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Everything posted by badnick
sven ne moze da kida sam,iz prostog razloga:svako normalan ce pobeci od njega kad upali ulti(za 2 sec stana udari 2-3puta). a druga je prica kad je tu magna ili enigma:)
dajte neku vecu sliku evoa x(za walp).Ivane znam da imas,daaaj:)
meni sad nista nije jasno:)dva puta si zavrsavao poslovnu?:)
skartovi to je jedan fenomen.kome god ne uspe masinska,on upise bps cisto da ima nesto zavrseno:)(iako nemaju veze jedna sa drugom)
visa poslovna jeste kaubojska(kao i vecina tih visih).ali,kao i na skoro svakom drugom fakultetu ti moses da naucis dosta stvari.pitanje je da li ti oces da imas zavrsenu visu,ili da naucis nesto.ovo prvo ti nece biti tesko ako iole redovno ides na predavanja.predavanja nisu obavezna ali se tu da saznati dosta stvari(sta treba da se uci,koje knjige kurci-palci).naravno da ce ti biti malo teze u pocetku,jer o osnovi ekonomije predpostavljam nemas pojma eh sad ako neces da ides na predavanja,vuk ti je na 100 metara:)boze moj sto se tice upisa to ces proci ako nisi debil:)nhf ali ako se raspitas sta treba da se uci za prijemni(ukupno 300 strana)i to ne polozis onda faks i nije za tebe posle zavrsene 3.godine imas opciju da upises ekonomski fakultet i da krenes od 3. godine,ili da se zaposlis http://www.bpsu.co.sr/ -andergraund studentski sajt:)
opa,biza omrstio brk:)srecno bre
realno ako to ne uvalis ajsu,neces nikome ovde.ajsa boli patka ako rikne,kupice novi ,BOLJI!!!11
brate hvala,ali granzorta sam snimao na kasetama imam ih brda:) nisam se dobro izrazio,to su neka super haj tek vozila ne dzidza bidze,ne secam se ni ja bre:D
ju gledo sam danas cibs na mtvu.neki micovan ima figurice svih likova iz simsonovih.....juujuj,ne pitam kolko kosta ocu to:) stocereci maho dobra slika:)a i sat je profi:)
kako je hapoel izdivljo protiv rome u trecoj...juju.a ona roma kao usla u formu,ahah pa to je najsmesniji tim ikada.jebote onaj pesic je lud,ne znam sta radi,ali ceo tim nije mogao da sastavi pas da ne izgubi loptu a kamoli neku smislenu akciju da naprave.plej prenese preko polovine i onda kao gleda ko ce da se otvori,svakog boli rac naravno i onda kao neki solo prodori.a nije da je tim tolko los svaka cast hemofarmu.a i zvezdi je i 1/4finala uspeh
oh jeaaa nije aca komentarisao:)mi iz hepiii realno,lampard se nije video na terenu...sa druge strane...recicu samo da smo uzivo gledali stvaranja istorije.svaki ovaj potez ronaldinja ce se vrteti i vrteti,vise nego teri,karvaljo i lampard zajedno:) sudjenje cu sasvim objektivno(?) preskociti,ali i po igri i svemu nezasluzenih 1:1
jos cudnije je sto se nadal oporavio skoro od povrede,a pri tom mu i ne idu nesto brze podloge. gotivim ja da gledam rozea(ne znam ko ne gotivi),al me smorilo bre non stop njega,postade covek sumaher tenisa:)tako da go nadal go! ono ,navijam za bagdatisa,santora i nadala:)
windowblinds4 za peticu je trajal 60dana,mada ima i krek verovatno.
ahahaha evo je u nekoj emisiji na metropolisu."za druge se navija,a za partizan se voli"je upravo izjavila nuff said:)
ovaj khm...ne znam kako bih vam ovo saopstio,ali ovaj topic se ne zove kladionica:)
Da li postoje ili gde su nestale?
badnick replied to -=ExExE=-'s topic in Rastibudjilizovane klejbezable
bah ne znam bas da li je vuk kriv za sve.sad drzi monopol,jer se vise ne isplate igraone od 10 kompova.a dole su svi umrezeni tako da... al ono jest,kako su se pozatvarale lokalne igraone svi se sjatili tamo. eh kad se setim da sam izbrojo u centru u radijusu od kilometar nekih 25 igraona:)nicale su ko pecurke jebote...jos brze se zatvarale:( -
dovlagsi znam da znas,opleti jednom nadica-ferari ,za moju dusu!
zoves se miki,poznat kao majk furas samo patike,ribok ili najk?
