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slika 5 novi rur mobil? :D
DayZ: Standalone [News/Updates/Fixes]
Coyote replied to Coyote's topic in Survival - DayZ, Rust, ARK, H1Z1...
Aj sto ne znas da igras, nego si poceo i da mi hijackujes teme :D -
Slucajno bacih oko, kad ono Pudge Wars, el probao neko slucajno? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK97XUfdq1w
sad procitah i ja.. totalni smor :(( RIP
Da nije bilo Gavre ne bih imao pride dva killa :D Kontam da je tu tehniku kampovanja uzeo od nekog decka iz partija ;)))) Inace lik mi i jeste female, geju jedan :O
A jbg :D a fora je bila da kada sam ugledao telo, delovao je kao naslonjen na zid kod onih stepenica u klavir kuci, kao da je vec ubijen lezi naslonjen, kad ono "You are dead." :D Nisam se iznervirao za divno cudo :D Razmatram da te prisvojim za licnog cuvara ledja, posle one sinocne akcije xD Kasnije sam ubio jos jednog lika koji ti je lootovao telo, a drugi mi je promakao :( tvoje telo je ostalo da grli onaj zbun tamo narednih sat vremena xD
Day Z standalone - slobodna diskusija
Coyote replied to Ste's topic in Survival - DayZ, Rust, ARK, H1Z1...
to se zna po tome sto ima onaj kevlar vest valjda, crni jedan koji vise ne moze da se lutuje, ali oni ga opet imaju, kontam da imaju neki exploit cheat da izvlace iteme ili sta vec :D -
Day Z standalone - slobodna diskusija
Coyote replied to Ste's topic in Survival - DayZ, Rust, ARK, H1Z1...
kada emka obicno ima jedan stak municije sa 0 i jos nekim znakovima, odnoso kao sto smo mi sinoc nasli jedan stak municije sa 772 metka, splitali smo 10 minuta :D po tome znas da su citeri koristili tu pusku, i ono sa tri-cetiri vesta, sto stavljaju u backpack ili gde god stignu, kao treba ti vise vremena da ih ubijes, ali dzaba glava ostaje cista, :D -
Ne smem da vam kazem koliko sam ih ubio u 10 minuta :D Dobro ajde reci cu vam kad ste zapeli, 4 full girovana lika sa emkama i kalasima (sve hedare) najjaci mi bio lik koga sam promasio 3 puta sa 5 metara koji trci naokolo i ne izvaljuje da sam iza njega kod zida, i na kraju kada me skapirao popio je hedaru xD on je pao unazad, a kalas je samo ispao iz ruku dobra animacija bi.. Uglavnom posle ta cetiri lika padose jos dva kasnije.. Za mene predobro vece! @cyB, i na kraju da krenem da se izlogujem istrcavam iz radionice, bacim pogled ka klavir kuci, vidim lika koji nisani u mene, zastanem da opalim (nisan naravno leprsa naokolo) i dobijem famoznu sliku (mislim da cu je metnuti za wallpaper) you are dead. Na kraju sam otisao hepi off.. :D
dajte duletu da sklopi neku slagalicu :D
ste videli kad ja igram, partija traje max 10 min i pobedimo :D
Zanimljivi GIFovi #1 (supported by Dule_smor)
Coyote replied to LepYbre's topic in FAJLOVI - slike, video, audio...
dps (driverpack solutions) isto moze da ti pomogne, bar u nazivima ako nista drugo, a na njihovom sajtu mozes da iskoristis hardware id's (kao sto je vudu predlozio) pa da probas tako da nadjes drajvere ja sa torenta imam skinut dps13 pa ako on nema, bar mi napise koji drajver fali :D pa ga potrazim po imenu na kraju
nvm. nisu isti socketi hvala revz xD
Zanimljivi GIFovi #1 (supported by Dule_smor)
Coyote replied to LepYbre's topic in FAJLOVI - slike, video, audio...
