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The X
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Everything posted by siphon

  1. ali najzesci je kraj "vidimo se za mesec dana" xaxaxaxaxa
  2. pa u tome i jeste fazon ja ne znam kad sam bio hakovan a ne znam kako je taj neko mogao znati password od maila i sq/answer to mi je malo nelogicno.I pride tome acc mi je sad supenzovan i ne mogu da uplatim zatu cu pisati blizzu samo koji je njih mail za to?
  3. Pre dva meseca sam odlucio da napravim pauzu sa wowom jerbo mi je pretplata taman isticala,a i smorio sam se jako.Nisam uopste proveravao mail/password etc i juce kad sam pokusao da udjem na account menagment da uplatim game card skapirao sam da mi je password promenjen.Vracam pw pomocu SQ i otvaram i email i tamo mi ima nekoliko mailova od blizzarda i primetim da je vec dva puta(tokom moje pauze) pw bio vracan preko SQ,i ima mail da mi je account suspendovan(ali taj mail mi jakoo smrdi).Znaci siguran sam da ja jedini znam email pw i SQ/answer.Igram wow vise od 3godine,klikcem na sve i svasta,nikad problema sa hakovanjem nisam imao.Ako je neko imao slicne probleme,ako neko moze da mi pomogne oko ovoga bio bi extra zahvalan. elem ovo je taj mail da mi je acc suspenovan: Greetings, Account Name: xxxxx This account has now been suspended following an incident of unauthorized access. This is a temporary suspension which prevents anyone else from accessing your account and is taken to protect you from the further loss of characters or items, while we investigate and take any actions needed. Due to the nature of World of Warcraft, it is not possible to restore a character or account from a ‘backup’ and as a result, our investigation needs to be detailed and thorough. We have reason to believe that your account has been compromised using a Key Logger or Trojan virus which can be used to obtain the account name and password of World of Warcraft accounts used on that computer. Please follow the steps outlined in the following forum post on how to clean infected systems: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?t...42401&sid=1 Consider purchasing a Blizzard Authenticator and attaching it to this account: http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221003132 Make sure that you change your email account and World of Warcraft passwords AFTER you have found the infection and removed it. Doing so before cleaning your system will mean your new password may have been sent to the malicious third party once more. Please note that Key Loggers and Trojan viruses send information about your passwords to other people and should be considered a serious threat to the integrity of your system. These details are not limited to World of Warcraft; keyloggers routinely steal online banking information where possible and any other personal details they can find. If steps are not taken to remove any possible programs from your computer, it is highly probable that your account will become compromised once more. Once you have taken these steps please change the password you are using for your World of Warcraft account and your registered email address, as it is highly likely that if your computer was infected with a password stealing virus or Trojan, that this password has also been stolen. When you have taken the above measures to secure your computer, please use the webform to give us the following information at the address: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/webform.xml?lan=en CD key: original WoW game CD-key (we cannot accept the Burning Crusade nor the WOTLK key for verification) Account name: the account name you are using. Name: the full name that the account was created with Your secret question and answer The Following Statement: I have now checked the security of my computer, ensuring it is free of any viruses or key loggers and can confirm all appropriate precautions have been taken. If you need a reminder of your account's secret question, please do the following: - Go to http://www.wow-europe.com/login-support/ - Press Click here on the page that appears. - Provide your account name, and click continue. You will now be asked your secret question. If you cannot remember these details, or have lost or misplaced your CD key, we will also require: - A fax, scan or digital image of nationally recognized photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport cards, library cards etc, as these are unsuitable for our needs). This can be attached to the webform, or sent by fax with the account name, and your email address to 00 33 130 679 012 (with a Header Sheet marked for the attention of the Account Administration Team) Thank you for your patience and understanding with regard to this matter. Please do not reply to this email as you will receive an automated response. Regards, English Game Master Team Blizzard Entertainment Europe
  4. "sta mislis ako umre onaj tvoj crngelje" hahahahahahahahah
  5. da sam bio toliki fan da bi mu isao na koncert i da sad imam kartu kod sebe zadrzao bih je 100%
  6. realno,covek je objasnio u jednoj prosto prosirenoj recenici.
  7. ovako nesto nikad ne bi drzao za kucnog ljubimca a lol za hammer :D
  8. otp kolko ce im pasti cena?
  9. jbg,nije da sam ga gotivio,ali rip zasluzio je to atleast.
  10. boze,boze koji pure phail.al kontam da reklama ima 20+ dina,pa i nije zameriti.
  12. steta sto nije wireless,ali opet zanimljivo je.
  13. Pesma je 100% upravu.Lik da se vatio lopate i metle umesto droge i grafita mozda bi nesto i postigao,ovako se nije mogao ni nadati boljem/duzem zivotu.
  14. siphon


    kupi igru simple as that
  15. jbt koji svrsh od filma :) ko ce docekati novembar da izadje ovo cudo elem sinoc sam gledao neki film sudnji dan,kontam da je film stariji malo al mi se jako svideo, i da nisam mogao naci trailer :(
  16. ne,u grad vise ne treba izlaziti ;(
  17. siphon


    aaaaaaa svrsh...
  18. default UI je nesto najbolje kako za pvp tako i za pve.
  19. Stari,dobri xp:) mada planiram da u skorije vreme predjem na 7cu,nabavio sam neku betu build 70xx
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