ergh skino sam jednu(prvu pilot) epizodu i odgledo,stajaznam kul je.samo me izbagovolo ono "nesto"sto ih juri,jel sf serija ili sta?posto sf ne gotivim uopste,a mrzi me sad da skidam sve pa da se smorim:)
sta je ovo,neka pucacina iz pticije perspektive?ovaj shot sa bacachem plamena me podseca na load i reload:) ako imas brz net,overi ovo http://www.torrentz.com/torrent_339817.html valjda je to to edit* jeste to je ta igra,radi,izasla jos u novembru(barem tada je torrent postavljen).procitaj ovde komentare,samo trebas krek da skines,postavio neki mica link http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/461647/ sad odaj tajnu odakle si skinuo zvezdanog serifa?:)
sta je ovo,neka pucacina iz pticije perspektive?ovaj shot sa bacachem plamena me podseca na load i reload:) ako imas brz net,overi ovo http://www.torrentz.com/torrent_339817.html valjda je to to
konacno neko ko uopste pomislja na to da barsa ne prodje:) mislim nije da navijam sad da ispadne barsa,ali jebaga,nije barsa nepobediva,a daleko od toga da celsi ne moze da ih dobije. bas mi je smor za oba tima navijam od kada pratim premijer i primera ligu,al ono red je da se barsa ove godine okusa u 1/4finala:)
The Beatles -taxman jeaaa evo lud sam skacem po gajbi kolko me odusevio ovaj shuffle:)a taman sam ih zaboravijoo.iskljucujem shuffle ide opus od 66' pa nadalje...jeeee ajm a teksmeeen
ne znam ja gledam activ topics,tako da mi je sve jedno:) ludacris feat snoop-hoes in my room » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Hey! Thank all yall for comin' out tonight It was a beautiful night tonight and The Shizznit Where pimpin' and dead, these hoes just scared Thanks Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, all the players fomr the LBC It was a beautiful night tonight Oh, look at these fools, Ay! Security! Come get these niggaz! [Verse 1 - Luda (Snoop)] Fresh off the streets, just finished a show in Long Beach Ready to relax, kick up my feet Maybe smoke a blunt or two, that's what I wanna do Broke out and called up the homeboy Snoop (What happenin' nephew?) Oh, nothin' just called, lookin' for some women that can fondle my balls (Well you hit the right dogg, I can help you with that Gimme 15 minutes, and I'll hit you rite back) Off to the hotel, I was ready indeed Slapped the button in the 'llac to control the speed Put one up in the air, the cops just stared Waved my hands out the roof like I just ain't care Got to the tele and I slid thru the door On to the elevator, hit the penthouse floor And what would happen next only time could tell Cuz I got up to my room, and I was mad as hell (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Damn!) [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (These hoes) Who let these hoes in my room? Who let these hoes in my room? (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (These hoes) Who let these hoes in my room? [Verse 2 - Luda] Now it was five B.A.P hoes and they look like trash But one was midget, so we'll just say four and a half I was stuck speechless, couldn't believe my eyes What'd I do to deserve this unpleasant surprise? And I was thinkin' to myself, "This is just my luck" Then my nigga bust in like "What the fuck!?" (Oh shit it's Snoop!) [snoop (Luda)] Who in the hell let them booger bears out they cell (Not me) And what they doin' in ya' room? Nigga make 'em bail (Yeah) Got some fine bitches, dime bitches on they way (Okay) And told security, "Let 'em in, with no delay" (Ha Ha!) So when they get here, they'll probably be like half naked Don't mean to trip out, but bitch yall got to dip out (Dip Out!) Catch the elevator on more floor Presidential with the slidin' key for the door (Oh No!) What the fuck goin' on? Shit, all around the world Luda, then its the same song Them bitches was so ugly, I told 'em to go home [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (Man who let these hoes in my room?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Oh no!) (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Well who let 'em in then?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Get out!) [Verse 3 - Luda (Snoop)] Now, these chicks wouldn't leave, they was ready to clown One was 5'6 and weighed three hundred pounds (No she didn't come thru with a thong on She did for the hell of it, big fat whale of it) You can't seperate me, Ima seperate you Bitch ya' pussy smell like Pepe Le Pew (You filthy, nasty, sick in the head Sittin' in my dressin room with dick on ya' bread) She said "I want you to climb in this underwear, silly" But I was turned off by her tupper-ware titties (Fake bitches, break bitches, make bitches Kick rocks, when they fucked up in they face Tick-tock, you gots to get up out my space Hey Ludacris let's get the fuck up out this place, let's bounce) Then it got to my head, and somethin' reminded me I know who let 'em in, it was Bill O'Reilly (Faggot) (Ya' white bread, chicken-shit nigga!) [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (Who let these hoes in my room?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (I need to know, who let these hoes in?) Who let these hoes in my room? [snoop, Talking] Ay, ay yall gotta go Yall gotta get the fuck up outta here, ugly ass bitches I dont understand how these bitches always get in my dressin' room You know what I'm sayin'? Soon as I get off stage, it's 7 or 8 ugly ass bitches posyed up in my dressin room And security act like they dont know who did it I know you feel what I'm sayin', I'm my nigga around the whole world We need to form a society or somethin' Fat, gorilla, monkey mouth bitches cant get in our mothafuckin' dressin room or backstage And if they do, we kindly put our foot up their asses And re-direct them bitches to security dressin' room, you dig? Sick of these ugly ass bitches bein' my dressin' room cuo pre neki dan kad je neko drustvo dolazilo na gajbu.znaci bio ukljucen shuffle sa svim pesmama koje imam i oni ulaze a ide ova pesma:) zbog ove pesme mozda i zgotivim uvek ogavnog mi snupa:)