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  1. http://www.twitch.tv/drg_gaming cod:ghosts multiplayer :)
  2. Prodajem wow acc na njemu 2x90lvl hunter i warlock oko 3k achi pointsa hunter - 2153 2v2, 2033 3v3. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Rel%C3%ADever/advanced warlock - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/Reliever/advanced cena 2000 din
  3. Hahahha Pilav nije iz Smedereva :) Znam ga licno
  4. Pozz! Trazim partnere za arenu sa domacih prostora . Inace ja sam hunter na outlandu( alijansa ) mada sada moze da se igra cross realm tako da to nije ni bitno. Na hunteru 2v2 xp 2150 3v3 2033( kfc prosle sezone jbg ). Inace prodao sam stari account i tamo sam imao duelist warriora 2200+ i dk-a 2200+. btag : Reliever#2814
  5. Udjes u wow i tamo biras kolko se ja secam.
  6. Kupio sam ja, bot radi extra :). Sve brzo i korektno odradjeno.
  7. Jebote 4 meseca RaF-a sam puko... A uplatio 12og LOL
  8. Blizzard Store: Heart of the Aspects Mount now available The Heart of the Aspects is now available for 25 USD on the US store and 20 EUR on the EU store. Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment When attacking from the air, it's best to advance from the angle of the sun so as to blind your foes… Or just ride a luminous dragon that glows like a thousand suns. Either way, you're good. The Heart of the Aspects flying mount will travel as fast as your riding skill will take you and, once purchased, applies to all present and future characters on a single North American World of Warcraft license. 20 evra do sad najbolji mount po mom ukusu... uzimam definitivno
  9. Platio bih u goldima 30000.U pitanju je http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sylvanas/cryomancerr/simple ima full pvp gear , 3 cataclysmic moze jos jedan kad capujem :P.Uglavnom sam na skype : dragan.kovrlija , mozete me /w i PM ovde.
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