Upravo sam na tomi hardveru naleteo na interesantno shtivo: http://www.tomshardware.com/game/20050713/index.html.
Ovi automobili ne samo da mogu da idu sami nego imaju i AI koji ih kontrolishe nezavisno od choveka. Naravno sve je pochelo od US Army experimenata. Najvishe mi se svideo ovaj pasus:
"While there should be no misconception that the ultimate goal of DARPA is to turn autonomous vehicles into killing machines, other more noble goals are possible. Senior citizens who are too old to drive themselves could be transported by robotic cars. Mr. Schoenmeyr says, "The problem with our Social Security is not money. It doesn't matter if you have tons of money, but you can't even go to the store and buy groceries. Robots are the answer to giving people the services they need.""