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The X
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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. ahahahaha :D bratori to keva igra jbg :D to su njene igre dole, moje su na drugom mestu ;)
  2. Version 0.1.39 -------------- General: - Added PSR and clan information to the in-game player stats screen - Changed requirements for Remake vote to pass * It now requires the total number of players minus 2 to vote yes. If less than 4 people are voting, it requires * If more than 4 people are voting, (total players - 2) votes are required to pass. If more than 2 people are voting, (total players - 1) votes required. Otherwise, 100% required to pass. - Restricted game data not relevant to a players' team * This will prevent map hacks from working in HoN - Fixed several effects showing up through the fog of war - Updated Portuguese translation New heroes: - Wretched Hag, based on DOTA's Akasha, the Queen of Pain - Succubus, based on DOTA's Bane Elemental General Gameplay: - Added team-based skills, Demonic Fortification for Hellbourne and Fortification of Sol for Legion * These skills are accessed by clicking on any team structure then clicking on the corresponding button in the info pane in the lower right of the screen * These skills share a global cool down time. Anyone on the team may activate them, but then they go into cool down for everyone * When used, these skills apply +9999 armor to all allied structures Arachna: - Slightly increased visual size of the Spiderling - Fixed a bug causing Spider Sting to not hit stealth units if they go stealth before the projectile hits them Behemoth: - Fixed some issues with fissure not impacting properly on higher level terrain or impacting units standing near the behemoth Magmus: - Added more detailed cast effects to Eruption and modified the animation. It should now be clearer when Magmus starts this skill Pebbles: - Reworked Chuck, it should now deal its damage consistently - Units affected by Chuck will now take double the damage from Stalagmites - Chuck will no longer be greyed out when no valid units are nearby to throw - Reworked Stalagmites to properly delay based on distance - Stalagmites now has a 600 base cast range, to match its DOTA counter-part * Enlarge still increases the range of this skill by 50/100/150, making the maximum range now 750, from 700 Pestilence: - Fixed a bug causing Swarm to not hit stealth units if they go stealth before the projectile hits them Swiftblade: - Swift Slashes will no longer hit siege units or gadgets Bug fixes: - Fixed a missing icon for Kongor's Cheese
  3. 1875 sam sinoc platio znaci: 2x 2100 + 1200 + 1875.. ili 1850 nisam siguran
  4. I to je to? Koliki je uticaj na konacnu cenu kad izadje full ?
  5. Dakle, ukoliko se Preorderuje igra, sta to sve znaci? Video sam da vam se ne brise nalog vec ostaje kako jeste, i slicno.. E sada mene intresuje, da li to znaci da kada izadje full igra da cemo je imati kupljenu ili treba da se da jos kesa? Pretplata? Kako su oni to zamislili.. ae slusam :D
  6. Skadi je keva, ali je mnogo skup :(
  7. daj link da svi skinemo istu verziju WOGa i da pikamo, mada sam ja najmanje igrao WOG :(
  8. Bila bi fora da na zenskim majcama pise "Sve smo iste" a ne "su" :D
  9. Stakuje, nema orb efekat, ja sam juce uradio Dominator i Hack i Slash
  10. Upravo to.. sada ne bih imao 1519 ! od onih 1732 :(
  11. 30$ "Preorder" ? Kek, dobijes opcije viska samo.. Jako glup balans u igri, znaci igrao sam sa Lycanom, imao bruka iteme, medjutim to nije bilo dovoljno da se 1 na 1 dobije Void sa Hack & Slash :(
  12. Version 0.1.38 -------------- - Fix client stall when reconnecting to the chat server ingame - Full Games filter on the game list - Fix games getting stuck in the lobby phase with 0 players and no host - Misc interface improvements Kek ?
  14. Neo :( jos uvek si ljut jer sam te ostavio zbog drugog ;))
  15. Sve sto treba to je da naprave sisem da i pojedinci u izgubljenom timu mogu da napreduju, hocu da kazem, da pojedini igraci iz izgubljeno tima ako su zaslzili bodove da ih i dobiju ..
  16. I da se lakse istresemo jedno na drugome :D A Dreade hahahaha legendarni smo ^_^
  17. Mozda ti je neki u steshu, elem ja sam reshio da vishe ne igram igru bez kompletnog tima, ja se unapred izvinjavam ako ne budem hteo da igram sa nekim, ali ja u zadnja 2 dana od 25 odigranih partija dobio sam samo 3 i to jedva.. I to ima da karam sa Pestilencom ^_^
  18. Magebane nema orb efekat na prvoj, ni Magmus nema na trecu koliko sam uspeo da vidim,a u doti Magina i crix imaju, ako se ne varam.. :( isto propust
  19. i manje fapuj sledeci put ;)
  20. Sad ispada da je moj topic pokrenuo Marko ? :((
  21. cali brate, bliz je meni jednom rekao da je perma ban a ne canceled ili closed, zbog toga sam rekao da ima sansi, tvoje quotovanje nekad nema smisla..
  22. http://geekofalltrades.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/conan.jpg
  23. Ja sam juce nastavio seriju poraza :(( 1650 rejting mi se smeje samo tako od 1732 rejtinga..
  24. Nije permanent Ban :D Mozda jos uvek ima sansu..
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