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Everything posted by Grotar2
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ8-ly-vQO0 Pocetkom 2015 izlazi prvo modul za igru, bice 20 vs 20 Space Marines vs CSM, a vidi se iz snimka kako ce izgledati, a puna igra bi trebala 2016 da izadje. -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A6ffb1Snbk&feature=share To je odavde inace sestog i sedmog decembra na playstation experiencu ce biti dosta novog gameplaya.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vQDbfnBf70&list=UU-S7xonqgsyX5DyjI83uIQg Izgleda dobro ali ima da se ceka do kraja 2016.....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-xvCg8CI9U Evo ga i snimak bez laga.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gGLE3USB2U Remek delo neka samo rade oni ako treba i do 2018, nema necega ovako slicnog ni u najavi :D
Megaserver ali mislim da je 32 igraca maks u jednoj ''zoni'' tako da ce i ovde postojati instancovanje ako sam dobro skapirao, To mi bas nesto i odbija od Elita izgleda super ogroman univerzum ali mi se cela igra nekako totalno praznom cini a malo i monotonom. Lokacije su kao da si copy paste uradio tezak. To je i logicno donekele s obzirom da idu na procedural generated svemir ali mogli bi malo vise raznovrsnosti da ubace. Isto na twitchu kada gledam lete ljudi po sat vremena ne vide zivu dusu osim ako ne sretnu nekoga blizu stanice a i tada cesto bude samo npc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPKSM5EI3Yw Vise ovde
World of Warships - slobodna diskusija
Grotar2 replied to Hegedis's topic in World of Tanks - World of Warships - Project CW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA0xmoCglTQ Nema borbi samo snimak brodova. -
FedPoro Twitch Streamerka iz Novog Sada
Grotar2 replied to salejemaster's topic in League of Legends
Bas sam gledao stream sada na Twitchu, svaka joj cast neverovatno pozitivna osoba A jbt kakvih degena ima na twitch chatu pa to je strasno, sta sve pisu...... -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx8kQ4s5hCY Hijaooo alo ovo dobro izgleda :D
Pocela je backer beta.
Ovo izgleda mnogo dobro, nisu losi braca Rusi, samo da ne bude P2W valjda ce ih Obsidian spreciti Grafika, animacije, graficki stil, skilovi, menjanje klasa u letu, GOD form, prijatno me iznenadila igra :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEHVvrlO_ks Inace rade likovi koji su radili zadnji Might and Magic X, tako da nije u losim rukama igra i imace editor od starta :) - The next faction vote will be : Dungeon vs. Inferno - There will be 6 factions at launch and the 2 factions that will lose the votes won't come as DLC - There will be 7 creatures in a player's army. The player will have to choose between the 2 champions of his faction - Townscreens will be 2D. Every building will be seen on them - No more city conversions - No more global recruitment. Caravans will be back - Ballista, Healing Tent and Catapult are back (no mention of the Ammo Cart though) - Skillwheel is back ! - There will be 7 campaigns of 4-6 maps each: one per faction and a final one. You can do the "final" campaign anytime you finished one campaign, but the less campaigns you've completed, the harder to complete it will be - There will be 7 ressources : no sulfur, mercury or gems though - The current UI is a prototype - There will be more interaction with map objects - The game uses the Unreal Engine 3 - A map-editor will be shipped with the game - The marketplace is back - Objects on the adventure map which you can interact with, can be highlighted with a button press - Some of the creatures from the 2 factions we elect will also be voted for by the community. - 6 schools of magic - A lot more obstacles on the battle maps - The two faction which lose the elections won't come as DLC at the games release. (Nothing is said about a later date) - We will be able to destroy and repair some map objects like bridges (Possibly campaign only, isn't stated clearly ) - Flanking attacks are mentioned, though it is very unclear what the author of the article meant with it. (Probably mechanic from heroes online or wrong wording from the author?) - you have to register your game in Uplay once, after that you can play it offline - the sector control system with its forts as in H6 will return although there will be some changes to the system - permanent changes to the adventure map will be possible (they mention an avalanche from a mountain that can block a path and they mention destroying a statue in the underworld to drain a sea in the world above which then results in a new explorable area where the sea was before) - there will be a new flanking system for the battle system, attacks from the side and from behind will do more damage to a creature - spells are no longer permanently learned as skills as in H6, you have to buy them in a town or find them on the adventure map (it's not worded that clear in the article but to my understanding they simply return to the old spellsystem)
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAlOe8fUoG0 -
MMORPG General News Thread
Grotar2 replied to StrajkMozga's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
Mislim da bi i Black Desert i Eternal Crusade trebali da budu na Gamescomu a to su vec zanimljive igre :) -
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
Pa kako su rekli bice Tyranida i u open worldu i napadace uglavnom frakciju koja je najjaca u datom trenutku, e sada to nije bas jednostavno uraditi i svaka im cast ako uspeju :) Ima i kratka prica koja opsiju borbu Space Marinaca i Tiranida :D -
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
PvP na fazon Planetside, samo sto nece biti 3 frakcije vec 4 na pocetku pa ce ubaciti posle jos tipa Tau, Imperial Guard i ostale..... Imace i nesto malo PvE elemenata, postojace random generated dungeoni gde ce biti borba protiv Tyranida (koji su AI controlled frakcija) ali je 95% igre fokusirano na pvp. -
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
Bio je stream na twitchu traje sat vremena, pokazano dosta novih stvari, izgleda daleko bolje od ranije prikazanog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPm3DoXgwF4 -
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
Grotar2 replied to Grotar2's topic in MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
Krenuli su juce u pradoju Founder packovi. Najjeftiniji je 40 $ i uz njega se dobija 40,000 poena za kupovinu u rogue traderu Igrace imati modularni release plan kao i Star Citizen tako da ce se dobijati i pristup tim modulima. FAQ Objavljene su i osnovne klase koje ce biti dostupne po izlasku igre Takojde tu je i gomila novih gameplay snimaka kao sto se vidi teska pre alfa/alfa je u pitanju ali izgleda obecavajuce Inace full release je najavljen za kraj 2015. -
Nova Crytekova igra, zapravo rade je likovi iz ex-Vigila koji su raili na Darksidersima. Igra je F2P co-op, maksimum je 4 igraca. Slobodni ste da naprvite svog lika i da ga podesite kako vam odgovara Na kraju svake misije je boss ali pre njega svi objektivi ce biti random generisani. Dosta lepo izgleda, jedino moraju malo da porade na melee borbi. Posebno mi se respawn mehanika svidja kada pogine lik http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilxdDovzO1g
Super izgleda, raduje me sto nisu rekli da je PS 4 ekskluziva samo da ce imati ''console debut'' na PS4. Mogli bi da se udostoje pa da najave i za druge platforme.....