friends on same social network like FB and Twitter ? ? Separate them via Duxter and hold your friends on Professional Gaming Community and play games with them. Plz add me there as a friend ofc under the name FearSC. Welcome to Duxter
  22. Hi there guys im FearSC,some1 of u knows me,some1 not. Im a Dota player whos searching right now for competitive clans.Everyday im doing GIVEAWAY so feel free to follow my LIVE STREAM and plz subscribe on YouTube for future videos. Allso join my Steam Group so u'll know when im streaming.The more followers and viewers i got the more games u'll get. First giveaway is at 50 viewers on chat/steam group. Im allso gonna announce winners on Twitch,SteamGroup,REDDIT and on YouTube.. More followers and subscribers,more games u'll get . Soon im gonna get some dote 2 keys and gonna be huge giveaway. Tnx for support guys . Love FearSC Follow me on TWITCH. Subscribe on YouTube. Join my SteamGroup. 3 simple steps. Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/FearSC1 Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/FearSC Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/FearSC Old Steam Giveaway Topic : http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=2618935 SteamGiveAway : http://forums.steampowered.com/forum...wthread&f=1189 SteamGroup : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FearscLiveStream StreamDota2 : http://www.StreamDota2.com Extension for StreamDota2 Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...odbkolcanpdekc TeamLiquid : http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/FearSC Extemsiom for TeamLiquid Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...ibgfd?hl=en-US Skype : FearSC1 ================================== WINNERS 1st : Joaquin95uru old topic http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=2604759'>http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=2604759 2nd : Jordan94jb old topic http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=2604759'>http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=2604759 3rd : pepenzie pic: 4th : Filipejavlis pic: 5th : Yuly7 pic : http://imgur.com/jsB4P 6th : KyuuLoL pic : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/okip.png/ 7th : Vamonoso pic : http://imgur.com/lfjzB 8th : Kittenlolipop pic : 9th : Archdragon pic : http://imgur.com/bUaT0 10th : Betahuman pic : 11th : Chrisko93 pic : 12th : Darkslayer 551 http://www.dodaj.rs/f/1G/y9/1n8wCAby/dokaz.png 13th : Auhgust 14th : Flowerer 15th : Revangelis pic : http://imgur.com/SG7qz 16th : Bizelaras 17th : DotaProNightStalker pic : 18th : Zankeeee 19th : Withoutnam3 20th : Empalasa pic : 21th : Amel L 22th : Ban_Joe http://imgur.com/ETH6O 23rd : Theravensname pic : 24th : Joκκ3rino
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