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Everything posted by komaaa

  1. NOVA ZEMSKA NA FORUMU!? *after pictures*
  2. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has died at age 56, Apple says
  3. dodjem na pricajte tipa rebel smara kadar nevera
  4. los nije savic, moze da bude igrac tipa odlican
  5. moraju balkanci da budu najveci retardi, cudo mu dzeko nije lupio cvrgu
  6. specijalno za tebrinja gruju
  7. cime su oni njih kljukali pa im je odjednom proradio mozak
  8. Manchester City as the club unveil extensive plans to develop a world-class first-team and youth training. The facility will include an academy for 400 players, 16 football pitches, state-of-the-art first-team training and injury rehabilitation facilities, a 7,000-capacity stadium and staff offices.
  9. Wenger is on the phone to Torres right now, asking if he can teach his back four to miss the goal like that.
  10. komaaa

    Tenis 2011

    NOLE TERMI.. oh wait
  11. komaaa

    Tenis 2011

    nadalova riba je bolja od djokoviceve
  12. transformers 3 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1399103/ prihvatam cinjenicu da je ovo tipican holivudski spektakl i da ne moze svaki film te vrste da bude the dark knight, ali kako mogu onako da useru kraj to mi nikako nece biti jasno, losiji kraj filma skoro nisam video a i gde nalaze one glavne glumice? i ona megan i ova rozi imaju veze sa glumom kao dule sa bezalkoholnim tecnostima, mada dao bih im kucu i imanje
  13. komaaa

    Transferi 2011

    "...this has been the order of the day ever since the Glazer family bought United in 2005 in a £790 million leveraged buy-out that loaded debt onto the club. They paid £250 million themselves, but borrowed the remaining £540 million from banks and hedge funds. Before the men from Florida arrived, Manchester United was a thriving business, free of debt, with plenty of cash to invest, but the Glazers have effectively mortgaged the club to the hilt."
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