Laki s obzirom da su pored vode i ima oznaka SS, znaci da missuje mid lane! A onaj X preko puta neko markira na mapi da se paze odande :D (too much dota? :()
bar se igram napolju! :D
usvojite me :D
E ja ovo igram aktivno, ako neko hoce sa mnom neka se javi :)
stroki i ja nastavljamo da dominiramo, samo sam to hteo da napisem, eto... :D
Meni su Air Penny 3 (koje dolaze u velikom spektru kombinacija boja) isto dojaja pored Foamposite.. Trenutno imam Adizero Rose, koje su mislim najugodnije patike za basket koje sam ikada imao/probao. :D
DayZ: Standalone [News/Updates/Fixes]
Coyote replied to Coyote's topic in Survival - DayZ, Rust, ARK, H1Z1...
Change Log - 0.47.124641 30 JULY Note: This update features many new features and their initial implementations. We will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. Note: Change log pending contributions from engine/programming team. Known issues: Player can in rare circumstances enter a state in which they cannot attack and must relog Character may temporarily enter a frozen state when throwing (resolved a few seconds) Melee targeting is off in some situations Players can in some circumstances experience slight desync with server Dynamic server events are temporarily disabled Backpacks rearrange after reconnection Players restrained while unconscious remained restrained until reconnection (after awaking) Persistent items & storage are disabled server side pending hot fix to stable branch New: Actions: cans can be opened with SKS bayonet and sickle Actions: added playerDrinkCan action to config Actions: added Melee class to SurvivorBase Animations: New default aimed animations with rifle Animations: Player now can walk while surrender Animations: Transitions for surrender/restrained player Animations: Crouched zombie animation set Animations: Reload for CZ527 Animations: Hand poses added for matchbox, Injection Vial, Hacksaw Animations: Drinking from can Character: New female face models Character: New male face models Engine: Ragdoll support for Zombies & Players Engine: Initial implementation of navmesh for zombie pathfinding Items: Boonie hat fishing hook storage Items: Chemlights Items: AK101 Items: CR 527 Items: Makarov Items PM 73 RAK Items: Medium Civilian Tent Items: Paramedic clothes (jacket and pants) Items: Military Boots now store knives Items: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added Items: Untied Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added Recipes : Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo as a bandage Recipes: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandanas can be untied and tied to mask Server: Persistent item support (disabled for this update) Server: Simulation changes to support increased server performance Server: Persistent storage support (disabled for this update) World: Turovo village added Fixed: Actions: Player is not able to fill a ruined canteen from well. Actions: When player opens ruined canned food there is low amount of food left. Actions: Player is not able to pour water from a ruined canteen. Actions: Player can no long empty magazine attached to a weapon Actions: No access to catch rain action during ongoing action Actions: Fishing actions displayed while using different items than rod Actions: Added missing part to improvised bag/backpack crafting messages in action menu Actions: Zucchini can be force fed Actions: Added new drink from well animation to blue well Actions: Unable to use actions while swimming or while on ladder Actions: Player can take Makarov into hands straight from ground Actions: Player can take PM73 RAK into hands straight from ground Actions: Removing item on which consume action was called, not item which was swapped to hands during consume action Animals: Visual improvement of cow, rabbit and wildboar Animations: Gestures related bugs fixed (Facepalm, Cut throat, Silence) Animations: Crouch moves with bow Animations: Prone moves with pistol Animations: Fixed multiple issues with vaulting Animations: Zucchini handheld position Animations: SoundEdge(footstep sounds) set correctly for kneel run with rifle Animations: Face-palm doesn't make the player stand up from prone anymore Animations: Sitting tweaked(changing weapons keeps player in kneel, instead of making them stand....) Items: Dimmed fireplace light so it not interfere with HDR Items: tweaked shotguns dispersions and recoils Items: tweaked pistols dispersions Items: tweaked rifles, carbines and SMGs dispersions Items: tweaked attachments (optics, buttstocks, handguards, compensators, bipod) dispersions Items: Wooden sticks can be held in hands Items: CR527 shadow glitch fixed Items: set chemlight to last 60 minutes Items: lowered light intensity for chemlights and flare Items: removed buttstock as default spawned attachment for MP5 Item: Binoculars size reduced Items: added other chemlight color material variants Modifiers: removed vomit message from blinded modifier Recipes: You can paint cz572 black, green and camo Recipes: Player can't tear clothing into rags while there are things in it Recipes: Ruined cans opening tweaked -
ja sam oduvek vise preferirao air penny (foamposite model npr) patike (Penny Hardaway) :D
mare kripovi se ne racunaju kao kilovi :(