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Everything posted by Grotar2

  1. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «K-1 onako... ocekivao sam vise KO ali nisu bile lose borbe. Hari lako prosao Samedova; Schilt razbio Ghitu; Musashi me prijatno iznenadio ali ipak je JLB bio prejak za njega; Karaev bio dosta dobar mrtvi Maeda je samo bezao prve dve runde; Overeem dosta ubedljivo dobio Ersta...... Nego evo parova za Final 8 ( 5. dec ) Hari - Karev Schilt - JLB Zimerman - Bonjasky Overeem - Teixeira
  2. Grotar2

    Witcher 2

    Ma bice super, sigurno nece izbaciti dok ne ispeglaju skroz igru, kad sam odgledao clip uzasno me podsetio na Gothic 2 ( zamak s paladinima i zmajevi )
  3. 26. septembar Video najava
  4. Izvinjavam se onaj prvi raspored sto sam stavio nije bio tacan evo ga pravi LAST16 Badr Hari vs Zabit Samedov Remy Bonjasky vs Melvin Manhoef Peter Aerts vs Alistair Overeem Jerome Le Banner vs Musashi Ruslan Karaev vs Kyotaro Errol Zimmerman vs Glaube Feitosa Ewerton Teixeira vs Singh Jaideep Sem Schilt vs Daniel Ghita Iskreno ovaj mi se vise svidja :)
  5. UFC 102 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Super borba randy i nog, ocekivao sam da ce brze to da zavrsi nog, svaka cast koturu svasta je izdrzao.
  6. Ode Fedor u Strikeforce, vise bih voleo da je otisao u UFC, barem ce se ovde boriti sa Overeemom :)
  7. http://cedara2.mybrute.com
  8. Koje pranje http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/682217/drago...ight_61209.html :) Ostavlja bez daha....
  9. Danas je UFC 99 zanimljive borbe, posebno Cro-cop vs Al-Turk.
  10. Skida se sad razor verzija, jel ima crack? aj pojasni instalaciju vidim da igras ^^
  11. Izgleda super jos mozes lepo i kameru da namestis :)
  12. Pa zato i kontam da nece biti necroa bas zbog witch doctora, graficki dizajn witch doctora je fail naspram onog od necroa iz D2, barem po mom misljenju :)
  13. Lunatic izgleda super :) Ne mogu idalje da prezalim sto u trojci nece biti necroa :(((((((
  14. Jel ste reloaded verziju skinuli?
  15. Ma daj cela ta prica o zavisnosti je totalna glupost u Srbija ima gomila narkomana. alkoholicara a oni se tu uhvatili za igrice neki novinar naso da se pravi tu pametan kao..... U svakom slucaju ne moze nigde da prodje....
  16. Zasto Kole oblaci crno odelo??? » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Zato sto ide na Sensation white
  17. Strasno koliko sporo ide ovaj blizz downloader,,,,,,, [:(!]
  18. Stize BR 2 :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topic...51&sid=3000
  19. Mozda je glupo pitanje ali noob sam sto se ovoga tice pa ajde da pitam, dobio sam nedavno adsl od telekoma i forwardovao sam port jer je bio zatvroen, e sad ortak mi kaze da su mu za to naplatili kaznu (500evra) iz telekoma, sere ili to stvatno ne treba raditi?
  20. Od svih onih timera i hype sve sto smo dobili je jedan veliki -------------> .i. <------------------------------
  21. Grotar2

    nwn 1

    Davno sam igrao sa ortakom u igraoni i to u lanu 100%
  22. Evo za sta je bio prvi timer As many of you may have noticed, the first and larger of the two timers has been removed from our site. As many of you had correctly surmised - it was in fact counting down to the expected release of StarCraft Legacy's resurrection. Due to unforseen circumstances we were unable to bring you the long awaited revamped StarCraft Legacy. For the past several months there has in fact been a core team of dedicated gamers who has tirelessly iterated an entire new SC:L expierence for you. The engineering and building of the next evolution of our site has had its fair share of set-backs and we were excited and proud to have been bringing you the final fruits of our labors. As I sat this afternoon working furiously to produce the product we have long awaited and promised; I too, as many of you, watched the timer countdown. I was ultimately forced to make the call - release SC:L Alpha as it was, unfinished and unworthy, just to say we finished on-time - or to bow my head, ask your forgiveness and refuse to comprise. Make no mistake - we will deliver on all that was promised. There is no excuse, no reason to have built up the hype to an anti-climactic head and not deliver. And for that we apologize. To all of the SC:L fans whether you joined 11 years ago, or just last week - we hope that you understand, have faith, and lend us your infinite patience. No one is more disappointed than I - from the day I took over SC:L more than five years ago I have worked towards a new site - a new vision for an old legacy. And when this site, this new vision, is completely ready and meets the quality standards that you have come to expect from the SC:L staff - we will launch it and hope you - our reason for existence - approve. Thank you, Mislim da to nigde nije receno bar ne na Blizzardovim forumima. A ovaj drugi timer je ili za BR 2 ili za prvi april mrtvi Blizzard a bas sam se nadao beti iserem im se u carapu
  23. Grotar2

    SP 2010

    Sad odemo u Juznu Afriku i proseremo se ko u Nemackoj
  24. Pa jeste mlad ali poslednja 4 meca je izgubio i to 3/4 KO proslavio se onim sjajnim mecom protiv Le Banera ali posle toga nista nije pokazao, Aerst ga je bas bio sabio u prvoj rundi...... ali videcemo sutra :D
  25. http://www.sc2legacy.com/ ovde nesto otkucava iskreno se nadam da je timer za betu ili batlle report 2, mada su sanse minimalne
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