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The X
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Everything posted by Nonet

  1. Evo ovako, frozenov mi account na esl.eu, ne znam zasto....Ne igram dugo pa ni ne znam kako da se obratim da vidim oko cega i tako.A ovde ima sigurno nekog koji to zna... Link Acca: http://www.esl.eu/eu/change_password/success#/eu/player/4222962/ Vidite i sami da pise: This player account is frozen and can not generate any 1on1 matches (challenge) or be generated (be challenged/Auto-challenger). Open 1on1 and 2on2 matches may be played, the player may however not compete in any other team matches. See below for details on the freeze. I malo spusite dole, pod lock pise: Suspected Multiaccount Please contact the support due to Multiaccount-suspicion Ako neko zna nesto dajte da vidim kako sta, posto ne verujem da sam zasluzio ban...
  2. Bravo momci svaka cast, srecno i danas :)
  3. f0rest - pistoleer zonic - camper GeT_RiGhT - sprayer esenin - tac leader RobbaN - first frager Nadam se da esenin nece da usere :)
  4. Kupujem gore navedenu podlogu... Ponude na pm... Ili uz zamenu za Goliathus Alpha Speed Edition plus ako treba neka nadoknada :)
  5. Ovo je pocelo od prilike pre nedelju dana, trenutno imam 2000 poena, vi ?
  6. Oslonicu se na ceo Na`Vi sutra....... esenin - tac leader starix - sprayer markeloff - sniper edward - camper Zeus - pistoler Btw, zeus pistoler , edward- camper ili zeus camper , edward-pistoler?
  7. Vidis jordane, enemy treba newbie, nista drugo nije dobro :DD Mene f0rest unistio iako je on sabio..........
  8. http://www.hltv.org/news/6264-wgf-2011-top-players
  9. Nikada nisam gledao kako igra, nisam ni znao sta da stavim, pa sam po ceni mislio da je bas los :D
  10. carn - tl f0rest - first fragger markeloff - sniper xizt - sprayer enemy - newbie
  11. Ljudi, ja mislim da je otkljucan market izmeduj PRVE i DRUGE grupe tj prva 2 DANA, tako da bolje da uzmete igrace koji igraj prvi dan i onda u pauzi da promenite :)
  12. Pa oni igraju u prvoj grupi, al izmedju grupa(dana) je otkljucan market ili gresim...
  13. You better set pick your Dreamteam for the IEM5 World Championship with great caution, if you want to get your hands on one of the three prize-packs provided by SteelSeries. The first big boom of the year is just around the corner, the IEM5 World Championship will without a doubt bring us a lot of excitement and entertainment. For the event, we will once again feature our popular Dreamteam game. The market will close before the first match on March 1 and re-open before the matches on March 2, it will continue like this, so at the end of every day the market will re-open. This means that you can buy and sell players before the final day of the event. Please note that the Dreamteam game is requiring us to process the server data, which at times might take time to gather and could possibly delay the process. Also in the event of delays at the tournament, the times will change depending on the amount of delay. Wondering who you should pick for your team? Check the groups in our coverage section, find it by clicking here. Now to the more important announcement, at least to the majority of you, what prizes will be up for grabs. SteelSeries have this time thrown in three prize-packs, each counting four products. This means that the top three will be awarded with prizes, but check out the prizes below and you will surely understand and most likely go bananas. Go ahead and make your Dreamteam for the IEM5 World Championship by clicking here and tell your friends so you can create your private league and compete for who gets to taunt each other. Best of luck to everyone! Strasne nagrade...
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